Out of the rut

OK, so most of you know I'm attempting to have a stall at the student market. Well, since I decided that and found out and things I made 1 card. Yes ONE. Until today. Hurrah! Today I made 79. SEVENTY NINE! And here they are:

But now it is very late and I am very tired.

The more observant of you may notice that there are only actually 74 there. There are another 5 on the sofa. A this time of night I did not dare try to stand anymore up on that table for fear of toppling.

At the same time as this I watched* Lord of the Rings (the second one that was on tv) because the boys wanted to, ate fantastic dinner cooked by Ads, watched* a thing about Robbie and watched* Erin Brokovich. I've left stuff all round the living room, but I don't care cause that means I can sit back in the same place tomorrow and make more.

*I say watched, but given that I was looking down at what I was doing, listened would probably be more accurate.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The cards look nice from here...I may have to place an order at some point!

Maybe when I finally get round to collecting our baking trays...