Everything in the world

I've decided that the most useful thing I can do today is update my blog! It probably isn't, but hey.

So, the last week and a bit:


Interview, already blogged about, was rubbish, but got it anyway! Then I went to meet Helen and Danny who I hadn't seen since their wedding so that was good to catch up with them. They went on honeymoon to Iceland and met The Zutons randomly in the street and had a chat. Then I went to CAOS and played rubbishly. I might not do the concert... But I always say that and I still do even though I'm shit. Then Mark picked me up (after I was serenaded by random drunk people going to the Bop at OP) and we went to Petar's birthday gathering in Warrington. They made me play the cello which was fun. Not. I'm rubbish! But it was nice to see him and his random Serbian friends who are all cool.


Not sure I know what I did... Let's check the diary. Nothing. Hmmm... E-mail evidence shows I did *something* as I couldn't bid on e-bay for the costume for the show... But that was Tuesday anyway... More detective work required... Bollocks. I don't know. Oh yeah!!! Mark took me out for dinner cause I got a job. I think it was as much that as it was him not wanting to cook :-) But it was very nice. I'm still confused why he picked a vegetarian restaurant when he's been trying to make me convert to meat... I made cards in the day too. 58, I think. All silver shiny stuff, Mahinda!


Signed on followed by Snapfaxes followed by going to the RNCM followed by pints of mulled wine at the market followed by MUGSS rehearsal followed by poorly stomach followed by home.


I was Liz's wife for the day! We were both unproductive at our respective homes, so went to the Lowry and did some shopping. I bought a new skirt which is ace (I wore it to the funeral and the opening night of the show, so some people have seen it) and lots of card stuff. Oops. Liz got a beautiful barginous coat and some card stuff and other things. Then I went to her house and made dinner and waved her off to work to earn bread for the family. Then I used her shower and went to Dean's housewarming party.

The party was odd. It was really nice to see Dean and Nik and Laura (who used to be in choir and I always forget they know each other) and other people I've vaguely met a few times. Had a deep and meaningful with Nik (that always happens...) and picked on Dean for flirting and he picked on me for it. Was really nice. I was quite aware that it was a "Christian Party" and some of the people weren't that open to talking to strangers. But I talked to some. Only person tried to get me to get Jesus into my life. Then I went back to Liz's and slept in her bed.


Liz came home from work about 8.30am and got in bed. Hee hee. Then we went and weighed. Liz and Paula had put on, but only a small amount so we don't count it. I somehow lost 4 pounds, but I think it was all connected with putting on the week before and times of months and stuff. You didn't need to know that. I then went home to get my phone, then to the arch to get a lift to the costume store. I like the costume store cause you can get dressed in lots of weird stuff! But I was quite behaved and only wore random hats. Then went to get my shoes from Liz's (I always leave something there, which would be fine if it wasn't always something I need that day!!!) then went to Charlotte's. Hurrah for catching up with Charlotte! There's not much to blog about it, but I want to cause it was really nice. Oh well. I want doesn't get.

I then headed off to Jimby's birthday ness. This was a bit scary as I only knew Jimby, but they were good strangers to talk to and it was all ok. Somehow I had no tea. Oh well. But we ended up in the Salisbury which I LOVE. I accidentally stole a random man's shirt and now Linden is wearing it in the show. Oops.


MUGSS, MUGSS and more MUGSS. After hangover. Word of the day was "bollocks". At one point it became "I love the Arndale market" (yes, that is one word), but shortly after went back. I then came home and my dad picked me up and we went to get Katherine from the airport. She had been in Cuba and knew nothing about Grandad. It meant missing Dan's gig, but Daddy wanted the moral support, so I went. I saw Justin from Hollyoaks walk into an automatic door that doesn't open. We then went home and I had some tea. Somehow I'd missed eating.

Monday (and Tuesday)

Got up at 6am. Ouch. Left the house at 7am. I was trying to be my mum cause she'd already gone up with Jennifer so I did the washing up and packed an in the car bag (we all had fruit and chewy bars and a flask of coffee) but failed a bit as we left on time and she usually makes us late. The journey up was quite good and we averaged 68mph, I think. My dad's car has a fancy computer thing that works it all out. Got to our rented cottage in Carnoustie about 11.30 with plenty time to get changed and get to Gran's to follow the funeral car.

Not sure what to say about the funeral here. It was a beautiful service. But this being my blog I only want to write the funny bits. I almost laughed at the beginning cause I didn't realise the Minister was going to be Scottish (I know, I know, I'm blonde) and he said "tea and refreshments" in a funny way. I can try to do it if anyone requests in real life. But I didn't laugh as it turned serious soon enough. So, another funny thing that happened (was actually the day before or so) was something Gran said. Her sister died shortly after Grandad which was a bit unexpected I think. Her husband is very ill and was in hospital with multiple strokes and stuff, so he didn't know for a while either. Anyway, she phones one of their daughters and says "Sorry to hear about your mum, but I thought it was your dad that was going to die." Aargh! I love Gran.

The rest of the time was spent mostly with my cousins. It's not often we're all together, so I actually enjoyed that. It's sad that it had to be for a bad reason, but Grandad was old and very very poorly and not himself anymore. So I was happy to be sad, have the funeral and then cherish seeing the family. Not all family members had this opinion. Anyway, kids are ace. I want one. And a dog. I really need to get a house and a career and a man first!


Left early to get back to the real world. Had millions of e-mail about tickets which I had to sort before getting to the theatre and sorting costumes. I like last minute :-) The tech went on late and I got bored and went to the bar on my own. I found my cello teacher in there and a friend of Jimby's. Hurrah for knowing everyone!

That doesn't appear to be much considering it was the longest busiest day for a while. Hmmm... Oh, then I went to Tribeca and got tired and left.


Had a medical - I'm officially fit for work! Not sure that's a good thing, but probably is. Suppose I can start work soon then. I'm enjoying not getting out of bed. Then made some costumes (still last minute :-)) then went to the theatre. Hurrah for everyone looking fantabulous and Hurrah for sell out shows! I want a badge for selling out 5 shows. It's not been done since 1999 when 1 show sold out, apparently. Then we all headed over to The Bar of Scu and had much beer including the boat race. Crew are officially better than cast. Even with me in their team!

I was very confused for a long time cause Jimby, Alex the Greek, Emily, Rich and Helen appeared. This is cause they're all Joel's mates and he came to see Cass who was going so he went to say bye and they all came there. I get very confused with the wrong friends at events! But it was ace and I was drunk and loved everyone. We then went for curry at King Cobra. I didn't have curry cause I'm a good girl, but I did miss tea again. I had an apple and a banana in Scubar. This is getting a bit naughty, so I'm going to meet Mark for tea later, hopefully, so I can catch up with him and eat.

But first, Neighbours, Doctors and Diagnosis Murder call! As does pasta. And I might make a few cards. I should so nap as I only had a few hours sleep. Oh well. Ooh! I've just been phoned about my job and I'm starting next Thursday at the same time as someone else called Simon who I will be working with. Hurrah!

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