ER, celloing and bags

I found a new tv channel when I got home last night – More 4. It was showing a very early ER, which was perfect to fill in the washing up/cooking/eating time I was actually in the house. And then it had Grand Designs. I like that programme too. Cause I want to build my own house. I keep redesigning my house in my head, but can never decide. I want a secret room that appears from the library when you pull out a book. And I want everything to be eco friendly and self sustainable. Not sure how to do either really. And I want a proper fireplace. There are just too many completely different styles I want for them all to happen at once.

Anyway, I had to leave the couple who were building a glass box on a hill in Spain, so I don’t know if they got what they wanted, to rush off to orchestra. It’s a good job I went! I nearly didn’t, but there was only one other cellist there. I’m not sure what he would have done on his own. Anyway, I had fun. I was rubbish, but got better and was good at some bits. I was debating not being in the concert the other day, cause I’ve been in this orchestra soooo long and I feel a bit like a sore thumb now, knowing what happened 5 years ago. I suppose it shows how good MUGSS is, cause loads of people stay in that for many many years. But I think I will be in it, cause I like one of the pieces we are doing and I want to keep playing.

I’m going to try to remember what we are playing… Tchaikovsky – Slavonic March (? I can’t remember what it’s called, but I looked up a list and this one is in Bb Major, so could be it…), Carmen Overture and something else. I’m useless at this memory thing. Anyway, the Tchaikovsky is my favourite. It’s got the Russian national anthem in it, and we get quite a bit of tune (but it’s easy and with the brass) and some plonky ponky bits and some other bits. I like it. I do not like flutes though. Or piccolos.

I’ve got a cello lesson soon. I’m quite scared. I’ve not played cello in front of anyone since about 1998 (which reminds me I should write back to the man from Gambia!). But I’m going to go. Not sure what I’m going to play. Think I’m going to ask him how I’m supposed to sit and hold my cello and bow and stuff. Cause I always feel like I’m wrong. Anyway, my dad’s paying (if he remembers that he promised!) and if I don’t like it I don’t have to have another.

Then I went back and made some progress on my bags. I think the pink one is going to be ace, but I can’t work out how to finish it. I should have thought about that earlier. Oops.

I think my wisdom teeth are coming through. Which is less worrying than what I thought – that I’d got some food or something stuck in my gum… And I’ve been sneezing all day. Grump grump grump. I was so chirpy when I got to work this morning! The Goonies can vouch to that, from the e-mail I sent them. But now I’m not. I’m going to look up new jobs now. Sod the work I should be doing.

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