Last day at work

Seeing as Pete was rather amused by me typing all day I am going to do it again. :-)

I'm so hungry. And I can't stop thinking about the wondorous food Mahinda made for us all last night. Mmmm... It was ace. Other highlights of the evening were cross fire Mallet's mallet and exceedingly bad jokes. One of my new favourite phrases is "Friendship is like pissing your pants; everyone can see it, but only you can feel the warmth". Thank you Linden!

I just lost. Pants. This is because someone else at work lost something. Grrr! They're not even playing.


10.20. My pass no longer works. I can't get through doors at work. It tricked me cause it still makes the thing beep, just doesn't unlock. So I looked like a wally.

Here is a picture of people from work:

You can't see everyone very well.

11am. I'm bored of this being open now. Sorry Pete, you don't get the whole day's activities.

Stuff and things

Got bored. Came home. Am quite confused by him - I just don't like him. It's weird. I don't usually not like people. At all. But he does music tech and knows a lot about music and stuff - things that not many people notice (as far as I know - like background music changing the mood and sound effects and stuff), but is just wrong. He lives in Fallowfield cause it's got cheap drink and lots of girls (he actually told me that!!!!) and likes to go to clubs that are cheap because the music is rubbish so he has to get drunk. Anyway, he is fundamentally wrong in just about every way. Including that he's from Middlesborough.

Anyway, I amused myself on the way home by finding a new bit of park and realising that I was smiling to myself and people kept looking at me like I was doing the walk of shame. Which is ace cause I slept in my own bed on my own and got up and showered and chose to wear this. Ha. I also found these 2 signs which amused me. I'm going to attempt to put a picture in! I'm scared. And think I have also given up on MySpace blog...

Cool. I did a picture. I think. This could be the start of something ace.

So... Friday night I had a gathering. It rocked. Firstly Charlotte and Dan came, followed shortly by Adrian and Emma. Housemates Dan and Adam were both there too, ish. They kept wandering off and being boy like and rubbish. Which I suppose is the same thing. Then Pete and Rosy appeared. Dean and Micheal were next. Micheal is the only one I hadn't met before and was very lovely. He's a friend of Dean's from school, but decided to tell me he was his brother. The we played the werewolf game. At some point I decided to go outside and found Maurice! That was random. I can't remember if that was before or after Liz, Mat and Matt appeared. It turns out I can't remember a lot. Then Charlotte and Dan went cause Dan was working in the morning. Mahinda, Mark, Linden and Ed then turned up (Oh, I didn't know Ed either. I met 2 mew people in my own house. Cool.) from Tiger Lounge. It was generally a lot of fun and nice. Apparently Linden and co. turned up about 1.30. Mark and Mahinda were the last to leave about 4.30. I didn't mean to get drunk or stay up late. Oops. There was even poker playing and cello playing and stuff.

So, Saturday I fully intended to get up and get weighed. I did. I wanted to know if I got my next magic 7. But I woke up at 10.08... Not sure I could have got to town in 22 minutes, even if I was dressed and didn't smell... So I stayed in bed will 2.30pm. I'm rubbish. But then I made up for it by being extra good at shopping (I wasn't actually that good - I even got lots of impressive bruises - that's how rubbish I was. I didn't even have the power of going round fixed objects) and finding Mark a costume for the Halloween party (or else he was threatening not to go! Scandal.). Then went home and got ready. I was so amused by myeslf. I was an evil fairy. I was most amused by my stockings (once I'd acquired a gun to keep in them) as my wings were out of sight a lot, and didn't make me fly. Hmmm... It doesn't look like that picture had worked. Oh well. Yay! I tried again and it worked. I rock.

So yeah, that bring me to now, via the boring date. I'm so trying to be useful and am not being. I have put washing in though. That's probably useful.

I'm going for Goonie curry now. That's not curry made out of Goonies. That's curry made by Mahinda at Linden's house with the company of Pete and Rosy too. And Sam. I will have seen all members of the Goonies all 3 nights of this weekend. Ace!

Not remembering...

OK, so I won't get an answer in time, but I'm going to ask anyway. When is a good time to tell someone you're meeting for a date (although I don't reckon you can have a date at 2 on a Sunday) then you don't remember meeting them or what they look like? Should I let them know before I turn up? As soon as I find them? Today?


I've got loads to blog about! I've been having lots of drunken fun. Will do it later or tomorrow or something...

Talking to strangers on buses...

It appears I might have done that again last night! I have a text from a Chris asking if I'd like to go for a drink tonight. For some reason he is in my phone as Mackam. I'm confused. I blame Lolly. She seems to attract people from the north east.

Question is, is he nice? Do I want to go for a drink with him? I can't tonight - I'm having a gathering - so I might invite him to something else a different day...

Oh I’m so drunk.

At work.

And very surprised I didn’t fall off my bike on the way here.

I blame Lolly and Liam. But mostly Liam.

La la la.

There is a cute boy opposite and I really want to e-mail him to tell him I’m probably a bit drunk, rather than just looking odd. But am not brave enough. I’m rubbish. FACT.

I smell of mini cheddars and beer. Gross. And just talked to a nice man, and feel so minging. I showered! I smell nice! Except my breath. And the dodgy way I’m trying not to look drunk.

OK, so last night involved rehearsal, Harry’s, Font, Revolution and Po Na Na. Liam appeared! And so did Lolly! I miss them both. I’m ashamed to say I miss Lolly more, but then I’ve seen her most recently and more, so I don’t know who I wanted to see more.

It’s now 11.30 and I’m still drunk.

Someone threw a ball at me, and I still don’t know who. I suspect billing, but they deny all knowledge. I don’t even know which way it came cause I was on the floor* at the time and it hit my back. Grrr. I will find out (maybe) and make them pay.

It’s 12. I have a VERY sore head. Lunch is arriving at half past. I want it now.

