Christmas week and stuff...

After work drinks didn't happen, but a nap did, which I'm sure was far more productive. I then went along to Ali from orchestra's gig. It was ace! I have seen them before (with Pete and Sarah) but in all honesty don't remember them being good. They also played acoustically at our orchestra concert, which was ace in a different way. I will definitely try to go to all their gigs in the future! So should you. The Graeme Mearns Band. I then stayed out a little bit too late drinking with them and their friends. They are all cool though! It was lovely.

Home time! Got up at 7 and made it to my train with plenty of time. I was quite impressed with myself. First task at home was a shopping trip (Katherine (Big Alsion) was in charge, and me and my dad had to go get things and bring them back to the designated area - I was running around like Challenge Anneka and it was ace!), followed by watching TV, I think...

Christmas Eve
Sunday started with a shopping trip to buy Jennifer's (Little Alsion) birthday present (I was very organised with Christmas presents, all wrapped and correct, but birthday ones were very disorganised and weeks late and stuff!). This was really an excuse to go to Manchester and meet Mahinda and Rosy for a pint and lunch. Had half a cherry beer in Sinclair's, followed by curry cafe special. Rosy was very late due to being incompetent at present wrapping. Being good parents, Mahinda and I made sure that our dog was on the right coach, then strolled (followed by running!) to get me on my train back home. Tree was put up, presents were put under it, and bed time before Santa came.

Christmas Day

The biggest argument of the holiday was probably Christmas morning, and it wasn't an argument at all! Just my dad wondering if anyone was ever going to get up. Oops. A lovely day was had by all - presents, a walk, dinner, a board game or two and some family telly. Ace!

Boxing Day
Much of the same, but with playing with presents, not opening them. We went to walk on the canal path somewhere near Wigan, as apparently it has an impressive amount of locks. I think I've been before, and wasn't really that impressed! Was nice though.

As I was heading back on Thursday morning, I wanted to see some friends. As it was Mummy's birthday on Thursday, I wanted to be at home. So the conclusion? Dinner party at my house! Katherine unfortunately had to go back to Sheffield to work. Jennifer and Mummy went to work for the day, and Daddy shut himself in the study to work from home (this is still a strange concept to him). So I had run of the kitchen! I like having a "proper" kitchen that is clean and had all sorts of gadgets. So I made 2 types of ice cream (Bailey's and brown bread), chocolate cake, ricotta and bortelli bean pate, parsnip and carrot croquettes, and some yorkshire pudding-y dish. I even cooked meat! My mum was impressed. (I've been vegetarian for about 15 years...). Then Charlotte, Dan, Liz, Andrew and Mahinda arrived. I had great fun, and I think they did too! There was some doubt over my ice cream, as they thought since I'd used bread and the oven I'd actually made cheese on toast. This was not true. I made ice cream and it was ace. Anyway, it was great that I got to see my bestest friends. And then my parents did the washing up! Hurrah!

Up at 7 to do presents at 7.30 to get train at 9. Think my mum liked all her presents AND I think she was going to wear the badge from her card all day at work. Yay! Went straight from the train to work. Then home and tidying/sorting stuff out. Think my room is prepared for visitors! It has to be, as I was planning for us all to sleep in the living room, but it's going to be full of sleeping fire spinners... Could be interesting! I'm not sure what Jennifer's friends are like, but I suspect them to be trendy and not hippies. And we have a flat full of hippies...

Now. I'm at work. There is little to do. But I have done some useful things. Going to leave about 4.45 to go meet Jennifer (Little Alsion) and a friend (either Abbi or Emily - the other arrives tomorrow) who are coming up to celebrate the New Year Edinburgh-style. I have no idea if we're going to have fun, but I'm sure we can manage some at least!!

*Liz - was this a LisIsDrunk points event?? I want points! I want points!

Only 3 sleeps left!!!

This made me think of Linden. I don't know why.

I'm at work. I have nothing to do. I'm rather hungover. I'm very tired. My eczema's gone crazy. These all sound rubbish. I suppose they are. But that's ok. We just went for Chinese buffet lunch. I'm going to the pub soon with work people. I got presents from my boss and her boss - 2 bottles of plonk, some shortbread, some chocolate, and a present still unopened. I have 8 Christmas cards on my desk. I think these are all Good Things. I've been here 3 weeks.

With my current state of head, I have no idea what I've done all week. But I suppose that's why I write things down here! Cause I have the memory of a pea. Who knows what I'll remember...

Straight from work I went to Iona's birthday party. Iona is Andy Ed's girlfriend, for those of you who know him. Well, he still is for the rest of you too. He is officially good at organising parties. FACT. She did not know she was having a birthday party. She thought she was coming round for dinner with Andy's parents. We jumped out with party poppers and streamers. We then carried on with the 5th birthday party. I won pass the parcel! Hurrah. And then cheated at the chocolate game when I was bored of it. And we had jelly and ice cream. But it was vodka jelly and Bailey's ice cream. Mmm... I'm going to make some for Charlotte some time. Maybe for the 27th! Good plan, Liz?

Went to see Adam. Went to his flat and he has a Christmas tree! It's quite exciting. But it had nothing on top, so I made him come to my flat. I made him Fred the Easter Fairy for the top of his tree. This idea was inspired by a card Adam got from someone called Ben. It said "Don't forget the Easter Bunny this Christmas". It speaks the truth. Fred the Easter Fairy is cool. I wonder if he was actually called Fred. I forget. I will try to get a picture.

Mark was supposed to be visiting, but he didn't, but it's probably good as I wouldn't have been very entertaining. But I'm still mad at him. A little. Because I miss seeing people who know me. So I'd been looking forward to it. But I'm not mad at him really. Instead I sorted out flat stuff (including how to get a new flatmate for when Kat leaves) and tidied and washed and vacuumed and watched Spaced with the commentary. I'm not very good at listening to the commentary. It feels like someone's just talking over the programme, because they are. I have to remember to listen to them, or I block them out and just watch the show.

Went to buy some things that mummy asked me to get from Lakeland, then went to see if there were tickets left for Hogmanay, then went to a shop but it was shut. Oh well. Manchester shops are better, mainly because I know where they are and where to find what I want. For now. Then I went to the pub. I met Ken from work, along with Dave and Dan also from work, and some of Ken's other friends. He was celebrating the 21st, which is a very good idea. Had a few pints, and some crisps, then went to James' birthday party. There was a very odd mix of people there. I got drunk and I think I was a bitch. Oops. Yay! Forgot it was Thursday. Forgot it was a day at all. Realised at 1.30 that I should probably go home.

Now. I've just said what now is. Later I go to the pub with a different bunch of work people, then to Ali from orchestra's gig. Then I shall have to go to Dave's party. I wasn't going to, for I am not packed for going home tomorrow, but I left my phone at James' (I hope!), so I shall go try to find it.

I go home tomorrow to my parents. I'm very excited. When I was in Manchester it was only a 20 minute train ride home, but I never really wanted to go, or did go much. But now I'm here I really want to! I'm looking forward to being at home. I'm going to sit down and watch TV. And I'm going to get my mum to look after me. She'll give me cream to make my eczema better. It will all be good.

I was thinking what an odd word eczema is, so looked it up:
ECZEMA comes from the Greek word for ”anything thrown off or out by heat” (ek, ”out”, + zeein, ”to boil”) because to the ancient physicians a skin eruption was a boiling over of the body humors. It was used for almost any vesicular or scaly rash, but today it is restricted to immunopathic eruptions.
I really want beef Wotsits.

The weekend of culture continued…

So, The Weekend of Culture became a week. Ish.


I was going to go to a far away cinema and watch some film in Spanish, but stayed in and watched a little of Withnail and I, before getting distracted by Housemate Alex having a rather cute guest, so talked rubbish and drank whisky Macs.


The Violin Virtuoso Tour. This was 2 violin guys and pianist doing a concert I’d seen advertised in the Metro. Was portrayed as making classical music cool, and whilst it did nothing of the sort, was an excellent concert. I felt rather exposed though, as there were 9 people in the audience - 4 couples and me, rather spaced out, so people did give me funny glances. One of the violinists was from Manchester, which made me laugh, as he sounded quite posh until the occasional northern accent! They were both excellent musicians, and if they play here again I’ll drag a crowd along. Got home at 9 ish, spoke to Charlotte on the phone, did some tidying and watched the end of Withnail and I.


Work do. This started with drinks in the office at 10.30. It was supposed to be 10.45, but my boss thought otherwise, so we went over at 10.30 and got picked on for being alcoholics. We drank in the office for about an hour, before heading off to the meal. It was at a place called Indigo Yard near the west end of princes Street. It was pretty decent food, but extortionate for drinks. £5.95 for a large glass of rosé! The one I usually drink is £2.95 a bottle… But after a couple that early in the day before eating, I was fairly merry. But I did well – stayed fairly merry but nothing more all day. I even drank water at some point. We moved on to a different bar, and I stayed there till about 10. Was a lovely day, and I talked to all sorts of friendly people. I think I’m going to like work dos here! I then headed to Doctor’s to see Kelly, as she’s now heading home for Christmas. She’d bought me a present, which was a big surprise! But is ace Mr Bump bath stuff. I can play in the bath!


