It's a bad sign when you've used grumping as a subject already...

I’ve not had the best night ever. Which is strange, as it should have been ace. Oh well.

So, Thursday night I went to MUGSS and sorted out all the chorus into groups and told them what to wear. I had fun. Then we went to Tribecca, where I also had fun, mainly talking to John and Becky (?) and Gareth T. Thursdays confuse me. I generally talk to lots of people and it’s nice, but then I decide it’s time to go home and leave. I think they are the only group of friends who don’t do the “are you sure you can get home by yourself” thing. Which is good, cause I can get home by myself. I actually like it. But then it makes me feel like they can’t be my friends much.

Friday I skived work cause I didn’t feel ace and couldn’t be bothered. I stayed in bed, then watched something, maybe, then went to Knott bar for tea, then Rain Bar. Ooh, I watched Withnail and I. I liked it, but there isn’t really a plot so my poorly brain got confused and switched off. Knott bar was nice – it was me and Charlotte and Dan and Kathryn. We had nice food (but not great for diet!) and chatted. It was nice to see Kathryn, cause I’m rubbish and usually when I see her I don’t talk to her. I’m sure I give off the impression that I don’t like her, but this is not true. I don’t know how I manage it. Oops.

We then headed to Rain bar for Miranda’s birthday. She cannot be 30. FACT. Anyway, she is, apparently, and it was nice. A bit odd, cause Charlotte, Dan and Kathryn appeared tired, so just sat. I was tired if I sat, so kept trying to mingle, but didn’t know many people. Katherine turned up and Housemate Dan did too. It was nice. Then I stayed at Liz’s, cause she’s ace.

We got up and got weighed. All 3 of us (me, Liz, Paula) lost weight! So we celebrated with coffee. I had water. How odd. Then mooched around town for a while and went for lunch at Oklahoma. It felt a bit like the café I was running in Edinburgh was trying to be. Then I met Matt, an American from MUGSS, and went on a costume hunt for him. It was quite successful! He’s so much fun. He amuses me so much.

Then went home for a quick nap, which made me feel pants, then headed to the RNCM to watch Kiss Me Kate. It was very well done (although I was being exceptionally critical and grumpy at the time), but it’s not that good a show, in my opinion. Lots of the songs just seem to have the same words over and over. But still, lots of my friends were in it, and lots more were watching. I was surprised to see some of them!

Am generally in a big grump though, which is why I’m writing in my blog at 3 am. Oops. I’m going to go to sleep now though, instead of writing about it, cause I’ll just write stuff I regret. Maybe. If I still want to rant about it tomorrow then I figure it’s not a bad idea, so will do it then.


Anonymous said...

Interesting point about the MUGSS lack of "you okay to get home?" thing.

It used to happen, a lot. Certainly, I remember always walking back to Hulme Hall via Victoria's and Ruthie's, and sometimes via a few other people's places too. There were certain groups of people, usually living close together, who'd watch out for each other. And some of us made sure all the freshers could get home okay after the Wine Evening and first couple of rehearsals.

I think.

I don't like the way I can't read your post while commenting on it. Still not enough of an annoyance to make me go back to the awful pinkness of MySpace!

Alsion said...

MUGSS do check new people get home ok. And generally their friendship group. I think it's just that these people have never had cause to do it for me before, being as I was around before they arrived really, so aren't in the habit. I'm also not really someone who looks like they need looking after, at least to them on a Thursday. I'm often the only one who can tell people where we are going and where we've been...