Der de de doo doo, der dee dee doo doo

I have the Bill Bailey version of the Magic Roundabout theme tune stuck in my head.

Anyway, Tuesday night I went home between work and CAOS, the main reason being I couldn't take my cello to work on my bike. This could have been fixed by getting the bus, but this means paying for a bus pass and not being as healthy. But I had to go home anyway, cause my mum was coming to pick up my broken cd/radio/clock thing to take it back. My dad came too and I wasn't ready, so ended up not being happy with my orchestra outfit. Oh well. And they went in my room that I hadn't tidied after the glitter-spilling incident. But my dad said it wasn't as bad as he's seen it before, so that's ok. Phew.

They gave me a lift to Owens Park (I don't like orchestra being there! It's poo!) and I was early. So talked to some randoms and Al a bit. Being early meant I saw some choir people I've not seen for a while and got lots of squeals and hugs, which was nice. I might go back to choir. But I'd have to go straight from work and rehearse till 10... Orchestra was fun. The really good girl from last week wasn't there, so I got to sit at the front again, and it was fun. Made friends with a viola player and then went to the pub and bought a violin player (?) a drink - he looked so young, but was a third year! I thought he was a fresher!! Oops. If you find this, Ollie, don't be offended. We'll all be jealous soon.

I had a quick diet coke and headed off to Archie's birthday across the road at Sofa. I don't like it much in there, but it was ok. I thought the bouncer wasn't going to let me in with my cello for a while, but he did. I trusted a stranger (one of Kieron's housemates) at being in charge of my cello whenever I wasn't looking. He did well! I don't usually let anyone touch him, but Andy was leaning on him and I wasn't worried. Strange. Joanna forced me into a lift home, which was ace. I'll miss her birthday cause she's on holiday, but will see her at Helen's wedding, so it'll all be ok.

Yesterday I cylced to work again, then went to hockey where I was RUBBISH officially. I can have excuses - like I trapped a nerve or something at the beginning which actually made it hurt to walk, then I felt all dizzy and it got dark and made it worse - but basically I'm just not very good. I don't like it either. I never know where I'm supposed to be, where anyone else is going, never mind how actually how to hit the ball.

Then went home, ate tea and headed off to the ceilidh. It was ace! But there were far too many people in my way. Grrr. My new shoes held up well and didn't hurt at all, even after 3 hours jumping and skipping and bouncing. Yay! I do have a few bruises on my feet though from people standing on me. Looking forward to the next one already!

I've cycled in AGAIN today. Get me! I've decided I like cycling in. I don't like cycling home though. I just have to make sure I don't think about that when I'm leaving in the mornings. And if I just don't buy a bus pass that will help. Technically I can claim extra points to eat from exercise, but I’m denying that so far. I may buckle though when I really want something!

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