I had to go to the dentist, which was my main excuse for being sensible the night before... She fixed the worst tooth, and it hurt a lot. Owie owie owie. I then sat in pain and sadness at work for the afternoon. It was pretty deserted! And I looked the worst for wear, which isn’t fair as I’d been sober. Straight from work went to a Savoy rehearsal to measure people, then went to see Caroline’s band, The Starlets. This was a weird gig, mainly because first I walked into a work function of people sat round a table, then I got £1 off by having a red felt pen, then the bar wasn’t a bar and I had to go somewhere else! Very confusing. But the band was cool! They had a range of music, and the singer had funny stories. “There should be more Scottie dogs at indie gigs”. FACT.


Had a (fairly) lazy morning and then went Christmas shopping. It’s snuck up on me, and I didn’t realise it was so soon. Oops. Still a few bits to get, but not many. I then went to Nick’s concert – Joy to the World – a selection of carols from around the world. I got to sing along! Vary satisfying. Was home by about 9.30, and drank cherry liqueur and coke with Housemate Alex, before deciding to wrap everything I’d bought. Went to bed about 2.


Got up at 7 to get the train to Carnoustie to visit Gran and the cousins. Had a lovely day catching up with them. Highlights include a basket of fruit, reading out Christmas cards, delivering Christmas cards (different ones!) and making Gary cook tea. Got back in Edinburgh just in time to get to Caroline’s second gig of the weekend – a Christmas party which had 5 bands playing. All were fairly different, and all enjoyable in their own way. Housemate Alex came along and we had fun being silly. He is a bad influence though, and we were out till 2 and bought food on the way home.


Work. Not a lot to do…

The weekend of culture

So, this weekend I decided that I was going to attempt to be cultural. I suppose I could have been more cultural, but I had an ace time and think I did it well...


Concert - didn't go *too* badly! The piece that I've not played for a few months was a bit ropey, mainly due to a part in treble clef. I can't play the treble clef on the cello. I play bass clef automatically, and tenor clef when I remember I'm supposed to be in tenor clef, but treble clef?!? Strange strangenes. My solo wasn't that great, but certainly wasn't the worst bit of the concert. Afterwards, I got a little drunk. Lorna, Morag and Gavin from old work, Housemate Kat and boyfriend Alex, and James from Savoy came to support me, which was ace! It also turns out that James and Gavin went to school together, and James knows Adam, and James knows people that I know in Manchester. From this I conclude that I know everyone. FACT.


Headache was still there (I think it is now called a migrane), so I stayed in the dark all day, when not being sick or in the bath. Then I met Caroline and went to Symphonies at Six, a series run by RSNO (Royal Scottish National Orchestra). We saw a cellist who previously won Young Musician of the Year (and is the same age as me) do Elgar's Cello Concerto, Neilson's Symphony No 4 and a Bach Cello Suite. The Elgar and Bach were amazing! I wasn't that big a fan of the Neilson, but it was cool to watch a proper orchestra. Then me, Caroline and Lynda went for dinner in Glenhas Cafe (known as Glen has a cafe) where we had cool Greek food. A swift pint in Doctor's was next, with Kelly, Lou, Dave, James and Sam, followed by a party at Housemate Kat's Alex's flat. That was nice, with random hippies and stastiticians. Ian (Alex's flatmate, whose birthday it had been) knew a few people from Bolton, and was quite amazed that I knew one of them too. Again, I know everyone. FACT.


Intended to go to museums/art galleries, but was still tired and headachey, so stayed in bed then tidied up a bit. Went to a concert in the evening - Bach's B Minor Mass, performed by Edinburgh Symphony Baroque. It was really good! The seat's weren't comfy, and I did get a little bored, as well as creeped out by catching a sleezy looking guy's eye too many times, but overall I enjoyed it a lot! I then went to a Savoy Whisky Evening, where I drank beer and watched students get drunk.


I woke up about 5, 3 hours after gettin home. GRUMP! Got up at 8 and went to perform in a Carol Service at Stockbridge Parish Church. They are very good to our orchestra in letting us rehearse and perform at discounted rates, so we help out at things like that when we can. It was quite enjoyable, except for the 12 year old boy who is better than me at cello! Not fair. I then met Adam and watched free comedy at The Stand - Who's Lunch is it Anyway? - which I've probably talked about before. It was pretty good! Especially as Jamie, who I fancy, guest starred in the last section. Then went to the cinema (with many people) to watch Happy Feet. It is ridiculus and silly and everyone should watch it! A quick trip to my house for pizza and a couple ot drinks in Doctor's finished off the weekend nicely.


Work followed by a small shopping trip (in an attempt to find a Secret Santa , before going to the cinema. I went to the cinema on my own. I'm not sure why, as it wasn't a film I was particularly bothered about watching. I had a free ticket, but it didn't run out till June, so there was no rush. But I decided that the weekend of culture must continue, and I didn't fancy venturing to Wester Hailes to watch the film I did want to see (apparently not a nice area), so I did it anyway. I watched The Holiday, and it was pretty good! Yes, it's cheesy, but it does have slightly more realistic elements than some. I probably should not have gone though, as all the students bugged me, and I had to go home alone after the cheesy couple ness. But it was probably better than other things I could have done.


Is today. I think I'm not going to do anything cultural tonight. I will probably just watch a film at home. That is all. I shall try to make it as cultural as possible. But all things are in some way cultural, yes? So I can count everything, as long as it doesn't become "normal".

Wednesday will involve The Virtuoso Violin, Thursday will involve the work Christmas lunch, and Friday will involve the denist. Then the next Weekend of Culture will begin. I like this new plan.

Sorry hubby!

Don't know why I'm only apologising to Mahinda, but it's probably because his comment inspired me to blog.

I don't think I shall do day by day, but will go back to last blog timewise, cause that is what is needed.

Weekend 18th-20th -- Charlotte

Charlotte and Kathryn came to visit for the weekend. That was ace! We didn't do anythnig too adventurous or anything, but it was fun. We had pizza for dinner on Friday, and Adam came over too. Then Adam went to something else, and we went for a drink in a local. Saturday we went a wandering round town. Saw some sights, went in a few shops, generally pottered. The evening involved cooking for 8 (Charlotte, Kathryn, Adam, Housemate Kat, Alex, Nikki and me. That's 7. Maybe I missed someone, or can't count...) and generally sitting around, then I think watching Spaced in bed. Sunday was possibly the same, except with scones and jam and cream, and them getting on a train :-(

Week 20th-23rd

After consulting the diary, I discovered this week involved 2 trips to the dentist and a visit from Jen and Will. The dentist is very nice! I like her. But I still felt like a child when I had left, as I couldn't eat of talk. If you can't eat or talk, what is there to do?!? Jen and Will's visit was lovely - just went for a few nice beers, firstly on the Royal Mile, then in Cloisters. James also joined us for a bit. He's going to be key in MUGSS/Savoy relations, I think! Mainly as he's one of the few Savoy people I like, and he knows a couple of MUGSS separtely.

Not sure anything else exciting happened that week...

Weekend 24th-26th

Can't remember either... Know it didn't involve the party in Cheltenham (grump!), nor the concert in Bury. Oh well. It might have involved getting drunk. Ooh! It involved a dinner party at Andy Pooh Bar's house, followed by staying at James'. It also involved buying shoes. 1 pair of school shoes and 1 pair of fairly scruffy boots, which are similar to the ones I used to have with pockets, but not quite as good.

Week 27th-30th

Dentist again. And some shopping. Bought more shoes! They are amazing. Pink sparky leopard print, with black ribbon heels, and flat exceedingly glitter red pumps. Hurrah! Think there were also other things that week, but I can't remember. I also finished work, which was sad and nice at the same time. I got presents and a card, which was lovely. I didn't do everything I wanted to do, but I did do a lot, so that's ok.

Weekend 1st-3rd -- Sheffield

I went to Sheffield! I've never been before. I got a lift from Tim (viola who I know from Bolton Youth Orchestra circa 1997), as his girlfriend handily (for me) moved to Sheffield from Glasgow. Got there about 10 Friday night. Katherine's (Big Alsion) house is ace! I like it a lot. Friday night was spent making mushroom sauce, drinking nice beer and chatting with her housemate John. I was lame and wanted to go to bed (headache started), so did and I think Katherine watched TV in bed. Saturday arrived late (Katherine lied about setting her alarm!). We went shopping and made lunch - 2 lasagnes, a meat and a spinach and ricotta (which the mushroom sauce was for) before the cousins (Sarah and Lucy and Auntie* Helen) arrived, shortly before the parents and Jennifer (Little Alsion) and Jodie (the dog) arrived. We had lunch and Lucy opened her presents (Breadmaker and associated bags of mix) for her 21st birthday.

