I am a bad bad bad bad person

My dad has just offered to employ me to decorate.

I am so sad. I've been thinking about writing my blog all morning. Oops.

The last 2 sentences are NOT connected to the title.

So, it's 9.30am and so far today I have done the following (not necessarily in this order):

  • Pulled. Well, could have. The stranger I talked to at the bus stop (he started it!) thought I was ace and asked for my number AND asked if I wanted to go for a drink sometime. At 8.30am. Crazy. I managed to avoid the questions (why can't I just say no?!? I need to be more of a bitch) and gave him a flyer to the show. Hee hee.
  • Picked up a parcel (DVDs). Even though I didn't have the ticket thing. I rule.
  • Drank water (I just realised that I can no longer get Kudos!!)
  • Woken up in yesterday's clothes.
  • Done the walk of shame (or at least that's what the people's glances thought) through the same bit of park as I did it the other day (also not shameful - people just don't expect skirts and people amused by their own thoughts in the day time). It was not as magical as the other day due to people gardening.
  • Seen a man STOOD on a white van.
  • Said good morning to a man who was walking a cat.
  • Received an e-mail pat on the head from my dad.
  • Got lost round a hotel.
  • Found a bruise on my ankle.

So, last night I went out with work people. I was late going cause my dad e-mailed me a job that had to be applied for by today, so I thought I should update my details and apply. Then was late. I thought that they'd actually still be at work, being people-who-work-to-much, but they weren't...

We wandered around West Didsbury for a bit, then went for dinner at Cachumba. It was ace! Very very nice food. And company. I had a great time. I'm so going to miss everyone from work. But glad that is not my job anymore. Anyway, we (Chris, Rosli, Amit, Pete, me - the others (Roger, Agnelo, Alan, Paul, Simone) had dispersed slowly by then) then went to the wine bar that's next to the Railway. Then I kept talking to (at?!) Pete and walked him to the main road, but then kept walking and ended up having more beer (I'm so easy to persuade to drink!) and staying over (because there was a chaise long and I didn't really want to get a bus in the middle of the night on my own, which I suppose isn't much like me...). So yes, an excellent night and definitely better than it would have been if I'd gone to the MUGSS committee meeting.

Here are the flowers that work got me. How ace?!! I hate flowers (but don't tell them!) but they are pink and the wrapping is going to make lots of fantastic cards. And maybe I do like flowers. I will just be sad then they die. Or when the smell makes my head hurt. But maybe they won't, for they are pink.

I'm going to bed now. Or for a shower. Bed I think.


Anonymous said...

But why does any of that make you a bad bad bad bad person?

Cachumba is the bestest restaurant in the world. I reckon that'd be a brilliant test of whether someone is worth going out with...for me, anyway, as someone who values taste much more than price, decor and service.

Alsion said...

But it has the best decor! The most fantastical pink walls.

Anonymous said...


I reckon that the sort of girl who doesn't appreciate a place like that just wouldn't be any fun.

They can have their trendy restaurants with lots of glass and cleverly designed lighting. I'll stick to highly tasty food from all over the tropics.