
I'm experimenting with 2 blogs:

MySpace has been bugging me by being so tricky to log into. So for a while I'm using both. This may seem a bit excessive, and probably is, but I am using the power of copy paste, so isn't too time consuming. And am at work. So feel it's not that bad...

So, yesterday: I woke up in a sort of trance, and spent all day feeling like a zombie. I don't understand! What do I need?!? I didn't drink much on Sat, and had enough sleep. So why was I still like that??? Anyway, I wasn't in the mood to make bags, as I had planned to do, so I went to meet Nik who I haven't seen for ages and we had a fairly disjointed conversation, as we were both random. I think I may blame caffeine. Cause of my diet I am off alcohol as much as possible (I'm going to try to save up all my points till Thrusday after MUGSS...) but many soft drinks are lots of points too. The only thing I've found in pubs so far is diet coke. So I had lots. And it's not good. Zombie mode was shaken off by movement, so we kept going for little walks when I realised I wasn't listening or talking. These walks usually involved me pretending to be an aeroplane or skipping or other such embarrassing things.

Then I went home and watched a film with Dan and Hank (who isn't actually called Hank, but it's better that way) - Constantine. I'm not sure if I liked it. Most of the way through we weren't getting it and it was quite gross, but then at the end I think I liked it. Was worried about getting to sleep, but all was ok.

This morning I was such a good girl and got up early and made salad for lunch, but was still late for work. Grrr.

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