After the relatives had left just me and the sisters, we had a small rest. We were tired. Then went on a mission into town, after watching Strictly Come Dancing. We explored a few bars, and it was quite nice! But I still had headache, and everyone was pretty tired, so we headed back home after 3 bars. and watched X Factor and An Audience with Take That. TV was a novelty! Sunday was meeting some of Katherine's friends for lunch, then a wander around some shops, before waiting for my lift home, via Lostock to drop off Little Alsion and pick up some food, as my mum had made me a food parcel. Ace! Finally got back to Edinburgh at 11, and crashed into bed.

Week 4th-7th -- New Job

That is this week. So far I have been at new work 3 1/2 days. I like it! I've been to 2 care homes, the other side of Glasgow, and watched interviews. I think I'm going to be good at it. I'm going to learn lots of Scotland and lots about old people care (terms, not how to do it) and lots about stats. Maybe.

We just spent about an hour decorating the office - fairy lights round the desk, tinsel round our monitors, and snowflakes on the window. These are snowflakes we've just made out of paper. We rock. It wasn't even my idea!!! I think it was Ken's.


Tonight is my concert. I'm scared, but it should be good. This weekend is nothing. How'd I manage that? Oh well, I'll think of something. Doing some Christmas stuff is probably a good plan...

Apart from that, plans are Christmas (in Lostock 23rd-28th, so don't get much time for other people), America (booked flights!!! So excited. Two weeks, starting 13th), MUGSS show (just a weekend visit, probably), Savoy show (have to make everyone into fairies!), buy a house, visit Ireland. This is the plan. That's one thing per month, then it will my birthday. I think I have good planning. Ooh, there isn't a London trip in there. It might happen. There are more weekends.

There is also a doing an ECDL plan, which is in progress. Then I will have a vague qualification in IT, which is more than I can prove now!

So there you go! I hope you are happy I have blogged. I have wasted a lot of NHS time doing this, and my hands hurt from all the typing.


*This makes me giggle, as we don't really call her that.

Last day!!

So, it's my last day at this job. I've not really blogged what I've been up to for a while, cause I've been busy at work. I might get round to going to an internet cafe tomorrow with my day off (now starting New Work on Monday), but I doubt it...

Anyway, the last Fact Of The Day is a cracker!
  • Birds have the right of way on all Utah highways
Cool! I hope that means girls.
Sheep can recognise other sheep from pictures. FACT. Who'd figure?!? They all look the same.

I've had this page open all day, and did intend to blog. But feel like death and not very good at forming sentences or interesting or anything. So not saying anymore.


I'm not blogging right now, but had to write this fact as soon as possible:
  • A can of Spam is opened every 4 seconds.
I hope my new job has as useful facts.

News and excitement

Today's fact (probably loved by Pete):

One pound of tea can make 300 cups. FACT.

So, I've been having an ace time, which is partly the reason for no blogs. The other reason being no interweb at home... I shall update:

Show. Can't remember anything specific about it! Afterwards had a few drinks in the bar and then went home.

Show. Afterwards was the "cast meal", which really bugs me as a title. It's not just cast! It's the crew and orchestra and directors and everything. Chinese set meal. It was pretty nice actually, but as with all of these things you end up stuck with who you are sitting with. Not that there was anything wrong with I was sitting with, just would have liked to mingle. But was fun - stayed for a while after the meal, and then went to a random party with Geoff and James. Was nice. Had a good chat with James, but as I was exceedingly tired I think I said some rather inappropriate things about someone he met in the festival and I happen to know too. Oops. He doesn't seem to hate me for it though, so that's ok! Home about 3.30.

Up at 9 to let the joiner in. Ouch. Jo was up too, so I nipped to the bank and shop so that she could go to the library later on. Made brownies and did washing and had a bath. Fell asleep in the bath! Oops. Was cold when I woke up. Never mind. Off to the last night of the show and the aftershow party. Hurrah! Show was very good - watched much of it from the wings, as Nikki hadn't seen much and didn't know what it was about. Was such a good atmosphere and a great performance.

Show finished about 10.30. Left the theatre about 12.30. Got home about 7. I can remember most of what happened in between, but not all! Kissed some boys that I probably shouldn't have, but I'm hopefully not in trouble. I was fairly drunk for the amount of alcohol I had, which I put down to not eating or sleeping much recently.

Woke up at 1, which I thought was shockingly late, until I realised that's still not many hours sleep. Stayed in bed till 4. Hee hee. I had intended to get up and go to Glasgow with Helen, who was back from her highland tour, but I failed. It turned out Helen didn't go anyway, as she was knackered. She came over and we got takeaway (I think the first time I've had it delivered to my door! And it was literally to my door, bnot the downstairs buzzer, which scared me quite a bit) and then chatted and chatted and chatted (a lot, considering we both felt too tired to talk!) and then watched Dave Gorman in bed.

Helen went to get the train and I went to work. Think I did nothing in the evening, as still knackered.

Work. Went to see my friend Tim's band (Milford Cubicle) play at Subway (Scrubway) Cowgte. The support band was VERY LOUD, meaning that by the time Tim's band came on I couldn't hear much. I did like them better than the support though, even though the played rubbishly by their standards.

EARS RINGING. Had interview. Was late, so had to cycle down hill to the bus stop. Rushed to interview, couldn't hear much, probably talked really fast. Interview was very quick, which I didn't know if it was a good sign of me answering the questions or not... Had the morning off work, so when I was free at 10.45 I went shopping! Picked a coat, but needed ths size inbetween the ones in the shop. But bought hat/glove/scarf combo and some fingerless mitten things. This is all thanks to the Winter Clothing Allowance as decreed in Chancellor Pickering's Budget Statement. It's sad that I can't afford a coat except when Daddy pays! But that's not true - I could afford it anyway, just wouldn't let myself. Did over 7 hours work, which is not strickly a half day! But then couldn't be bothered with orchestra, so just had a bath and rang people from it.

I GOT THE JOB!!!! So I have a groozy new job now. 27 days holiday plus up to 2 days flex a month plus bank holidays adds up to 59 days! I could have a day a week off! But I don't think it would work out like that. Will have trips away and set meetings and things. But it sounds cool and an ace job to have for a significant period of time, with opportunities to meet people all over the area.

After work came orchestra and associated fun ness. I played my solo exceedingly RUBBISHLY, which upsets me. But I don't think I can do anything about it. I can play it fine at home, I just get very scared. Oh well. Something will happen.

Is now. I've been telling people at work. And working quite a bit (and writing this!!). I'm now watching the clock and panicing about being able to leave, as I want to go ask someone about my broken iPod before meeting CHARLOTTE from the train. I get Charlotte for the weekend! And Kathryn. I feel a bit mean that I say Charlotte so much more, but it's not that I'm not excited about Kathryn coming too, it's just Charlotte. And I hope she understands. It's going to be an ace weekend of adventures, I hope.

I like being happy and excited. Everything's going to be ok. It's still not perfect, like flat rubbish ness and no men, but who wants perfect?!? What would I do then?!?

No net at home


It's annoying.

But at least I can't post when drunk.


Show Week

The animators of the film 'Chicken Run' used 2,380kg of plasticine. FACT.

Got to the theatre about 11 with sewing machine, as arranged. Got into the building at 12, when it opened. Oops. Bad planning on someone's part! Made the best* bow tie you have ever seen and then went for lunch with Housemate Kat. We went to the mosque for curry. Mmmm! It was ace. I imagine it's like the curry cafe's Mahinda tells us about, but I've never been to one so I'm not sure. It's a canteen type kitchen attached to the mosque, and it's £3 for 2 vege curries plus rice. It's yummy. Not much variety though. Good distraction from the theatre, then I bought some bits and pieces and went back. Stayed at the theatre until about 9, when I went for a pint with Dave then other people appeared and Dave vanished and I stayed for another drink then went home very sleepy.

Cassie! Went to The Stand for the free comedy show with Cassie. Jo met us but had to go find Wee Andy, so we laughed on our own. It was pretty good, especially as the guy I fancy joined in for the last bit. Then we did a little pub crawl involving getting lunch, then found Jo and Wee Andy for a pint in Cloisters** before a final pint in the Auld Toll, probably my favourite local. Cass and Jo had to go have dinner with people as they were up for Cassie's sister's wedding, so I went home and ate and then went to Doctor's for the pub quiz. We split into two teams as we were quite a few people, and came 1st and 2nd. Hurrah! Won beer for the after showparty on Sat.

Felt a little bit like death. Was very tricky to get up. Made it to interview, but couldn't really concentrate, and report was terrible. Probably didn't come accross very competent. Will see. But it's ok, cause I met Helen in town and we had an ace time! Went to my flat to dump stuff, then wandered into town (whilst on the phone with flat issues), saw some nice bits of town, and then had a mosque curry before watching the dress rehearsal of the show. Was quite good to watch! Wasn't impressed with the band (shhh...) and some of the costumes weren't finished, but was pretty good anyway.