La la la. Again. I had a biscuit. That helped.

It’s now quarter past 2. I’m trying not to be sick.

It’s now after 3 and I still feel sick. We just had a meeting and I sat on the floor and felt very dizzy. We’re going live this weekend. I don’t care. I’m so bothered about my job it’s scary. I only have Monday left though! I think I’ve managed to get through today without doing anything at all. I keep trying, but the network drops out and I forget and things. So I haven’t even done the 2 measly things that I usually do. I did go to Subway on my bike though. Sucking up to the boss then I might get a good reference!

Ooh! I’d forgotten all about this. Well, now it’s 5.30 and I can go home. Yay! Let the party begin. Although first I need to buy food and drink. I think I'm sober now.

*I was on the floor for work reasons! Although that doesn’t make it look any better… I was trying to find a plug for the hub that we needed to get an extra person on the network. We now have 9 people on 4 desks. It’s great here. It actually is. I’ve now got attractive men next to me and opposite me. :-)


My head hurts.

Non-existing 8am meetings suck. I got up early for this dagnamit! But hopefully that means I can leave at 4.30, which will help my evening A LOT. I didn’t think it through very well. Well, I did, but then ignored my decisions and got on my bike. But I have to be at UMIST at 6.30, so leaving here at 5.30 and cycling home doesn’t leave much time. So then I thought I’d cycle to MUGSS, which would be a good idea, except I intend to stay out late and don’t want to cycle home late, and I will have a LOLLY!! Yay! She rang last night and is coming tonight and staying over. I like Lolly. This is good. So there will be drinking after rehearsal (by rehearsal I mean shouting at people. I don’t *need* to shout, I just think it would make it more fun, and people might listen to me.).

I really need to repaint my nails, cause the last attempt was rubbish and is still bugging me. I don’t suppose many other people will find it that offensive though.

Ooh! I’m updating my CV. Possibly actually the most useful thing I can do at work. Although so far I’ve managed to waste 50 minutes. Oops.

Last night I went to Hardy’s and met Justin. I’ve not seen him for ages! Well, not properly, so it was good to catch up. We played pool and I accidentally had too much beer. The last pint was officially his fault as I said it’d help me sleep better and he said it’d make me wake up earlier (supposed to be a bad point) which clinched it, due to 8am meeting. Being a little tipsy I e-mailed more people that I should have done when I got home last night.


My realisations as I got to the house today were “My trousers are falling down”, followed by “I left the bathroom window open”. These provoked the reactions “Yay!” followed by “Oh shit”, then “I can’t handle my beer anymore”.

I’m currently battling with “That’s not the mouse, that’s your phone”. Along with “Stop singing out loud! Weirdo”. Although I think I can sing well today. I probably can’t. But I’m enjoying it.

Laughing out loud at yourself is NOT a good sign though. Oops.

Oh how my life sucks.

Mini Adventures

I realised last night that both my blogs suggest they are about mini adventures. I have been pretty poor about having adventures at the moment. Oops. So yesterday I decided to have more adventures. This seemed a little odd at the time, as all I’d managed all day involved a heat it up gun and some embossing powder. I’d not even managed to wash or dress. Oops. Anyway, I decided to make going to orchestra an adventure, and in a way it was, as I really didn’t want to leave the house so had to force myself. I made it an adventure by wearing my wellies and walking through the park. I probably won’t do the park bit again – it’s scary in the dark! And probably dangerous. But that’s how I decided that it was an adventure. Otherwise it would have just been getting the bus to orchestra, and what’s adventurous about that?!? So yeah, that was Tuesday’s adventure.

Orchestra was ok. There were hardly any people there, but I think I played alright. I was sat next to a girl who is really good! So that was a bit poo. I have a cello lesson soon. I think I might be looking forward to it.

Sunday I did actually go to bed about 7.30. That was quite pathetic of me! I then watched Moulin Rouge (oh how I love that film) and then couldn’t sleep. Pants. So read a bit more about Kurt Cobain. I’m about quarter of the way through his biography. I’m really enjoying it, but not sure I like how it’s written. It seems to assume too much, but maybe it’s just that I’m not American. Or that I always read when half asleep…

Monday night Dean came over for tea. I like Dean. I’ve not seen him for months! So it was really good to catch up with him. He’s now a proper maths teacher! As are lots of my friends. It’s strange, cause I don’t really like to think about my time in teaching anymore. But every time I do I can’t really work out why I left and think I’ll go back. I might look into doing that in Edinburgh. Maybe another year bumming around first… Anyway, we then went to the cinema and watched Nanny McFee, which was as cheesy as expected, but surprisingly good. Then went for a drink in the pub near the art gallery that looks like it used to be a bank and had discussions about whether the fireplace used to be a door (Dean picked on me for pointing out that we were on a raised platform and the top of the fire place was fake (which involved knocking for hollowness) and said it was like being with a boy) and whether the barrel we were sat round was actually from a Pirate ship (of course it was!).

Got up on Tuesday and felt like death (but dizzier) so stayed home. And that bring me to where I started this blog.

Today I went out for lunch as the guy opposite me is leaving (well, on holiday, but moving departments when he gets back, and I’ll have left anyway) and I now have a burnt mouth and didn’t stick to my diet. Oops.


I started writing a blog in a way to have someone to talk at. I needed to write down what I thought, cause thoughts in my head are not really a good idea. But now so many people read it, I can’t actually write down what makes me happy and sad each day. This doesn’t mean I want people to stop reading it – I’m not sure that would ever work anyway – I just noticed that today. I’ve got nowhere to vent my thoughts and I need to. There isn’t anyone close enough to me to know me.

Anyway, that’s a bit sad isn’t it?!? So I’m going to stick to writing what happened instead.

