Why am I up?!?

Ok, so I started a post on Sunday morning, and here it is:

It's 9am the morning after the show and I can't sleep. Grrr! Possibly cause DEL SNORES!!! I think this is why Roz volunteered for the floor downstairs. Carl passed out pretty much on the sofa. I want a spare room!

I love the show soooo much. I had lots of fun and want to do it again tonight. I also like stress.

Friday was ace. I woke up and had nothing to do. Actually nothing. There were loads of things I could do, but nothing I had to do, and this made me happy (not that I wasn't already under my new found happiness). Charlotte came over in the afternoon and watched me tidy. I like how we have managed to find little windows to go sit in each other's houses and watch each other do jobs. It's like when we lived together for so long. I then went to meet Mark and we had food at the Pheonix.

It's now Tuesday lunch time and I shall continue.

Did 2 shows on Friday night. For me "doing" the show involves lots of running around working until the show *actually* starts, when I then go to the bar, in general. For the first Friday show Katherine and Jennifer (my sisters) and Simon (Jennifer's boyfriend) and Will (Simon's friend) came to watch, as did Andrew, Dean, Nik, Nat (people I did teacher training with) and Simon (Nat's boyfriend). They were then sat in the bar for the second show and Roz had turned up by this point. I was then trying to talk to 3/4 different groups of people and kept getting in trouble for not giving people enough attention. But still it was very nice to see them and I like that they came. Joel (Cass's boyfriend) and Jimby and Rich and Helen came to see the second show. I probably also knew more people, but I can't really remember.

After mingling in the RNCM bar for a while we got bored and headed to the Font followed by the Salisbury where I found more normal people to drink with. I don't mean that the people are more normal, just that I drink with them more regularly, so it was more relaxed. Roz and Andrew came to sleep at my house.

For some reason me and Roz woke up at 8.30 on Sat, even though the alarm wasn't set till 9. Strange. So we went to town and Andrew headed off. Fat Club was a disaster. Shopping was not. We found Roz a whole new outfit. Then headed home to get ready, then straight out to the pub again! The Mark Addy in Salford. I don't know why, but apparently it's tradition to go there, so we did. I don't like it much. Then we went to Kro 2 and had some food before I left everyone in the pub (sob!) and went to the theatre.

There were 2 shows again, the second being almost completely full of people I know, so I do not plan to try to name them. It was so ace! Millions of people I know everywhere. We stayed in the RNCM bar till it shut, then went to King Cobra again. Yum.

Got home about 4.30, which is why waking at 8.30 is JUST ODD! Anyway, we then went for lunch at Kro (me, Roz, Del and Carl) and headed to town. Del scarpered to find a train. Me, Carl and Roz hung around the Arndale centre like scallies, except posher as we watch the woodwind quintet and drank coffee. Then Carl scarpered and a trip home for Roz's stuff resulted in her scarpering too.

I was then lonely and bored, so texted Pete and a Goonie dinner was formed! Pete cooked for Mahinda, Rosy and me. Linden and Ed turned up for a while of socialising. Then Linden, Ed and Mahinda vainished and we played a drawing game which I won (I think by cheating in the form of sitting next to Pete and influencing the scores of the others). I stayed too late and drank too much wine. Their housemate Alex kindly walked me home and didn't text when he got back as instructed. Pah.

Monday was a write off. I think 5 days of very little sleep and too much alcohol found me. I stayed on the sofa all day.

That is all for now!


Anonymous said...

The Mark Addy "tradition" has been going on since before I was in MUGSS!

It's because the Mark Addy was the first pub to do seriously huge cheese/paté lunches. It used to do a pretty decent pint too, but I hear that it doesn't, nowadays.

Anonymous said...

We were so scallies: hanging round shopping centres eating doughnuts :oD

Spare rooms are totally the way to go tho, how goes the cleaning of that cupboard?!

Alsion said...

So not room for a bed!! Haa haa. It would be funny to make someone sleep in it though.