Josie (costume manager) rang me at work in a bit of a panic, and so I went to her flat straight from work. She'd been painting costumes for one scene. These costumes are really only on for 30 seconds, but they took ages! Every chorus member is either a fish or seaweed, and they have costumes and accessories painted in UV paint, so when the ducks dive under the water for a swim, the fish and seaweed come out and dance around. It does look pretty cool, I think. Anyway, made it to the theatre about 6.30, and some of the paint still wasn't dry. Oops! But it was fine. Made some last adjustments and bluffs, and off the show went. The audience was 67, but they were really encouraging, so it felt like more. First night over, and quick drink befor home for tea and Flat Discussions.

Night 2. Boys still don't know how to dress themselves, but it's quite nice to look after them and make sure that they are fit for being on stage. Lots of collar straightening, etc, as well as more tricky things like safety pins and sewing. I also became mum slightly and tidied up after them. It's quite fun. Band was a lot better, but the audience was worse, despite being bigger. Don't know the exact number. I'm not good at reporting. Oops. Afterwards involved a couple of drinks in the bar downstairs, and then a freezing walk home in the wind to discover I'd left my keys at work and had to wake up Housemate Jo. Oops. I left her a card apologising, but still feel bad.

Today. I am not going to orchestra, I'm going to the show. I think James would have a heart attack if I wasn't there to help him in the slowest quick change ever. :-)

*It really is the best. It's comically big with green sequin material. It makes me so happy. Especially with the jacket and cuffs and anklets and hat. It's amazing. Will try and acquire a picture.

**A lovely real ale pub. Mahinda - remind me when you visit that we should go there.


Am very stressed today. Mainly for reasons I shouldn't put on my blog, so I won't (for now). But reasons I can put down are probably enough:

1. Work
2. Show week
3. Interviews
4. Solo in concert soon
5. Very very poor
6. Flat issues (these are the ones I can't expand on, but I realised I wasn't expanding* anyway, so I can put that)

I just want to go to sleep for a while, and then get on with stuff, but I'm not finding much time to sleep, and am rubbish at sleeping, and then there's no time to get on with anything that will fix any of the stresses.

Oh well. You know I love it really. I'm always like this.

*I am actually expanding, I think, as I'm not eating regularly but when I do eat I eat rubbish. So I'm failing at shrinking, and might be expanding.


I'm not going to do any updates on my whereabouts today, as the last one covers everything so far. It shall be un-time related thoughts. Ooh, un-time. That's probably not a real word, but I now quite like it. It's a whole concept in itself.

The other day I looked at myself in the mirror and though "you look old". I saw wrinkles under my eyes. I never thought I'd notice or be bothered by this! So I ran out and bought anti-wrinkle cream*. It was a very strange experience. I hope I don't notice them again. Not hoping because they're not there, just because I don't want to care about them.

Another thing I've been wondering, is what does having pink hair say about me? I never thought about that before, just did it because I liked it. But now I think people judge me on it, and I'm not sure in what way.

There was another, but I can't remember now and I have to go out. I think it may have been about a job/career plan.

Anyway, going to see Cassie!! Very excited.


*I didn't actually run. I looked in Boots and got confused by the choice, but then saw some in Lidl a few days later.


Today I can't sing. I am currently singing Boyzone very loudly. It's not much in tune. But I'm having fun.

So, the week?


Spent the evening in my room. I was quite grumpy about this - we were supposed to be going to Red Raw, a comedy night for £1 that is new comedians, so you don't know if they will be good yet. But it was really rotten weather - we opened the flat door and you could hardly have a conversation ofver the noise of rain and wind on the communal roof. So Housemate Alex and visiotrs decided against going out. But they smoke too much weed, so I hid in my bedroom (I said during the decision process that I wasn't going to be around that, but they chose it anway). So grump. But did washing and tidying, which wasn't at critical level, but looking back it would have been by now, had I not done it.


I was very excited about Tuesday. This involed 2 potentially exciting things - going to Glasgow and seeing Ginger. Ginger is the man who got me back into live music, and as such will always be special to me. Gavin from work was going to watch the support band, and I happened to see his e-mail about it (I wasn't spying, honest, not) and jumped on the bandwaggon. I will admit to being fairly (very) drunk and not really remembering the main band themselves. But what I do remember was ace.


Work was tricky. And ears still rang. Then we had wine and nibbles because of the project we have just done. I quite liked it. Not everyone did, and not many came. Then I ran off to orchestra, which I enjoyed, but didn't stay till the end to go sew green things, which I didn't do cause I was tired.


Work. Then pub, which I went to earlier than usual and sewed green things. Then orchestra, which was ok! But my hand hurts a lot. I need to sort that out. Then Savoy rehearsal to do a costume plan. Then bed about 1.


Getting up was tricky. Work was slow and I was dumb. Evening has involved 2 stage* bath (was going to be 3, but got bored)

Saturday - sewing all day, plus maybe playing out or cinema
Sunday - Cassie visit! And maybe fireworks
Monday - Interview and Helen visit and dress rehearsal

*Bath stages were face mask/leg shaving/cleansing followed by wine drinking and relaxing music. Was going to do wash off all the bath water one, but couldn't be bothered as just going to bed then getting up and having a shower. And our shower is a bit broken.

Sorry if this was too much information.


I'm ace at singing today.

Monday morning

It's Monday morning. 11.40, to quote the time on my computer clock. I am sitting in nothing but my dressing gown eating fried egg and tomato pesto baps*.

I love flexitime.

That said, I do have to go to work soon. Grump.

Thanks for everybody's ace comments to cheer me up. I had an excellent weekend as it turns out, so not needed! But lovely.

Went to the Rocky Horror Show, as would have to pay for the ticket either way. Planned to go to the work thing afterwards, but this plan was a bad idea for 2 reasons: (1) I had cleavage, and (2) the show started at 8.30, so finished around 11 and I didn't know how late the other pub stayed open for. But this was ok, as the company at Rocky was great. I'd not seen some of them for ages, and it was nice. Crashed at Simon's flat.

Went home about 4, showered, dressed, went to Tesco to buy crisps and chocolate and alcohol, then headed to Chris' flat for an evening of films. Was a lovely evening of lovely company. And got a lift home into the bargain.

Sewed green things for the show, in the company of 2 of Housemate Alex's friends who are staying for a while. Then headed to the Savoy rehearsal where I met everyone and generally interrupted the rehearsal. Felt a bit bad that I'd made such a disruption, but then I realised that it's not my fault that everyone was too excited about green shiny things, as I didn't really talk. The cast are interesting and I'm quite sure I'm going to hate some of them. Hurrah! But there are plenty that I like and get on with, so that's good. Went to Doctors afterwards, where I suddenly felt knackered so didn't stay long. Dave was there, and boasting that he hadn't been very far away from Bedlam in 29 hours. I told him to go home. Maybe not in the politest way ever. Oops. He hadn't slept and looked very out of it. Hope he's ok.

Now, I really should go to work. But I really don't want to. That's the problem with lazy mornings.

I've got an interview next Monday, and I can't yet decide if I want to go to it. I'd have to do a report for it, and I've not got any time to do it, and I don't know how to... But will think about it today and see... I've got another application in, and I'm sure there'll be more soon. I just want to think carefully about what I want to do, before ending up in another non-perfect job.

*It still amuses me that they call them baps. I'm such a child.

Irn-Bru is the answer

I stick by my never delete posts rule, so I'm just going to post lots until that drunk one is off the radar!

This week:

Was exceedingly grumpy before orchestra, and quite during, but happy afterwards. It was ace. Got a new crush (see drunken post).

Work. Am quite sure I also did something that evening, but I cannot remember what.

Ooh! Ceilidh. My first ceilidh in Edinburgh. It just wasn't the same as Manchester ones. Mainly as I didn't know many people - 3 in fact. Andy Pooh Bar and his girlfriend, Iona, and Dave (ex). So I didn't dance much. Wasn't in the mood to be crazy and talk to boys. But did make a new female friend called Sam who is cool and invited me out tonight but I can't go.

Mark was here! Started the day by washing and tidying and rearranging my room a little so I can have a radiator (it's starting to get cold, even by my standards...). Then I met Adam for a quick drink and then went to see Mark at his friend Dan's flat (as it was Dan's birthday). Drinking games ensued, and I remember a cat and a German girl and karaeoke. Then we went to Subway as we decided this would be most like 5th Ave and therefore a good idea. I don't really remember being there, just have one flash of what it looks like inside. Don't really remember walking home either, but do remember that I couldn't get in and had to ring the doorbell. Oops.

Mostly throwing up, followed by going to meet Mark and Dan and tell them they were bad people. Then wisely didn't go to Doctor's and went home and watched a film.

Work. Nothing. Except a girl called Josie came round and gave me green things to sew for the next Savoy show.

Morning off! Then work. Sewed green things.

Work. Nothing. Was supposed to go to orchestra, but just couldn't face it.

Work. Half day off! Died hair pink. Went to pub then orchestra then pub then pub. Discovered people live near me, so I don't always have to get the bus home on my own. And they like drinking, so we went to a pub near my house. Hurrah!

