New Mills to Altrincham

Friday the girl eventually noticed my skirt. This may be because I kept walking past her desk. I've decided that I'm going to be creepier. Mwah ha ha ha.

Spent lots of the day texting Squiz, who seems to read the opposite meaning into everything I say, so means we're both pissed off. Not sure what I've done wrong, but maybe one day I'll work it out.

After work I can't remember what I did for 2 hours, then Liz came and got me and then Miranda and we went to Cassie's house. She'd made chilli which was yummy. And then we watched some Eddie Izzard with lots of teddies and wine. I then stayed over at Liz's as she was going to town in the morning and I decided getting up was a good plan. So I did.

Getting up early on a Saturday and not being hungover is strange. We were in town for 10 as Liz was going to WeightWatchers with Paula. I joined too. This is a good thing, as I can feel myself getting worse, but couldn't be bothered to do anything about it. But now I have to. I got on scales and will do again next Saturday and everything.

This said, it was possibly not the best plan to do this before going to a party with food. Oh well. Being up so early meant that there weren't actually that many people in town, so I went to Lush (I got solid shampoo, soap that smells like mud and uber sparkly bath stuff) and then Fred Aldous (crafty store for shoe glue), Shoe City (need explaining? It's quite scabby and I didn't get anything), Abakhan (exciting material crafty store and I bought random material for my window and bag making) and then met Liz again, this time with Kate. They bought things from Boots (including thrush cream for Kate’s boyfriend’s armpits…) and got make up vouchers, so I left them after picking a lipstick for Liz.

I nipped into the Arndale to try to get some starts/glitter to match the ones I’ve already got from The Works, but they didn’t have them, and neither did Partners. So went to Shoe Express and bought blue sequiny shoes. Oops. Then went home and decorated some cheap shoes I bought at Primark the other day. They are now covered in purple and silver stars and glitter. They are fun.

Then went to meet Andrew Kitching in town, bought Leila some presents, then met Mahinda
and Mark and headed to Leila’s party. It was weird! But good weird, I think. It felt a bit like a wedding party, cause there were family and different groups of friends who didn’t know each other, and token kids dancing with the crap DJ. Spent all night talking to Mark who didn’t feel that comfortable not knowing anyone, sitting on the “old” table with Cattac and Sarah. Everyone seemed quite knackered and we must have looked very boring to everyone else. I don’t care. I’m not boring cause I don’t do the Macarena/Saturday Night/Time Warp with a bunch of 21 years olds I don’t know. That sounded very old and boring. Oops. But I did dance to Abba.

Made our way back to Manc and the Salisbury wouldn’t let us in. Boo hiss! So got a bus home. Found token people I know on the way back from the bus stop. Was a bit scared by people shouting my name in strange voices, but it was all ok as it was people from MUGSS (Jordan, Paul, John and New Pam (Ben)) on their way back from the “G or S” party. They all asked me the same questions at different times cause they were all drunk. Took me forever to walk home cause I was bored. Managed though, and still had the purple helium balloon attached to my bra when I got in.


Kate said...


The monkeyman is going to love you for "outing" his thrush problem!

See you soon!

Kate xx

Anonymous said...

Thrush my monkeyman problem in NEW MILLS....YEEEEEEAH!

Alsion said...

Who are you??