
My head hurts.

Non-existing 8am meetings suck. I got up early for this dagnamit! But hopefully that means I can leave at 4.30, which will help my evening A LOT. I didn’t think it through very well. Well, I did, but then ignored my decisions and got on my bike. But I have to be at UMIST at 6.30, so leaving here at 5.30 and cycling home doesn’t leave much time. So then I thought I’d cycle to MUGSS, which would be a good idea, except I intend to stay out late and don’t want to cycle home late, and I will have a LOLLY!! Yay! She rang last night and is coming tonight and staying over. I like Lolly. This is good. So there will be drinking after rehearsal (by rehearsal I mean shouting at people. I don’t *need* to shout, I just think it would make it more fun, and people might listen to me.).

I really need to repaint my nails, cause the last attempt was rubbish and is still bugging me. I don’t suppose many other people will find it that offensive though.

Ooh! I’m updating my CV. Possibly actually the most useful thing I can do at work. Although so far I’ve managed to waste 50 minutes. Oops.

Last night I went to Hardy’s and met Justin. I’ve not seen him for ages! Well, not properly, so it was good to catch up. We played pool and I accidentally had too much beer. The last pint was officially his fault as I said it’d help me sleep better and he said it’d make me wake up earlier (supposed to be a bad point) which clinched it, due to 8am meeting. Being a little tipsy I e-mailed more people that I should have done when I got home last night.

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