Orchestra is really hard this term. I cannot play most of the music. This wasn't a problem, asd I thought it would fix itself. But it isn't. I don't know what to do - someone else has already told me they don't want to do the concert as they are worried about looking rubbish. I feel like this too, but have to lead the section looking rubbish. And will definitely be noticed.

Maybe I should practise. A lot.

Is now. I am very broken, but haven't been sick, despite thinking I was gonna. The plan for tonight is one of 3 things:
  1. Work night out. (Want to do this to know more people at work, but am scared as I might make a fool of myself, or not know anyone, or not like anyone.)
  2. Rocky Horrow Show. (Not really in the mood for this, but due to a mix up, I might have to pay for the ticket anyway, so I might go.)
  3. Meet Sam, girl from ceilidh, and some of her collegues. (Quite want to do this, but not as much as 1.)
Might combine all 3 if needed!

Plan for the rest of weekend is:
  1. Nothing.
  2. Nothing.
  3. Nothing.
  4. Nothing.
  5. Nothing.
It'll probably do me good, but I'm grumpy about having no friends and plans.

Oh my gosh

I don't remember writing that.

I'm at work and was about to post that I'm really quite drunk at work still. That last post shocks me. Oops.

I have half pink hair today. I feel normal.

I'm drunk.

I am not that a person, am I?

I can't ever find anyone I want. The person I want at the moment wants to move to London. I will move there. If he wants. I will move anywhere and do anything if I like them enough.

That's so sad.


I should talk less.

Tea is magic.

That is all. No more discoveries.

Have p..p..p..Patience!

(that title won't make sense to anyone but my immediate family!)

Work has stopped with as many interesting facts. Grump. Although I'm not sure many people enjoyed them other than me! Probably why the facts slowed down. Today’s though is alright - "'Typewriter' is the longest word that you can make using only the letters on the top row of your computer keyboard." FACT.

So, a long time to catch up on! I shall start at the beginning. I daresay this will not be finished today*, and I shall have more to update on by the time I've finished. Such is life.

28/9/6 – Thursday
Last blog. Orchestra (SNTCO). Can’t remember anything specific about it…
29/9/6 – Friday
Kelly's Birthday. Went to her flat for dinner. Lovely flat! Had a nice stir fry then went out to Bar Kohl, a vodka bar on George IV Bridge. Was nice! Met some new people and had a nice evening. But was tired, so went home about 10.30, about 2 hours before Dave was out, I think.
30/9/6 – Saturday
Pete and Sarah here! Started the day by doing washing and tidying and stuff, before going out to meet Pete and Sarah on Princes Street, when the fun started. Went for a pint, then another and food, then a gig, then a pint, then my house, then another pint, then a not gig. Highlights include not spitting on the floor and a stranger thinking Pete was dating both of us. I should have blogged about this at the time, because I can’t make it sound as fun with highlights, but don’t remember enough details!
1/10/6 – Sunday
Sunday’s main activity was comedy at The Stand – one of Edinburgh’s 2 comedy venues. I’ve never been to the other one, but have been to this a few times. It’s a free improvised show, where the food is pretty big and nice for the cheap prices. It did take a little too much of the afternoon though, so when it’d finished we had trouble finding activities to do that wouldn’t make Pete and Sarah be stranded in Edinburgh (not that I would complain!). Found a pub and quiz machine and made up our own quizzes too. When they’d gone I went to meet Dave for a coffee, where there was a mutual decision not to go out anymore, as we’d not really seen each other for 2 weeks, so it’s not like we’ve really been dating anyway. I figure if it was supposed to happen we’d both have managed to find time for each other, but we didn’t.
2/10/6 – Monday
Drinking with Adam. I arrived at his with a bottle of wine, we chatted for a while, then went across the road to play pool. I like spending the evening with Adam.
3/10/6 – Tuesday
Should have been at orchestra at 7.15. Left work at 7.30. Home at 8.30. Bed. Whoops.
4/10/6 – Wednesday
Orchestra (Open). Got the new conductor. He's ace! I like him. For me he has a good level of perfectionism with realism, and doesn't stop us too often. I probably also like it a little as so far the music has been fairly easy, cello wise, and I've not looked dumb. I don't think.
5/10/6 – Thursday
Orchestra (SNTCO). I don’t remember much specific about this rehearsal either! This may have been the first week of the “tea before orchestra” club, instigated by me not wanting to go home between work and rehearsal. So there are a few of us who now go to a pub for tea. I like it! It’s nice people.
6/10/6 – Friday
Opera – Carmen. I knew 2 people in this show, so decided to go along and watch. Was sat on my own, which was possibly a first for me… But it was ok! I managed to sit near some really figitey people, which was a little annoying, but there was a cute little boy in front who kept me amused when the show was dull. It’s the first time I’ve seen that opera, and I’m not sure how much I liked it… I didn’t like Carmen, but I couldn’t decide if it was the character or the performer. The people I knew in the show thought I’d got the best Carmen, but the conductor from Tuesday orchestra was also there and is under the impression we got the worst one. I’m going to go with his opinion and hope that I’d like it better with a different performer. I do like the music though, and have played the overture numerous times, which I didn’t realise until I got there!
7/10/6 – Saturday
Town then Dundee then Carnoustie. Missed my train to Carnoustie, as I decided last minute to get an earlier one and wasn't pushy enough to skip the queue for tickets. So had hours to wait. So went for a wander, which was actually quite nice, then I got a train which left me a big change in Dundee, so I could go to PRIMARK! How exciting. It was rubbish and scummy compared to Manchester, but I got 3 scarves, a pair of shoes and hideous sexy bedware. Got to Carnoustie eventually, and arrived at Gran's to find lots of small children running around (4 cousins) who then had the best time ever wearing all of my new scarves at once. Kids went home and I had a nice meal with my parents and chat with Gran, after being embarrassed by my mum not having enough money at the shop!
8/10/6 – Sunday
Gary’s Birthday! He turned 12, so we went over to their house and were allowed in (this is quite rare) and gave him his present of a yo-yo (that I only picked up cause I thought it was a tyre) and money. We also gave Carla her 5th Birthday present of a colouring book that my dad had customised and also money. They’re hard to buy for, as they have a lot more toys than they have space, so I think my mum doesn’t want the responsibility of putting any more stuff in their house! Gary went off to Dundee with his pals (that’s what you have to call them in Scotland) and we took the other 3 kids to the beach, where Aillie fell in the sea and had to be re-clothed. This ended up with me carrying Carla on the way to take me to the train, and I got very covered in sand. Train back, quick trip home, then out to Doctor’s for a pleasant evening of chatting.
9/10/6 - Monday
Not sure...
10/10/6 – Tuesday
Orchestra (St. Andrew's). It was the AGM and I was a little late and I had loud shoes on. Oops. Still not convinced this orchestra is right for me...
11/10/6 – Wednesday
Orchestra (Open). Thought I was late as I forgot to leave work. But I was second there! Rehearsal was fine, but I chickened out of the pub afterwards due to a committee meeting taking some nice people, and tiredness levels.
12/10/6 – Thursday
Orchestra (SNTCO). Did play so well, and a bit unconfident about leading the section any more. So will practise. Didn't stay for the pub (shock horror!) and went to see Jed play a gig. He's the guy who's flat I looked around and tried to see his gig twice already. It was fun! He's so bouncy and it's amusing to watch him play as he just looks so happy with it. Talked to some strangers and found out about some more gigs to go to. Then went home and cried for no apparent reason.
13/10/6 – Friday
I secretly went to Manchester straight from work. Got a train and everything went smoothly. Ooh, just remembered! It went round Bolton due to a signal fault, and Mahinda sent me a text saying it'd taken him ages to get to Bolton, and I casually said "Oh, that'll be the broken signal box", and thought that my surprise cover had been blown. Had a text from Liz at 9.11 saying she needed my address urgently. I walked into Sinclair's about 30 minutes later and asked why. Everyone squealed! It was funny. They'd been writing me a letter as Liz thought I'd like to have been there, and it wasn't the same without me. Or something. It was nice! There was Liz (Dr.) and Liz (Bassoon) and Matt (Horn) and Matt (Grandad) and Miranda and Steve and Paula and Patrick. Then I went to sleep in Liz's bed, but got in trouble for not being able to stop talking.
14/10/6 – Saturday
Manchester. Went to fat club via Paula and Patrick's, but got in trouble for being early and for "decorating" their flat during the wedding reception. Oops. Fat club was different - in a different place and with a different woman, and now they even have a motivational talk! Glad I don't go anymore, as I don't think I'd be able to take a talk seriously. But it was ok as we went to Suburb for coffee instead. I like Suburb. And I liked the company. Talked about rhubarb and babies and boys and other things. Then went shopping and Liz bought an ace (hideous) coat for winter. The Liz had rehearsal, Kate had to go to Kendal’s and Paula was going to get something framed. And as I’d failed to find out what Charlotte was doing, I went to her flat. I think (!) I surprised her. Stayed there for a while for a good catch up, and it was ace. I love Charlotte. Then I headed off to my parents where Katherine was coming too, and Jennifer met us at the train station and we all surprised my dad. It was cool. Then we had tea, and I borrowed the car and snuck off to a Slugs Ate My Parents gig in the Rampant Lion, followed by a party at Holker Mansions, which are now even more grand with the additional conservatory, and ended at the MUGSS Pirate party. The evening was ace, but in my excitement I drank too much and was probably not pretty and don’t remember things. I do remember handcuffing a cute Danish man. And having the best shoes.
15/10/6 – Sunday
Woke up in Mahinda’s bed, had hangover showers, then Mahinda made me plenty marmite on toast to ease the hangover. It was quite a bad one! Met people in Kro 2 for drinks/food, then headed back to my parents to return the car and spend some time there. My time there was mainly spent on the sofa. I watched TV. It was weird. I’m not used to it anymore, so kept talking back. Oops. Then got the train back and went straight to the pub! I’ve realised that if I want friends in Edinburgh I have to go to places that they will be. So I did.
16/10/6 – Monday
Daddy's birthday. I forgot to ring. Oops. I saw him on Saturday and Sunday and gave him a card and present. But still should have. Oops. I didn't even do anything exciting to distract me! I did washing and watched Dave Gorman and did some tidying. That's about it.
17/10/6 – Tuesday
Watched Back to the Future II, had a bath, applied for a job.
18/10/6 – Wednesday
Yesterday. Made lovely tea (some concoction with coconut milk) and then went for a quick pint with Housemate Kat, which turned into a few! Was fun. Met some of her friends from Fife – real Scots! Probably the first time I’ve been in the pub where there were more Scots than non. But also probably the first time that vegetarians outnumbered non too!
19/10/06 – Thursday
Today. Am very tired.I'm not sure of the accuracy of anything I've written! Getting all muddled with weeks.