Last night I went to bed after 3 and SO could not sleep. Too much caffeine I think. I got up at 11 and reckon I had about 4 hours sleep. Grump. Went to the Metropolitan for Laura’s birthday. I really like Laura, but never contact her and try to meet up or anything. Maybe I should.

I knew quite a few people there, but for undisclosed reasons (probably through little sleep and therefore grumping and not wanting to offend people I know) talked to strangers all day. It was lovely. They were really nice. I know a lot about them now though! They weren’t shy, especially after beer. I also played with baby Charlotte a lot – even got her to go to sleep on me. It was nice. It turns out I’m quite good at babies. Well, her anyway, she’s so well behaved. So that was it really. Sat around, chatted, grumped, bounced a baby, drank diet coke. Am now exceedingly tired. Is 7.30 too early to go to bed?!? I think I might anyway.

It's a bad sign when you've used grumping as a subject already...

I’ve not had the best night ever. Which is strange, as it should have been ace. Oh well.

So, Thursday night I went to MUGSS and sorted out all the chorus into groups and told them what to wear. I had fun. Then we went to Tribecca, where I also had fun, mainly talking to John and Becky (?) and Gareth T. Thursdays confuse me. I generally talk to lots of people and it’s nice, but then I decide it’s time to go home and leave. I think they are the only group of friends who don’t do the “are you sure you can get home by yourself” thing. Which is good, cause I can get home by myself. I actually like it. But then it makes me feel like they can’t be my friends much.

Friday I skived work cause I didn’t feel ace and couldn’t be bothered. I stayed in bed, then watched something, maybe, then went to Knott bar for tea, then Rain Bar. Ooh, I watched Withnail and I. I liked it, but there isn’t really a plot so my poorly brain got confused and switched off. Knott bar was nice – it was me and Charlotte and Dan and Kathryn. We had nice food (but not great for diet!) and chatted. It was nice to see Kathryn, cause I’m rubbish and usually when I see her I don’t talk to her. I’m sure I give off the impression that I don’t like her, but this is not true. I don’t know how I manage it. Oops.

We then headed to Rain bar for Miranda’s birthday. She cannot be 30. FACT. Anyway, she is, apparently, and it was nice. A bit odd, cause Charlotte, Dan and Kathryn appeared tired, so just sat. I was tired if I sat, so kept trying to mingle, but didn’t know many people. Katherine turned up and Housemate Dan did too. It was nice. Then I stayed at Liz’s, cause she’s ace.

We got up and got weighed. All 3 of us (me, Liz, Paula) lost weight! So we celebrated with coffee. I had water. How odd. Then mooched around town for a while and went for lunch at Oklahoma. It felt a bit like the cafĂ© I was running in Edinburgh was trying to be. Then I met Matt, an American from MUGSS, and went on a costume hunt for him. It was quite successful! He’s so much fun. He amuses me so much.

Then went home for a quick nap, which made me feel pants, then headed to the RNCM to watch Kiss Me Kate. It was very well done (although I was being exceptionally critical and grumpy at the time), but it’s not that good a show, in my opinion. Lots of the songs just seem to have the same words over and over. But still, lots of my friends were in it, and lots more were watching. I was surprised to see some of them!

Am generally in a big grump though, which is why I’m writing in my blog at 3 am. Oops. I’m going to go to sleep now though, instead of writing about it, cause I’ll just write stuff I regret. Maybe. If I still want to rant about it tomorrow then I figure it’s not a bad idea, so will do it then.

How am I still ill?!?

Yesterday all I managed was sitting on the sofa. I watched 2 more dvds after yesterday’s post: Dave Gorman’s Googlewhack Adventure and Sweet Home Alabama. The second was NOT my choice. It was picked by Housemate Dan. This amuses me a lot. He picked on my girly dvd selection (I was picking particularly girly ones cause I was feeling poo), but they weren’t that bad! I brought 6 downstairs, 2 of which can not be described as girly, 2 can and the other 2 he said were great. So there.

Anyway, Dave Gorman is fantastic and lovely and I want to be his friend. I wonder if he’ll let me go on his next adventure? Probably not. I’m a stranger. Sweet Home Alabama is rubbish, FACT, but is still ok cause the attractiveness of the main guy gets you through it. It didn’t make me cry though, and I wanted a film that did that. Oh well.

I haven’t written about anything other than facts recently, I don’t think. I suppose having an account of where I’ve been is good, in case my memory fails me. But it can’t be that interesting. And I reckon you can read all of these and not know me at all.

Oh well.

My head hurts lots and I feel very broken, so I shall shut up.

You’ve Got Mail

I’m poorly. I didn’t go to work, and felt quite cheeky, but after sleeping till 3 and not feeling any better, I don’t feel so bad anymore. And I just sneezed.

Last night I skived orchestra and went home to my parents instead. I was a good girl and took the cds I’d made along so people can listen to what we’re supposed to sound like. Got a lift from Helen with Sarah and Lucy. Linda and George and Kenneth were also there, so that’s actually most of my family. Well, 2/3 of my mum’s sisters. The other one has 4 kids and a husband though, so that’s 6 people missing and 6 visiting, but still lots of people. I remember getting 11 people round our dining table being easier than it was. Probably cause I’m used to the other 6 being there. I dunno. Anyway, I made vege chilli and my mum made meat chilli and there was also pasta bake, I think made by Jennifer, but by “made” I mean “jar of sauce put on pasta and put in the oven”. So not technically cooking. I even had to do the stirry stirry and put cheese on bit. Pah. But it was nice. We watched Neighbours, and that pas probably it. Oh, we sang happy birthday to Helen, and played it on whistles. She said it’s the most people she can remember singing for her, so next year I’m having a party for it.

I managed to bring even MORE stuff back from home. I brought a Star Wars jigsaw in a frame, with the intention of removing the jigsaw and replacing it with photos, and 2 lamps, one for the living room and one for in here, cause I always end up sitting in the dark.

