I stayed in!!

Not sure when the last time that happened… That’s a bad sign. I’ve been out and drank every night since Edinburgh (except 2 where I stayed in and drank) until Sunday when I didn’t have any alcohol. So that’s 2 days I’ve not drank now. Scary.

This is partly from diet, but it’s also one big reason for going on it – I don’t have any will power to turn down drinks for any other reason! I’m so rubbish. On Saturday I worked out (with Andrew’s mathematical help (fingers)) that in the previous 7 days I’d had 72 units of alcohol. And very few of these were on a Friday or Saturday night. Oops. But 2 days without alcohol and it’s so much trickier to get up in the mornings and my throat is so sore. I wonder if it’s because alcohol kills bugs in my throat and now they are having a party.

Last night I told Chris (who I was supposed to be going one a date with) that I didn’t have time to see him. Which is true, but felt a bit cheeky cause I wasn’t actually doing anything. But I needed to stay in soooo much. And I haven’t got time to make new friends at the moment, unless they are in MUGSS probably, cause there just aren’t enough evenings in a week.

So I stayed in and made a bag. Just one though. How rubbish is that?!? But it is a great bag. It’s blue cord (part of a trouser leg) with a sequiny silver pocket and a hula girl pocket and a turquoise sequiny strap. It’s fabulous and a present for someone. Hopefully I will be more productive tonight before orchestra. But probably not cause my mum’s coming over to take my broken cd player and some vacuums away.

I also watched Gattaca, which is fantastic. I think of that film all the time. Whenever they bring out a new thing, a step towards “designer babies”. Where should we draw the line? What illnesses/defects should actually be screened for? Everyone wants to give their child the best life, surely, but being theoretically perfect doesn’t mean that you’re a good person. Fact.
Ok, I could talk about that for ages, but not really on my own. To lighten the mood – Word wants to change the word Gattaca to Gateau.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a strange comment. I'm not going to make any comment about Apple, Linux, etc.

My mate Josephine can't drink water. It all stems back to when she was a little girl, and went swimming somewhere off the coast of Kent. She got back on land, had a glass of water, and was ill.

It doesn't take a genius to work out that it probably wasn't the tap water that was at fault, but I think that, 20-odd years later, she still doesn't drink plain water.