*I wrote that bit on Monday, so that was true. And the fact was from Monday. And I’ve put in the extra days between.

I don’t feel like this blog does anything any justice, and I doubt I’d read it all!


I completely forgot I had a blog. Oops.

Today is boring


I broke a tooth on Monday night. That was strange. I've never even had a filling. Maybe I should have. But I'm not in pain, just have half a molar missing, so there's nothing anyone will do. I registered at one of the few dentists who was taking people on, so I have an appointment on 20th November.

What else? Probably quite a bit really.

I cycled my new bike home on Tuesday. Firstly I pumped up the tyres, then when I sat on it I realised the breaks didn't work... So I fixed them (I'm quite proud of this) and then adjusted the saddle and handle bars. First time the saddle went straight back down again! This made me giggle. And I put the handle bars squint. That was strange. But once these were all done I was on my way. But there's something odd with the gears - when going up hill the gears change at random. Well, when going anywhere, but only if you're pushing hard. This meant that my feet slipped off the peddles and scraped the back of my legs. Owie. I also managed to do this 5 times on the scary roundabout of death, so it's probably lucky I'm alive!

My hands hurt when I cylce. So I think I'm going to have to stop, despite it being the only exercise I do... I don't like having sore hands. It's so frustrasting when you can't do the most simple things. Like pick something up. And I don't want to give up the cello. So I'm going to take both bikes to a shop and see what they say. Maybe they will have great hand saving suggestions. Or maybe I just sell both bikes. How much is a bike? I might be able to get flights to America from them...

Tuesday evening I went to a new orchestra. It's Adam's orchestra, and although they had 10 cellos last week, they still said they didn't mind me coming along. So I went. It was abit strange - it's in a school hall, so that's a bit weird for me anyway. And it was the second week (I missed last week, cause Adam forgot me and didn't tell me), so they were stopping and starting and being precise, but I didn't even know the tune/rhythm/speed. I'll give it another try next week, but it's most likely to be elbowed out at the moment.

After orchestra I went to see Dave. I'd not seen him since the Wednesday before, so almost a week. I had Wednesday off work, so figured I could safely see him Tuesday after his show without worrying about getting up. But it was still a bit rubbish, as we were both knackered and I still got up 4 hours before him, so by the time he was surfacing I was thouroughly bored and went home. Spent the afternoon pottering around charity shops with Housemate Kat.

Wednesday I tried another new orchestra. This one I found out about in Kelso at the weekend. It was a little weird, as the conductor isn't going to be the conductor. They've just picked a new one, and it was too short notice for him to come along. So we had a guy filling in, who happens to be one of the guys I met on Saturday. I like him as a conductor! So we'll see what happens when the new one starts. This is definitely my second favourite orchestra at the moment.

Tonight - favourite orchestra! Hurrah! I'm getting a little obbsessed. I make no apology*. I might even get better this term.

*Today anyway. I know I have and will again.

So tyred...

Didn't find Adam. He forgot me :-(

Dave came round, but I was really tired and grumpy*, so I sent him away. Think I just went to bed.

Went for dinner with Dave then met Adam for drinks. We did a pub crawl home. It was nice as I don't see Adam as much as I would like.

Orchestra! It still rocks. I still like people in it. The concert is going to be ace. I did have a scary moment when the leader of violins was laughing... The cellos were playing a bit of tune on their own, and we'd had a few goes at it. Me and Neil (the guy next to me) were confused by the bowing, but on talking to the others, they just didn't know where the notes were! Anyway, we had a few goes and were getting there, and I noticed Donald, the leader of the violins and hence orchestra, laughing away. I was a bit miffed, but it turned out he was amazed at how good the section was sounding! Hurrah!

We were getting a new housemate, so I stayed in to let her in. I stayed late at work, so by the time I got home and cooked it was about 9, which made the wait till midnight easier. I also looked in her room, and Housemate Kat had vacated to move into Patrick's old room, and left it FILTHY! So I spent an hour or so cleaning the shelves and vacuuming and things. Was a good job I had time! I then watched Bill Bailey's Bewilderment, and greeted New Housemate Jo about 1.45am. So late! Spent a little time unloading the car, then crashed out, ready for tomorrow.

Got picked up about 1.30 to go to Kelso, a sleepy town in the Scottish Borders. We were late to the rehearsal (much to Louise's pain - she hates being late, but got stuck at the school thing she was doing and in traffic), so snuck in to find we were sitting on the front desk! Pah. Had a few hours rehearsal in the afternoon, then a sandwich tea made by local village old ladies. Then a few of us went for a stroll by the river, and looked round Kelso Abbey before heading back to change for the concert. The concert was fun! At least the first half was. I was knackered by the second half and played a bit rubbishly. Oops. Did leave me on a bit of a miserable note.

Got home about 10.30, had some food, watched Shooting Fish, then headed out to a gig to cheer myself up. When I was looking round flats I looked round a flat containing a musician (amongst others), so I said I'd stay in touch and come to a gig. I didn't, until last week. He said he was playing at L'Attache, which is downstairs at the west end of Princes Street, so I went along. I was needing to do something on my own, cause I was feeling a bit attached to various groups up here already. So I got there about 1 and a band was just setting up. This band did not contain the musician in question. So I just bought myself a pint of cider (Loopy Juice!) and sat with my little note book to clear my head. The band on was pretty good! The guys could all sing and play. It was cool just being there. Turns out the guys is playing next Saturday! But I reread his text numerous times and that was not in it at all! It just said Sat. Anyway, we might go this Sat too. Pete and Sarah will be here! So it depends on how fun other things are and how tired we are.

Slept till 4.30pm. I think this is impressive! I don't often sleep at all. I did wake up numerous times in this, but hey, it'll do. I pottered around and went shopping with New Housemate Jo (I wonder how long she'll have "New"?!?) and then was in bed again for 10.30pm.

Now. I'm knackered. I should not be!!! Pah. I have really big spot on my head. This is causing a headache that is making me feel sick. It's not pleasant.

On the plus side, I won a mountain bike at work! That was very random this morning - first phone call was a woman telling me I'd won. I had to get my picture taken (following the point before, I was not very amused). It might be a little small, and the tyres are flat, and it was assembled by the catering staff, so I might want to re-tighten all the bolts. But it's a free bike! And I think it'll be good. It has Kellogg's stickers on, but these come off, so it's ok. I might just take it and my bike to a shop and see what deal they'll me for the 2...

So that's it! A week in my life. Almost.

Going to join an orchestra on Tuesday, and another on Wednesday. I might not keep them all. Definitely going to keep the Thursday one! Want to do things other than orchestras, but know that if I join a few I *might* actually get better.

Friday is someone's birthday do.

Saturday Pete and Sarah here.

This is enough plans for a week! Tonight I should relax and make some parcels.

*I spent all week feeling tired and grumpy, but I couldn't work out why. Then I realised that I'd made my flexitime go from -2 to +8, so I'd actually done an extra 2 hours each day. That is why I was tired.