Today I have achieved very little. In fact nothing. I watched You’ve Got Mail and it made me cry. You shouldn’t watch love films when you don’t have anyone!! Oops. I’m going to go watch another one now.

Fantabulous wedding ness

Fantabulous was yesterday’s word of the day. It might not hold today too. Today is more of an ill day.

So, lots to update. It’s going to be a long one! It might even involved subheadings in bold, if I can work out the technicalities. My brain is actually mush though, so this might be too tricky. I shall make it simpler with day headings.


This is going to be tricky. I can’t remember that long ago…


I spent all day at work trying to leave cause I felt Rubbish. The capital letter was supposed to signify how rubbish, kind of officially ill rubbish. But it makes it look like a person called Rubbish. This is not the case.

Anyway, I finally left about 4 after showing someone else how to do my job on Friday and Monday. I don’t really like someone else knowing how to do my job, but hey, they do now. I leave in 2 weeks anyway. So, I went home and promptly got into bed. Planned to have a small nap, do some jobs, and then go to MUGSS. This turned into have small nap, wake up, text Matt and say I’m not going to MUGSS, go back to sleep, drag myself up at 9, eat, go back to bed. Rock and Roll.


The adventure begins. Got up about 8 and did some packing. This wasn’t very successful due to my being rubbish ness. Then headed into town, failed at getting Helen and Danny any sort of present, but succeeded at finding lots of bottles of coke and a car. Woo! Quick stop at my house to shove the gathered items into my bag, then rushed off to Oxford Road station to pick up Luke. Luke is a friend of the grooms (I technically know the bride, but know them both about as well), so travelled from Blackpool to get a lift down with us. Never met him before, but thankfully he coped well with the randomness* that is me, Charlotte and Dan. He’s 21 and rather cute**.

The journey went rather smoothly (everyone needing the toilet and food at the same time, not much traffic on the motorway, etc.) until we reached our destination. It was very dark, but somehow we did find the random village of Hunsham, near Tiverton, Devon. We did not, however, find Huntsham Court (I wonder if I can put links in here? I might try later) and this resulted in us driving straight past it. We managed to find it again after about 2 ½ hours***. During this time lots of team decisions were made, so it didn’t actually feel like I was the only person doing any work. We were a true team.

Once found, the house turned out to be very impressive. I’m glad we got there. The evening’s entertainment was a ghost tour done by the groom, music done by Slugs Ate My Parents and vodka, supplied by Lolly. I got rather drunk rather quickly, as I needed a drink after that drive. Screw the diet. The drunkenness helped us name the car team “Team Bert” and hence name the car Bert. I want to put pictures in my blog.

Sleep was achieved, apparently. I think around 4.

*The random highlight of the conversation is probably deciding that Charlotte is pregnant with and self-inflating elephant.

**This resulted in snogging.

***During these hours we managed to end up in Somerset twice, got laughed at by a whole pub of locals “You’re never going to find that!” and I did a spectacular**** 7 point turn between a lorry and a sharp drop and some trees near a random gypsy trailer park in the middle of a forest.

****This turn didn’t impress me that much, and I really didn’t like doing it. But the boys seemed very impressed with me.

*****Nothing had 5 stars. But I just wanted to point out that the starring is going to get silly. So each day it’s going to go back to 1. I’m not even sure that I’m going to use them for the other days.


Got up about 10, I think, and managed to get into the bathroom second (was sharing with 3 other girls, which could have turned into an issue. I don’t take long, but I know that they all do. I’ve lived with them. Achieved some breakfast and then we (Team Bert plus Kieron) took Bert out to the supermarket (mostly to provide drink for the evening, but also to achieve lunch.). We found food then a National Trust property that provided a car park and picnic bench. Was nice.

We were going to go on a different random adventure, but we realised that we should probably go get changed for The Wedding. Went back to the house, which I can now find very easily as we know all roads in a 5 mile radius. They do look different in the light though. Got ready (which took me 5 mins, but took an hour involving painting other people’s nails and lots and lots of faffing. Bloody girls.

The ceremony was lovely. Helen looked fantastic, and Danny did too. They both looked different enough to have their personalities come through, but not weird enough that they didn’t look like they were getting married. They are fantastic. The ceremony itself was fairly short, but perfectly formed. Vows, a reading from Helen’s dad, one of the Bridesmaids and a token American, and a random old man playing the piano.

This was followed by photos (there wasn’t an official photographer, just lots of people with lots of cameras – some must be good) outside (who would have thought that the weather in October would be so great!) then a meal (inside), which was probably the only thing anyone had to moan about the whole weekend. And it was still good. Just the people serving were a bit grumpy and we didn’t get on with them. It was all ok though. Just a bit silly.
Also, it was about this time that me and Charlotte realised that we don’t like some of our friends. This isn’t strictly as mean as it sounds, but some of them get annoying when put together. And when you’re stuck at a sit down table where your name is, then it was more noticeable. Oh well. Soon there were speeches and then cake* cutting and the first dance and vodka** all interspersed with mingling.

Then it was just general party ness, including stopping 12 and 13 year old boys*** finding the Jack Daniels, playing pianos****, flirting with everything*****. The only bad thing was finding Toby had been sick in my bedroom, so me and Lolly went on a “find somewhere else to sleep” hunt, and I decided that I was sleeping in the other half of Gary’s bed******.

It was really really nice and fun. But nothing to report really, like gossip or stories or anything. Ooh, Lolly caught the bouquet (with a cat fight and everything) and Gary caught the garter, so they had to dance. Bed was found about 1.30 for me. It was a long day!

*Cake spectacularly made by Charlotte. It really was great. I don’t like fruitcake, so was a little worried that I’d have to lie, but I liked it. And it looked ace. There are pictures.

**I wasn’t a fan of the wine with the meal, or the champagne, so had really drank very little by this point. Had even drunk water due to the soreness of my throat.

