Mini Adventures

I realised last night that both my blogs suggest they are about mini adventures. I have been pretty poor about having adventures at the moment. Oops. So yesterday I decided to have more adventures. This seemed a little odd at the time, as all I’d managed all day involved a heat it up gun and some embossing powder. I’d not even managed to wash or dress. Oops. Anyway, I decided to make going to orchestra an adventure, and in a way it was, as I really didn’t want to leave the house so had to force myself. I made it an adventure by wearing my wellies and walking through the park. I probably won’t do the park bit again – it’s scary in the dark! And probably dangerous. But that’s how I decided that it was an adventure. Otherwise it would have just been getting the bus to orchestra, and what’s adventurous about that?!? So yeah, that was Tuesday’s adventure.

Orchestra was ok. There were hardly any people there, but I think I played alright. I was sat next to a girl who is really good! So that was a bit poo. I have a cello lesson soon. I think I might be looking forward to it.

Sunday I did actually go to bed about 7.30. That was quite pathetic of me! I then watched Moulin Rouge (oh how I love that film) and then couldn’t sleep. Pants. So read a bit more about Kurt Cobain. I’m about quarter of the way through his biography. I’m really enjoying it, but not sure I like how it’s written. It seems to assume too much, but maybe it’s just that I’m not American. Or that I always read when half asleep…

Monday night Dean came over for tea. I like Dean. I’ve not seen him for months! So it was really good to catch up with him. He’s now a proper maths teacher! As are lots of my friends. It’s strange, cause I don’t really like to think about my time in teaching anymore. But every time I do I can’t really work out why I left and think I’ll go back. I might look into doing that in Edinburgh. Maybe another year bumming around first… Anyway, we then went to the cinema and watched Nanny McFee, which was as cheesy as expected, but surprisingly good. Then went for a drink in the pub near the art gallery that looks like it used to be a bank and had discussions about whether the fireplace used to be a door (Dean picked on me for pointing out that we were on a raised platform and the top of the fire place was fake (which involved knocking for hollowness) and said it was like being with a boy) and whether the barrel we were sat round was actually from a Pirate ship (of course it was!).

Got up on Tuesday and felt like death (but dizzier) so stayed home. And that bring me to where I started this blog.

Today I went out for lunch as the guy opposite me is leaving (well, on holiday, but moving departments when he gets back, and I’ll have left anyway) and I now have a burnt mouth and didn’t stick to my diet. Oops.


Anonymous said...

Going through Whitty Park in the dark* is definitely an adventure.

* Hey, that rhymes!

Personally, I prefer orbxdth. Very Scandinavian death metal.

Alsion said...

It was Platt fields. But very much appreciated your rhyme!

kpghvawq isn't good. Why do I have to do that?!? It's my blog!