Daydream Believer

I had a really freaky dream last night. I had a baby. I didn't know I was pregnant, just had a sore belly. And when I woke up I had a baby, who was a few weeks old. I'd had a Caesarian. I didn't know what was going on, but was then on a train with my baby. I didn't know what his name was. I saw it written down (Akbar or something - I just remember an A and some hard consonants), but then didn't even know how to pronounce it. I also had someone else's baby to look after, cause that's what you do when you have babies. I was very tired. Then I got off the train, which was tricky cause I had 2 prams and lots of luggage, and the train went off with the other person's baby on board. My dad was there and helped me with my stuff, but I was so tired I couldn't make him understand that the other baby was on the train. Then I didn't know how to breast feed. I didn't know why I hadn't been shown. But then I didn't remember having the baby or being in hospital or anything.


At the weekend I did something that I'm not sure if I'm proud of. It's something that I've offered plenty of times, but no-one has ever taken me up on the offer. Until now. I cooked meat. I'm not sure if I'm proud of myself or feel dirty.

It wasn't that exciting - I just made lasagne. But we had about half an hour to get ready for a dinner party. I'd taken Dave to the beach for the day, cause he said he wanted to be at the beach when I was on holiday. We walked over to Crammond, which is an island that you can get to when the tide's out. I had the worst headache I've had in ages, and it was squashing my head. I wasn't that interesting, and I tripped up a rock and scraped a knee and fell down on my bum and twisted my other knee and think I hurt an ankle too. Typical! When waiting for a bus home I suggested we invite people round for dinner. Suddenly I was cooking for 9. I was the only vegetarian. Oh well! It was an adventure. Oh, and I also made bread and butter pudding. It amuses me that I guess how to make it on holiday and it worked. It didn't work so well this time, but I know why. We then watched some Black Books.

I can't help be suspicious that Dave doesn't appear to eat real food. I don't think he can cook anything. I just find it odd. I mean, being rubbish at cooking, fair enough. But he doesn't ever try, as far as I can tell. And I don't think he'll eat anything that I'd class as a proper meal that didn't have meat. He eats very few vegetables, and doubt he'd eat a lentil or chick pea. I just don't know what to do with him. It makes me tired trying to work out what to make for dinner. I give up. Go eat pasta and ketchup and cheese if you want.

So that was Saturday, the beach and the dinner party. Sunday I went home after doing all the washing up and faffed around. Rearranged a bit of my room, and now I have nowhere to put my boots. All the pairs of them. Oops. Will have to rearrange a little more. I then had a really long bath/shower, and discover that we have a leak. Water was coming down from above the washing machine. Quite a lot. So I spoke to the flat upstairs, and it doesn't appear to be from them. But then Monday night I had a shower and it didn't drip, and using the washing machine didn't drip. Hmmm... The flat's getting a bit annoying. The bathroom floor is about to fall in, and the utility room ceiling. Pah. Anyway, later I went to see a show, but couldn't get a ticket. So Dave met me in the pub, then he had to go do something important like drink with someone else, and I went home via the chippy. Shhh. I drank too much beer on my own and watched Jack and Sarah. I wanted to make myself cry, but failed. Oh well.

I've accidentally already told you about Monday. I cycled to work and back. Got home about 7. I tried to find the source of the leak, but failed. I caught up with Alex a bit as he was home. I practised my cello*. I looked up how to get to the concert I am doing on Saturday, but it appears that no public transport goes to the town at all. Ooh, that's a lie, I can get there, but the last bus back leaves about half an hour after the concert starts, so I guess it won't have finished. I should be a fun day out though. I looked up other random things on the web. Then went to bed at 10 cause I'm a loser who can't handle being up late anymore. I read my book for a while though.
And then had that (^) dream.

Now I am going to leave work for Tuesday, and hopefully find Adam tonight. I might be joining a new orchestra, but we might do something else if the rehearsals haven't started yet.

Have you noticed the extra excitement about playing the cello? I'm glad it's coming back. CAOS was draining all the passion out of it for me.

*Note, this has not been done (except once the day of a concert that I had a solo in) since I was 11.

Week that was

So I failed at that!! I didn't do any of the plans. I did have a good week though.

Last night I got round to doing something gross that I've been putting off. Mainly because I got a little drunk and it was easier. When I moved into this flat, I stuck some gel flowers on the window, which were pretty. They then got very hot and melted. This was messy. But it gets worse. Before I left for holiday there were a few flies and a small moth that had flown into some of them, leaving dead things stuck to my window. When I got back from holiday (yes, I know I should have cleaned it up first!) there was a great big butterfly in one. Just stuck on my window. And as I couldn't really work out what to do with it, I left it. Until last night, when I scraped it off and cleaned my window. It was dark though, and I was tipsy, so I suspect I'm going to discover I wasn't that good at cleaning when I get home...

So, my week:

I tidied and stuff. Then we watched a Spanish film about ham. Jambon Jambon. It was random and crazy and I think everyone should watch it. It involves a girl who's breast taste of ham and omlettes, and a song that has the lyrics "Ecstasy, ecstano" (makes more sense as "ecsta-si, ecsta-no") and a fight using ham and everyone was having sex with everyone else, including people's mothers and fathers and wrong husbands and stuff (but it wasn't dodgy as in you saw much sex, so watch it even if that puts you off!).

Patrick's last night!
We went for a drink in an Irish pub called Finnegan's Wake. We all got ID'd! Hee he. And then we accidentally stayed there all night. It was quite lovely actually. Housemate Kat and her boyfriend Alex, Housemate Patrick and Housemate Alex were there. Dave appeared near the end too. We just talked and were silly and Patrick drew on everyone and I took silly pictures.

I miss Patrick.

Went to watch Curse of the Were-Rabbit outside. Mainly because it was outside and that amused me. But it was a little dull and I was on my own (Dave was involved in the setting up and running), so I went and joined in at the Savoy Fresher's event. I got a little bored there too. Oops. It was an open mic night, where anyone was invited to join in. But the established Savoy-ites were hogging the books and piano a little. And I only saw one talking to new people, and he was a little tipsy. They didn't even talk to me much. I couldn't be bothered talking to Fresher's, as I know nothing about Savoy. As an outsider, I'd say I wouldn't come back if I didn't already know anyone. So I took Dave's keys and let myself into his flat for a bath. He woke me up a while later and I made him some pasta whilst he got clean. Then I fell asleep.

Orchestra! Again, it rocked. Even though I was soaked when I got there. It appears I may be leading the section for a while. I still feel cheeky, but I've told enough people now that they know that I'm not trying to be cheeky. If everyone else is happier and plays better, then I'm willing to do it. I know and they know I'm not the best, but that doesn't matter. I'm the least phased by sitting there. There might be an issue if I'm not the best for the solos, but we'll see! Maybe I shall practise. Went to the pub after and it was nice. I like one of the other girls (me, liking a girl?!?). I keep forgetting her name though. I don't think she's offended.

Today. Work's been a bit mad, but I prefer that. Going home now.


Courgettes are young marrows, FACT.

(That was an argument from the pub yesterday.)

I've got some free songs on iTunes (couretsy of people at work and Diet Coke), so any suggestions?

Hopefully tonight is the night for the holiday blog. And the wedding at the weekend.


I love orchestra!

They forced me to sit at the front. It's one of these orchestras where everyone wants to sit at the back. So I sat on the front desk, but not in the leader seat, the other one. Until Neil came and pointed out that I'd promised I'd sit there... Which I had, but when I did this there were 3 cellos and I'd had 3 rehearsals with them. And knew that they knew I didn't think I was better, just didn't mind leading if it made them feel better. But yesterday there were 7 cellos. And I'd only met Neil, and so I'm worried the others think I think I'm better, and then noticed that I clearly wasn't...

Neil persuaded me to sit at the front cause there's a solo cello opening a piece. This solo is fairly easy, he just gets really nervous. And so I agreed. So that's fine - I look at the solo and reckon I could do it now, so by December 7th* I might be ok. Then we play the Saint-Seans (favourite piece ever!) and it was amazing. Although a little frustrating as it doesn't sound right as people don't know it! Then we get another piece (can't remember the name - will find out) and discover that it has a REALLY TRICKY CELLO SOLO!!! Pants. I'm going to look like a tit. But maybe I'll get ok.

Why does it say on the bins in the toilet "For Litter Only"? What else would I put in there?!? Jam?!? Cats?!?

I'm leaving work now to get the train to Mankychester. See ya later!

*Put it in your diaries now! But it is a Thursday, as that's the day we rehearse and have concerts, so could be tricky...


Windmills always turn anti-clockwise, except in Ireland. FACT.

OK, so I'm rubbish and didn't do as I promised myself last night. I didn't blog about my holiday and I didn't look up courses to do and I didn't look for a new job. I did tidy and clean a little, but nowhere near as much as Housemate Kat! She rocks. Then Adam came over and we had a catch up and then watched Shaun of the Dead. I like quoting it, but usually no-one knows what I'm talking about.

Tonight I go to orchestra! I'm quite excited.

