How am I still ill?!?

Yesterday all I managed was sitting on the sofa. I watched 2 more dvds after yesterday’s post: Dave Gorman’s Googlewhack Adventure and Sweet Home Alabama. The second was NOT my choice. It was picked by Housemate Dan. This amuses me a lot. He picked on my girly dvd selection (I was picking particularly girly ones cause I was feeling poo), but they weren’t that bad! I brought 6 downstairs, 2 of which can not be described as girly, 2 can and the other 2 he said were great. So there.

Anyway, Dave Gorman is fantastic and lovely and I want to be his friend. I wonder if he’ll let me go on his next adventure? Probably not. I’m a stranger. Sweet Home Alabama is rubbish, FACT, but is still ok cause the attractiveness of the main guy gets you through it. It didn’t make me cry though, and I wanted a film that did that. Oh well.

I haven’t written about anything other than facts recently, I don’t think. I suppose having an account of where I’ve been is good, in case my memory fails me. But it can’t be that interesting. And I reckon you can read all of these and not know me at all.

Oh well.

My head hurts lots and I feel very broken, so I shall shut up.

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