
Last night I stayed late at work, so by the time I got home and ate and stuff it was about 9. So I did some pottering about while Dan had a run, then we watched Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind while I created and Dan was being a geek and doing work. I wasn’t in the mood for that film, but got into it eventually. It probably well confused Dan, cause he hadn’t seen it and was hardly watching. So wasn’t the best choice for him either. Oh well. It is still really good though. It intrigues me, the whole messing with people’s memory and stuff. Possibly cause my memory is awful and I wonder what it would be like if you knew where you’d been and stuff. And the whole destiny/supposed to meet someone ness is strange. Is there such a thing in real life? It made me think of my first crush and what would happen if I met him again. Not that anything happened before - just if you’ll always have the same feelings for people and stuff.

Anyway, I was mostly sorting material and cutting into the right size bits to make bags. I had 2 sorted, then went upstairs to sew. Have sewed the main bit of a silver sequin bag and 2 sides of a random pink bag. I’m not convinced the pink one will work, but I’ll have a look when I get back and hopefully make it before I go out tonight. I’d like to take it to the wedding at the weekend.

This morning it was very tricky getting up. Cycling was quite good though. Didn’t have to stop for any lights, except near the end. Did stop to remove my jacket though. Realised that I was possibly flashing a bit due to how far I have to lean to reach the handlebars… Oops. But it’s getting easier to ride. I don’t have to change down gears for the hills anymore. This might be cause I started in a lower gear, but I think I’ve just found a more stable one, rather than having to change all the time. And my bum doesn’t hurt as much.

I am REALLY fed up of work though. It’s all pointless. I just can’t be arsed doing anything. Not long now till my contract ends though. So not staying on even if they ask me. I hope on of the jobs I’ve applied for comes through. I’ve not really applied for anything else yet though. I should this week. But it’s all a bit full already… Tonight is orchestra, tomorrow is un-hockey curry, Thurs is MUGSS and Friday I go away. Maybe I’ll try to sneak away early tonight and do them as well as my bags. Then on Thurs I shall sneak away too and go shopping, so that I don’t have to get up at stupid o’clock on Friday. I need to sleep so I’m good at driving. I’m a bit scared about driving, cause I don’t know what car I will be getting until I get there, and it might be strange. And I’m driving Charlotte and Dan and a random boy called Luke. I probably should get Helen and Danny a present too, as well as my dad for his birthday and something to wear. Expensive trip! But I feel cheeky not buying them a present just cause I’m paying to go. And I want new shoes.

I’m bored of reading what I’m typing now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I quite liked Eternal Sunshine, which surprised me as I'm really not a Jim Carrey fan.

You're far too busy sewing stuff. Maybe an art and craft stall really is your calling in life?

Either that, or causing RTAs by flashing oncoming traffic ;o)