I'm at Liz's house!

I quite like typing on her laptop.

So, despite posting far more often than most people I still haven't said what I've been doing since Tuesday, so this is a big update...

Tuesday I went to orchestra where I was good, ish. Well, better than the week before where I was RUBBISH. But the really good girl was there and I made her lead the section. I didn't like that. I want to be in charge! But I tried to do what I'd learnt in my lesson and I think I was better. After orchestra I went to Font bar and found Mahinda, Mark, Pete and Luc and had a little bit of beer. They had more beer and had more to say about it. I think Rodney liked being in a new bar too.

Wednesday I met Mark and we went to the museum and saw the frogs. I was a bit upset cause the blue posion frogs were on holiday, and the lizards weren't chasing each other, but it was still good. Then we went to town and did useful things and then had coffee. Mark was embarrassing me cause the guy who served us was cute and had shorts on. But it was very nice catching up with Mark cause I actually haven't talked to him for a while. In the evening I went for a drink with Pete from work. He's been abadoned by everyone else who went back to London for a meeting. He said he wasn't staying out long, but the decided time of 10 passed, as did last orders. But it was good chatting all night.

Thursday I went to meet Charlotte before she went to see the lights get switched on, although I was late cause I forgot. Oops. Then I went to MUGSS and then to Harrys then to the almighty Beer Fest. MUGSS was ok - sold some tickets, but people need to buy more! Then me and Linden did karaoke - she was Kylie and I was Jason. The Beer Fest was fun! I bounced like a crazy person and did aeroplane impressions. Got told off by the bouncer lots. Oh, to explain the other post I had to have something written on my hand when I left to get back in, so they thought it would be funny to write "cum". It was. And James was kissing people to leave big red lip marks, so he kissed my cleavage cause I didn't want it to be somewhere I couldn't see. I was hyper and it was lots of fun. I stayed too late though.

Friday I signed on and then spent the day helping my dad decorate. So I really needed not to have "cum" written on my hand still. I don't think anyone noticed. My dad's best advice was probably "Don't touch the wires, you might go bang.". Although it could have been when he moved the ladder/plank contraption to reach the top of the landing and told me not to step off it. Like I'm that daft... Anyway, throughout the day I was a plumber, tiler and decorater. I'm so useful. And think I got paid. Cool. Then it was straight back to the Beer Fest. It was officially not as almighty as it should have been, due to the lack of beer and vessels. But I had my glass from the night before, and didn't really care if there was beer or not, so it was all good. I was slightly less crazy, but still had fun. I like the way I usually know people in all corners of the room. I like knowing people. But yesterday I wanted to talk to strangers. Twice this ended in groping, so I mainly only talked to one stranger about how he wanted to shag someone else.

Today I got weighed and for the first time I put on weight. Only half a pound. But I'm knida glad cause otherwise it would make no sense. I've eaten rubbish all week and drunk lots. I'm going to try to stay off beer for a week and see what happens. Then Liz, Paula and I went to Kendals for coffee. I like them both. We talk even though we all made no sense individually. Hangovers were quite bad. I had left my phone here, so that's why I am back at Liz's. We've just made erasers out of clay. I will take apicture later to show you. They are ace and it's the best present ever. Thanks Liz! Although the giant fluffy purple pencil is also very very cool.

So there you go! Now going to go home and de-ming ready for the Slugs gig and then more fun! Don't know where yet... Either Jilly's or wherever the go-karters go.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Groping, eh?


And that was after you got cum on your hand.