***These are Danny (groom)’s dad’s boys. They are cool and look like they should be in a band.

****There were pianos everywhere!!

*****There were lots of strangers, but everyone knew that everyone was nice, so it was lovely and free flirting was not in anyway taken in the wrong light.

******He didn’t seem that chuffed, so announced he was sleeping on the sofa, but was there when I woke up, so had given in.


Sunday involved me waking up at 8am. I was very awake. This probably annoyed Gary, but he didn’t seem that annoyed and talked back at me for a while. I read a book, practiced piano, had a shower, went for a walk and all sorts before anyone else even got up. They were all hung over. I was not. I got the mission of going to Tiverton and finding charcoal, which me and Bert managed by ourselves. I was very proud of my not getting lost ness and my ease of find of charcoal, where others had failed.

Barbequing and rounders ensued, sometimes at the same time. Dan nearly managed lose his seat in the car and his girlfriend by getting me AND Charlotte out. But he was allowed back in the car as he caught my hit whilst casually sat down. We played with a random dog for a while, before I took it back to where it came from and gave it to s sheepdog. Then it rained a lot, so we* cleared up and went in to find games.

I attempted a nap, but this mostly involved being in Gary’s bed and Luke was reading on the not-big-enough-to-sleep-on sofa, so I just talked at him. Gave up on pretending to try to sleep, so we went on a tour of the house to decide where I should sleep that night, due to my room still smelling too much of sick. I decided where to sleep based on the bath I wanted to use in the morning. On the tour I also found a straw hat and a hula-hoop**.

The evenings entertainment involved vodka***, a werewolf game**** and a midnight walk*****.

This ended up being a far later night than planned due to fun being had – about 3.30. Bad idea considering that we were leaving at 7.30 the next morning. Oops. And I can’t remember what bed I decided I was sleeping in, so went in the nearest room. I made Luke come with me, cause I wasn’t sleeping somewhere odd on my own.

*By this point most people had gone home, so it was team Bert and mainly Manchester people left. Rubbish Southerners can’t hack the pace and all went home. And didn’t say bye, even though we JUST COOKED THEIR LUNCH.

**Of the child’s play variety, not the raw potato snack.

***Are you surprised?!?

****This game will be played at a future party. Possibly the one I apparently decided I was having. See Monday. It involves most people being villagers, with some werewolves that the village need to find and kill.

*****Which involved me getting in a wicker igloo and most people being scared at some point. I made sure I was at the back of the group, with the theory that if anything touched me I could actually scream as it wasn’t anyone I knew. This didn’t happen.


6.30 is not a nice time to be awake. Grrr.

Hasty packing was done, followed by a trip to Exeter airport*, then we were on the way. Breakfast was found at the first services** which ensured that I was sober and Dan wasn’t going to be sick.

Team Bert kept me company with at least one person being awake most of the time. Well, I was awake for most of it. It wasn’t as much of a team effort, considering I knew where I was going, but Team Bert were still there if I needed them. It just felt like I was the only one working. Oh well.

We got the car back to the place on time (1.30) and weren’t in trouble for anything. The guy then gave us a lift back to our respective houses and Luke to the station. Excellent work!

Nap was attempted and bath was achieved, then I went off to meet Petar. We were both very tired and a bit rubbish, but he did say he had a nice evening. We had some food at the Paramount and then went for a wander. We decided to find pool to play, but didn’t succeed. Gave in to the pub when a toilet was required. Mark*** came to meet us, and as Petar had just said that he was going to stay for the later train and see Mark for a bit, but when Mark arrived Petar said he was going for the train so we made Mark walk all the way across town and back for nothing! Hee hee. But it’s not my fault.

Petar went, so me and Mark went for a drink in the Salisbury where we talked about making people shorter and weekend activities. I made little sense, but I don’t care. I decided to walk home (and nearly got in lots of trouble for it!), but got the bus when I needed a wee. Found my friend Simon in between and it was nice. I resisted the power of Scubar due to feeling like horrible.

When at home I talked to my cousin online, so now have a lift home tonight (Woo!) and removed a spider from the wall. I was really creeped out by it for some reason. I don’t mind them usually, it was just cause it was near where my head should be, and then I lost it in my bed. Grump. But I was triumphant and it went out the bathroom window. Hurrah.

*As we didn’t find the train station in time for Lolly’s train to the airport.

**Screw the diet. Fry up.

***Or Mrak, as he might become known as. Petar spelt it wrong once, but in Serbian that means something between dark and cool (as is good, not temperature), so sounds like a good thing to be.


That brings me to now. And I’ve written a lot. I’m hard at work as you can tell. I am wearing my scarf, as I am officially ill. I will try to leave early. As usual.

ER, celloing and bags

I found a new tv channel when I got home last night – More 4. It was showing a very early ER, which was perfect to fill in the washing up/cooking/eating time I was actually in the house. And then it had Grand Designs. I like that programme too. Cause I want to build my own house. I keep redesigning my house in my head, but can never decide. I want a secret room that appears from the library when you pull out a book. And I want everything to be eco friendly and self sustainable. Not sure how to do either really. And I want a proper fireplace. There are just too many completely different styles I want for them all to happen at once.

Anyway, I had to leave the couple who were building a glass box on a hill in Spain, so I don’t know if they got what they wanted, to rush off to orchestra. It’s a good job I went! I nearly didn’t, but there was only one other cellist there. I’m not sure what he would have done on his own. Anyway, I had fun. I was rubbish, but got better and was good at some bits. I was debating not being in the concert the other day, cause I’ve been in this orchestra soooo long and I feel a bit like a sore thumb now, knowing what happened 5 years ago. I suppose it shows how good MUGSS is, cause loads of people stay in that for many many years. But I think I will be in it, cause I like one of the pieces we are doing and I want to keep playing.

