I just watched Big Fish. I love it! I want to be that man, except female and thinner and not as old or dead as he is in the end. But just to know so many wonderful strange people and them like you would be ace. Except I would like my kids to know it.
Whilst watching I was doing the puzzles in Chat (but didn't get very far as I watched the film properly for a change). I did write some random things down whilst watching though. My favourite sentence is "Walking around naked does not help you warm up. It does rule though.".
I love the some text missing game.
I had decided to chicken out of the market because I don't want a stall next week. Too soon. But Diagnosis Murder isn't on, so I'm going to go and mosey now anyway.
I just got my life rated. It's not very good!
This Is My Life, Rated | |
Life: | |
Mind: | |
Body: | |
Spirit: | |
Friends/Family: | |
Love: | |
Finance: | |
Take the Rate My Life Quiz |
I got 6.8 on that rate my life thing, including a big fat 0 for the "Love" section!
I don't understand why I only got 5 for the friends and family section when I generally put all good things for that bit!!
Life: 6.5
Mind: 7.2
Body: 6.9
Spirit: 6.5
Friends/Family: 3.5
Love: 2.1
Finance: 7.1
"Friends" would rate very high, but "Family" on its own would probably rate about zero at the moment :-(
I got the same rating as Alsion on my love life . I think 69 is a good love life rating!! My life was a 7.7. Yeah. Pretty cool...
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