
I have done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING useful today. Crap. Have learnt a few things though. Have "read" my backlog of Make It Groovy magazine. It's ace! And I just learnt how to do links. Cool. By "read" I mean "flicked through the pages" but I did write down some card and other ideas.

Have an interview next Tuesday, so the market will have to wait till the week after. Probably good, except that that's show week, so I might be panicking... Oops.

Also learnt that I actually quite like 2 pints of lager and a packet of crisps which I never realised before... Strange. I think it's cause they're all weird and it makes me feel normal.

I am also scared of going to sleep on my own in the house. I've become such a wus recently! First fireworks, now this. I don't like it! I'm not a wus! I'll walk dodgy places on my own. I'm sure I do other brave things. Maybe. But am a big girl.

OK, going to be good and go to bed now - I've promised to get up and go to the job centre in the morning. And then go to the student market to say I want the week after.

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