I’m going to try to remember what we are playing… Tchaikovsky – Slavonic March (? I can’t remember what it’s called, but I looked up a list and this one is in Bb Major, so could be it…), Carmen Overture and something else. I’m useless at this memory thing. Anyway, the Tchaikovsky is my favourite. It’s got the Russian national anthem in it, and we get quite a bit of tune (but it’s easy and with the brass) and some plonky ponky bits and some other bits. I like it. I do not like flutes though. Or piccolos.

I’ve got a cello lesson soon. I’m quite scared. I’ve not played cello in front of anyone since about 1998 (which reminds me I should write back to the man from Gambia!). But I’m going to go. Not sure what I’m going to play. Think I’m going to ask him how I’m supposed to sit and hold my cello and bow and stuff. Cause I always feel like I’m wrong. Anyway, my dad’s paying (if he remembers that he promised!) and if I don’t like it I don’t have to have another.

Then I went back and made some progress on my bags. I think the pink one is going to be ace, but I can’t work out how to finish it. I should have thought about that earlier. Oops.

I think my wisdom teeth are coming through. Which is less worrying than what I thought – that I’d got some food or something stuck in my gum… And I’ve been sneezing all day. Grump grump grump. I was so chirpy when I got to work this morning! The Goonies can vouch to that, from the e-mail I sent them. But now I’m not. I’m going to look up new jobs now. Sod the work I should be doing.


Last night I stayed late at work, so by the time I got home and ate and stuff it was about 9. So I did some pottering about while Dan had a run, then we watched Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind while I created and Dan was being a geek and doing work. I wasn’t in the mood for that film, but got into it eventually. It probably well confused Dan, cause he hadn’t seen it and was hardly watching. So wasn’t the best choice for him either. Oh well. It is still really good though. It intrigues me, the whole messing with people’s memory and stuff. Possibly cause my memory is awful and I wonder what it would be like if you knew where you’d been and stuff. And the whole destiny/supposed to meet someone ness is strange. Is there such a thing in real life? It made me think of my first crush and what would happen if I met him again. Not that anything happened before - just if you’ll always have the same feelings for people and stuff.

Anyway, I was mostly sorting material and cutting into the right size bits to make bags. I had 2 sorted, then went upstairs to sew. Have sewed the main bit of a silver sequin bag and 2 sides of a random pink bag. I’m not convinced the pink one will work, but I’ll have a look when I get back and hopefully make it before I go out tonight. I’d like to take it to the wedding at the weekend.

This morning it was very tricky getting up. Cycling was quite good though. Didn’t have to stop for any lights, except near the end. Did stop to remove my jacket though. Realised that I was possibly flashing a bit due to how far I have to lean to reach the handlebars… Oops. But it’s getting easier to ride. I don’t have to change down gears for the hills anymore. This might be cause I started in a lower gear, but I think I’ve just found a more stable one, rather than having to change all the time. And my bum doesn’t hurt as much.

I am REALLY fed up of work though. It’s all pointless. I just can’t be arsed doing anything. Not long now till my contract ends though. So not staying on even if they ask me. I hope on of the jobs I’ve applied for comes through. I’ve not really applied for anything else yet though. I should this week. But it’s all a bit full already… Tonight is orchestra, tomorrow is un-hockey curry, Thurs is MUGSS and Friday I go away. Maybe I’ll try to sneak away early tonight and do them as well as my bags. Then on Thurs I shall sneak away too and go shopping, so that I don’t have to get up at stupid o’clock on Friday. I need to sleep so I’m good at driving. I’m a bit scared about driving, cause I don’t know what car I will be getting until I get there, and it might be strange. And I’m driving Charlotte and Dan and a random boy called Luke. I probably should get Helen and Danny a present too, as well as my dad for his birthday and something to wear. Expensive trip! But I feel cheeky not buying them a present just cause I’m paying to go. And I want new shoes.

I’m bored of reading what I’m typing now.

#Lonely This Christmas#

I had a dream that I coughed something up, and I was convinced for ages that it was a bit of lung, but it turned out to be a jellyfish that had been living in me for 18 years.

I have a cough today.

Also in the dream I read a notebook of someone from work and it said that I was fantastic.

So… Thursday night was MUGSS and afterwards we went to Baa Bar near Canal Street. It was pants. There were very few people that I knew, and everyone seemed grumpy and just stood around. I felt very old and out of place, so got the bus home. Was very grumpy when I got home, which is odd cause I’d been having fun and flirting with Spiky Ric who was drunk cause it was his birthday earlier. Just switched off and got bored.
Friday I nearly didn’t go to work, but did, just a bit late. Wasn’t that eventful, except we went on a random mission to Didsbury to get Rosli a cake as she’d been working on the project for a year. Nope, that was Thursday. Oh well.

Friday night I went to Sand Bar and it was ace!! There was Liz, Matt, Matt, Charlotte, Dan, Charlotte’s Mum, Andy, Ian, Justin, Pete, Rosy, Mahinda and Ed. I hope I didn’t miss anyone… Oh shit! My little sister, Jennifer. We all just drank and chatted and laughed. No-one did anything silly or strange, it was all just fun. Then we went to Scubar and Jennifer found someone she knew, but I kinda knew them too, and it was weird. Then she found someone else she knew, which is just too much. It’s Manchester! I should know more people! Although we were with lots of my friends. Then we went and stayed over in Liz’s spare bed.

Saturday I went and got weighed, which wasn’t that scary or strange or anything. I just stood and then Liz and Paula and the woman whooped at how much I’d lost, and I just thought that it’s just a number. Oops. I should have been more excited. Anyway, I’m not going next week, so it could all go either way. Then I had to rush off and sort out the costume store. I got help from Claire and Matt and Heather. We sorted out lots of stuff and tried on lots of random things, most of which minged.

In the evening I met Linden, her new (ish, but I’ve never met him, so very new to me) fella, Matt, Pete, Rosy, Emma, Adrian, Kate S and Doctor Kate for curry. I was naughty and ignored the diet for a day, cause I lost weight. Oops. And drank beer cause Pete said he’d give me Kudos. Then we headed off to Fab after an unfruitful point-de-cash mission, where Dan and his boys turned up. We played drinking games and stuff. It was good. I talked to strangers on the bus home and was being a good citizen and gave someone a sequin for his birthday and woke him up in Rusholme for a curry, and checked if random sleeping man had missed his stop.

Today I woke up in a big grump, then Sarah inspired me to fix my blanket box and I cheered up for a bit. I was a good girl and went to Kwik Save and bought vegetables. I’ve decided it’s my favourite supermarket cause their tins have the indented bottom bit so they stack better. I’m easily impressed! Went to Kro bar this evening to see Charlotte. I thought it’d just be us and Dan and her mum, but Kathryn and Murray and Simon and Charlie were there too. My brain wasn’t in the right mode for that, so I was a bit rubbish and only talked to Charlotte really. Sorry Kathryn! Now I’m listening to Christmas music and I should be asleep.


On the bus on the way home yesterday, I just felt like everything I do is pointless. Why am I doing it?? It’s not going to get me anywhere. I’m going to enjoy doing the show, and will learn a lot from it, but that’s not going to take up much of my time. Well, it might…

But it’s not enough to live for, surely? I need a new job. But even with a new job I’m just plodding along until I move to Edinburgh. I’m not really living for anything else. And that sucks.

Der de de doo doo, der dee dee doo doo

I have the Bill Bailey version of the Magic Roundabout theme tune stuck in my head.

Anyway, Tuesday night I went home between work and CAOS, the main reason being I couldn't take my cello to work on my bike. This could have been fixed by getting the bus, but this means paying for a bus pass and not being as healthy. But I had to go home anyway, cause my mum was coming to pick up my broken cd/radio/clock thing to take it back. My dad came too and I wasn't ready, so ended up not being happy with my orchestra outfit. Oh well. And they went in my room that I hadn't tidied after the glitter-spilling incident. But my dad said it wasn't as bad as he's seen it before, so that's ok. Phew.

They gave me a lift to Owens Park (I don't like orchestra being there! It's poo!) and I was early. So talked to some randoms and Al a bit. Being early meant I saw some choir people I've not seen for a while and got lots of squeals and hugs, which was nice. I might go back to choir. But I'd have to go straight from work and rehearse till 10... Orchestra was fun. The really good girl from last week wasn't there, so I got to sit at the front again, and it was fun. Made friends with a viola player and then went to the pub and bought a violin player (?) a drink - he looked so young, but was a third year! I thought he was a fresher!! Oops. If you find this, Ollie, don't be offended. We'll all be jealous soon.

I had a quick diet coke and headed off to Archie's birthday across the road at Sofa. I don't like it much in there, but it was ok. I thought the bouncer wasn't going to let me in with my cello for a while, but he did. I trusted a stranger (one of Kieron's housemates) at being in charge of my cello whenever I wasn't looking. He did well! I don't usually let anyone touch him, but Andy was leaning on him and I wasn't worried. Strange. Joanna forced me into a lift home, which was ace. I'll miss her birthday cause she's on holiday, but will see her at Helen's wedding, so it'll all be ok.

Yesterday I cylced to work again, then went to hockey where I was RUBBISH officially. I can have excuses - like I trapped a nerve or something at the beginning which actually made it hurt to walk, then I felt all dizzy and it got dark and made it worse - but basically I'm just not very good. I don't like it either. I never know where I'm supposed to be, where anyone else is going, never mind how actually how to hit the ball.

Then went home, ate tea and headed off to the ceilidh. It was ace! But there were far too many people in my way. Grrr. My new shoes held up well and didn't hurt at all, even after 3 hours jumping and skipping and bouncing. Yay! I do have a few bruises on my feet though from people standing on me. Looking forward to the next one already!

I've cycled in AGAIN today. Get me! I've decided I like cycling in. I don't like cycling home though. I just have to make sure I don't think about that when I'm leaving in the mornings. And if I just don't buy a bus pass that will help. Technically I can claim extra points to eat from exercise, but I’m denying that so far. I may buckle though when I really want something!


Lots of people think I am strange because I can't drink water. Well, I physically can, or that *would* be weird, it just makes me heave. And generally I drink hardly enything. Ever. It's funny cause by bestest friend, Charlotte, is the "Thirstiest Girl in the World" offficially.

So, today I cycled in and have a very sore throat, so I've had the urge to drink. I wouldn't say I'm thirsty, it feels different, I just want liquid in my throat. So I've had a whole bottle of squash. Well, as in a small coke bottle, so not that much. And now I need a wee.

I stayed in!!

Not sure when the last time that happened… That’s a bad sign. I’ve been out and drank every night since Edinburgh (except 2 where I stayed in and drank) until Sunday when I didn’t have any alcohol. So that’s 2 days I’ve not drank now. Scary.

This is partly from diet, but it’s also one big reason for going on it – I don’t have any will power to turn down drinks for any other reason! I’m so rubbish. On Saturday I worked out (with Andrew’s mathematical help (fingers)) that in the previous 7 days I’d had 72 units of alcohol. And very few of these were on a Friday or Saturday night. Oops. But 2 days without alcohol and it’s so much trickier to get up in the mornings and my throat is so sore. I wonder if it’s because alcohol kills bugs in my throat and now they are having a party.

Last night I told Chris (who I was supposed to be going one a date with) that I didn’t have time to see him. Which is true, but felt a bit cheeky cause I wasn’t actually doing anything. But I needed to stay in soooo much. And I haven’t got time to make new friends at the moment, unless they are in MUGSS probably, cause there just aren’t enough evenings in a week.

So I stayed in and made a bag. Just one though. How rubbish is that?!? But it is a great bag. It’s blue cord (part of a trouser leg) with a sequiny silver pocket and a hula girl pocket and a turquoise sequiny strap. It’s fabulous and a present for someone. Hopefully I will be more productive tonight before orchestra. But probably not cause my mum’s coming over to take my broken cd player and some vacuums away.

I also watched Gattaca, which is fantastic. I think of that film all the time. Whenever they bring out a new thing, a step towards “designer babies”. Where should we draw the line? What illnesses/defects should actually be screened for? Everyone wants to give their child the best life, surely, but being theoretically perfect doesn’t mean that you’re a good person. Fact.
Ok, I could talk about that for ages, but not really on my own. To lighten the mood – Word wants to change the word Gattaca to Gateau.


I'm experimenting with 2 blogs:

MySpace has been bugging me by being so tricky to log into. So for a while I'm using both. This may seem a bit excessive, and probably is, but I am using the power of copy paste, so isn't too time consuming. And am at work. So feel it's not that bad...

So, yesterday: I woke up in a sort of trance, and spent all day feeling like a zombie. I don't understand! What do I need?!? I didn't drink much on Sat, and had enough sleep. So why was I still like that??? Anyway, I wasn't in the mood to make bags, as I had planned to do, so I went to meet Nik who I haven't seen for ages and we had a fairly disjointed conversation, as we were both random. I think I may blame caffeine. Cause of my diet I am off alcohol as much as possible (I'm going to try to save up all my points till Thrusday after MUGSS...) but many soft drinks are lots of points too. The only thing I've found in pubs so far is diet coke. So I had lots. And it's not good. Zombie mode was shaken off by movement, so we kept going for little walks when I realised I wasn't listening or talking. These walks usually involved me pretending to be an aeroplane or skipping or other such embarrassing things.

Then I went home and watched a film with Dan and Hank (who isn't actually called Hank, but it's better that way) - Constantine. I'm not sure if I liked it. Most of the way through we weren't getting it and it was quite gross, but then at the end I think I liked it. Was worried about getting to sleep, but all was ok.

This morning I was such a good girl and got up early and made salad for lunch, but was still late for work. Grrr.

Magic Bus

Has anyone actually been on a Magic Bus and not smelt* weed?

*It that how you spell smelt? It looks weird.

New Mills to Altrincham

Friday the girl eventually noticed my skirt. This may be because I kept walking past her desk. I've decided that I'm going to be creepier. Mwah ha ha ha.

Spent lots of the day texting Squiz, who seems to read the opposite meaning into everything I say, so means we're both pissed off. Not sure what I've done wrong, but maybe one day I'll work it out.

After work I can't remember what I did for 2 hours, then Liz came and got me and then Miranda and we went to Cassie's house. She'd made chilli which was yummy. And then we watched some Eddie Izzard with lots of teddies and wine. I then stayed over at Liz's as she was going to town in the morning and I decided getting up was a good plan. So I did.

Getting up early on a Saturday and not being hungover is strange. We were in town for 10 as Liz was going to WeightWatchers with Paula. I joined too. This is a good thing, as I can feel myself getting worse, but couldn't be bothered to do anything about it. But now I have to. I got on scales and will do again next Saturday and everything.

This said, it was possibly not the best plan to do this before going to a party with food. Oh well. Being up so early meant that there weren't actually that many people in town, so I went to Lush (I got solid shampoo, soap that smells like mud and uber sparkly bath stuff) and then Fred Aldous (crafty store for shoe glue), Shoe City (need explaining? It's quite scabby and I didn't get anything), Abakhan (exciting material crafty store and I bought random material for my window and bag making) and then met Liz again, this time with Kate. They bought things from Boots (including thrush cream for Kate’s boyfriend’s armpits…) and got make up vouchers, so I left them after picking a lipstick for Liz.

I nipped into the Arndale to try to get some starts/glitter to match the ones I’ve already got from The Works, but they didn’t have them, and neither did Partners. So went to Shoe Express and bought blue sequiny shoes. Oops. Then went home and decorated some cheap shoes I bought at Primark the other day. They are now covered in purple and silver stars and glitter. They are fun.

Then went to meet Andrew Kitching in town, bought Leila some presents, then met Mahinda
and Mark and headed to Leila’s party. It was weird! But good weird, I think. It felt a bit like a wedding party, cause there were family and different groups of friends who didn’t know each other, and token kids dancing with the crap DJ. Spent all night talking to Mark who didn’t feel that comfortable not knowing anyone, sitting on the “old” table with Cattac and Sarah. Everyone seemed quite knackered and we must have looked very boring to everyone else. I don’t care. I’m not boring cause I don’t do the Macarena/Saturday Night/Time Warp with a bunch of 21 years olds I don’t know. That sounded very old and boring. Oops. But I did dance to Abba.

Made our way back to Manc and the Salisbury wouldn’t let us in. Boo hiss! So got a bus home. Found token people I know on the way back from the bus stop. Was a bit scared by people shouting my name in strange voices, but it was all ok as it was people from MUGSS (Jordan, Paul, John and New Pam (Ben)) on their way back from the “G or S” party. They all asked me the same questions at different times cause they were all drunk. Took me forever to walk home cause I was bored. Managed though, and still had the purple helium balloon attached to my bra when I got in.


Okay, so I thought I'd try Google's Blogger. It doesn't actually appear to be a Google product now I'm here, but I shall go with it for a bit... I'm getting annoyed with rubbishy MySpace, but whether I actually move all my old stuff onto here on not is yet to be seen. As if this is actually better.

Anyway, I woke up exceedingly grupmy this morning. I'm assuming that this is because I had too much sleep and I'm hoping this will go away once I've woken up, warmed up and had some food. I hope so, cause I'm sick of grumpy! And want to make stuff.

Anyway, I'm off to explore...