I haven't packed for the weekend, or even decided what I'm going to wear to this wedding. Oops. I'm going to the train straight from work tomorrow, so I have to pack tonight. I'm going straight from work to orchestra to pub. So it could be interesting... I think I might wear a dress that is at my parents house already, so that will make it easier. Maybe I will use today at work to write a list of things I need.

I'm quite pleased with my plan for the weekend. It means I get time with Charlotte and hopefully see quite a few people on Sunday.

I'm also attempting to make plans for the next few weekends. Silly Dave has to be at the theatre he's managing quite a lot though. I wanted to take him on an adventure, but it looks like it might not happen. But hopefully a dinner party will, which could be exciting!

I don't know why I really need to plan so much at the moment. I should just calm down and have some time free. But I have urges to fill in all the time and plan everything and stuff. I'm sure it will pass.
I just wrote an e-mail to a friend, and I've realised that it might be nice to keep on my blog.

Here's a brief summary of what I've been doing:

- Holiday to the wilderness with parents and sisters (lots of hills and waterfalls and rain and wind and rock pools and sand)
- Festival (lots of drinking and seeing shows and seeing people that I've not seen for a while)
- Ill (a result of Festival playing-out-ness)
- Gained a boyfriend (also a result of Festival playing-out-ness, which is odd as I was quite ill

and pathetic)

That might be all, but I could have forgotten anything else.

Things I'm looking forward to:

- Orchestra! Starts again on Thursday. We're playing my favourite piece ever at the Christmas concert
- Wedding of Paula and Patrick in Mankychester this weekend
- Doing nothing to recover from everything and work out what normal life is again
- Planning other things to make normal life what I want (going to do some courses, I think, and going to make effort to do random adventures to see people/places I want)

Didn't blog about holiday last night. You may have noticed. I went to Daves and made him cook and put a DVD (documentary on making of Clerks, going to be followed by Clerks, but it was too late) on. Somehow he thought I'd spoilt him for the evening though, as I brought (free) food and said DVD. Weird! We both thought the other had made all the effort of the evening. Accidental chatting until the middle of the night occured, and now I am sleepy. Got to work later than planned (bus from his house goes long windy way and I thought it would take the same time), but was on time for meeting anyway, but it was cancelled. So have spent the morning faffing about what to do, resulting in some things being done without feeling like I've done anything.

Now it's time for lunch. Mmmm! I might go try to get weighed first - scales were broken yesterday. I should find out the damage of the holiday to make be eat better...

I'm back!

The word 'macaroni' means 'dearest darling' in Italian. FACT.

I have been on holiday. I will be blogging later on from home, hopefully with the aid of pictures.

On return from holiday yesterday me and Jennifer (Little Alsion) went in search of haircuts. We failed. But we did find charity shops open on a Sunday, which surprised us, but we shopped! It was fun. I'm wearing new jewellry which I'm enjoying a lot. The necklace makes a good slapping noise on my neck. I will have to demonstrate at some point.

Then we went to the fireworks! Me and Jennifer (Little Alsion) and Patrick (Housemate) and Dave (Boyfriend*) went to Princes Street (via Bristo Square to move some gas cylinders) and drank wine and watched the fireworks and listened to the orchestra. It was ace! Then we went to the Meadows and drank champagne that Dan and Gesine had left for staying in my flat when I was away. I should let people do that more often! I'm in Mankyland on Friday and Saturday nights. Anyone want to stay? :-)

It was a lovely evening and all worries that Dave would find someone better when I was in a field were squashed, and apparently I'm fantastic. Hurrah!

Am bored of work. I need to start enjoying my job more. I will try. As well as looking for one I really want. But I'm not sure that exists. So I should just start liking this one. I do like some bits. Just not all of it. But have a busy few days, so that should help. As long as I don't drink as much as last night and get more sleep!

Am really looking forward to orchestra on Thursday. Yay! And I think I'm going to join a new one. I also want to find some courses (I think sign language and something that proves I can use computers).

I'm going to leave work now. Good plan. Then I can go wash clothes and tidy and blog about holiday and go to Dave's house to watch films. Plan.

*I don't think I like that word. I don't like saying that's what he is. I don't know why. I think it is the word, cause I'm happy saying that we're together, or seeing each other, or other phrases, but just not that one.


I keep thinking about jam. Not the physical stuff, just if you ask me something random, I'll probably say jam. And we've been playing Mallet's Mallet a lot.

I've spent a lot of the time in the pub recently laughing about the story of Rosy running into a tree. Yes. INTO A TREE. It's possibly not as funny to people who don't know him, and it probably doesn't help that I have to explain that Rosy's a boy, and is the Goonie dog, which then brings out whole explanation about the fact that I'm married... And then I wonder why people think I'm crazy.

What else?

Melissa's last night! How sad. I met her and Gwen after work and we went for dinner and drinkage. I got to learn about the previous evening's adventures, which involved Gwen falling asleep in a flowerbed and Melissa thinking Gwen had lost her head, and lots of crying and wailing. They are friends again now. It was all silly and drunken and lack of communications fault.

Anyway, we didn't do much except drink! Went for food at Assembly, opposite the upside down purple cow, then went for drinks at Bar Oz. Dave, Gavin, Nathan and others came to join us there for drinks. Melissa and Gwen decided they needed more food, so me and Dave went to Opium for a drink, then joined the crowd again at Doctors. Melissa is wonderful, so many lots of people came to see her off. I almost cried, but it was ok. Dave got a talking to and has promised to look after me, or something (I'm not allowed to know!), which must have scared him as much as me, as we'd only snogged when drunk, and now he's under wrath of an American!! But seemed to take it in his stride. I'd been feeling rough all day at work, so didn't stay out too late.

Felt more awful than Thursday, and knew I'd been pretty useless on Thursday, so thought it best not to go in. I'd not had much sleep, as I just can't sleep at the moment. It's so frustrating! Called in sick and spent most of the day in bed. Can't remember what I did in the evening... Ooh, Paul Kendler came for the weekend. That means that in the afternoon I went to Dave's flat and we watched some Black Books. Met Paul at the station, along with some of his friends. Went to the Elephant house for food/drinks (I had a diet coke) and chatted. Then Paul came back to mine to dump stuff. The evening's activities were something along the lines of drinking. I can't remember exactly. Remember finishing in Underbelly, thinking Paul will be in a show till 5, but he was out early due to a burst pipe. He'd got back to my house but couldn't get in. Oops.

Woke up at 10. Feel this isn't fair as we were up till 5.30. Dave was not awake. I was a little bored. I washed up and read and e-mailed. But was still knackered, so when Paul went off on adventures I didn't. Eventually Dave surfaced and we went out to watch Pirates 2. It was very well done, but I don't think I'm a big fan... Couldn't remember the first one, so a lot made no sense! And it has no ending. And I'm a scaredy cat. But I appreciate it and did enjoy it a lot. After that we found Adam at random on Viewforth, which was nice. Then I went to find Paul and Becky at the top of Calton hill to watch sunset. I was a little late, but the only one who brought beer, so I feel that's ok. It was nice looking out over the world, even though I got there after dark! We shared my beer, then went off to find John G (who looks like jesus) and his sister, Kate, and Ben (who looks like a bear) at the Assembly Rooms. Ben's been working there, and the other 2 had been watching The Muppets. Had a drink, then me and Becky wimped out to get early nights when the others went to watch musical comedy, or something. Found Kelly and had a nice catch up, then with Dave to Bedlam and persuaded him that he too is knackered and didn't want to stay for the party.

Went for lunch with Dave's friends. You may have noticed that we've been spending a lot of time together. This is A Good Thing. I'm happy around him and am happy going to things where I know only him, as I would be with lots of my friends. I just got a little panicky when someone introduced us as together... But that panic stayed inside and only lasted a minute or so. His friends seem lovely! I know it's only one group of many of his friends, like it would be if anyone came to meet my friends. But I felt comfortable and like they liked me. I reckon in some ways I get on with them better! This is only in a couple of ways, like that I have a "normal" job and can talk to them about offices/spreadsheets/projects. I could not join in very much with the talk of films, but hopefully I didn't come across as that much of a dumbass! Maybe I shouldn't have said that about snake not having opposable thumbs...

I then went home for a while and relaxed, before heading out to the PGP party. They have one every Sunday for the people who have just arrived and the people who are leaving. Simon had just arrived, so it was great to catch up with him a little (we were some of the first there). During the party Bohemian Rhapsody played. Now I have an irrational hatred of this song. I think I blame Jennifer (Little Alsion), as she used to practice it on the piano*. Anyways, I left and Dave followed me with a coat (I'd told him he had to do this earlier, but didn't think he would!) and we had a chat outside, so now he's my boyfriend! Would have been useful to know before lunch with his friends, but hey, it's ace. We then ventured to C Venue for more drinkage, before getting a taxi home in the rain.

Left without saying bye to Paul K cause I didn't want to wake him. Can't remember what I did in the evening... Must have been exciting! Oh, actually, it was. It was Gwen's last night, so she came over and we drank wine before going for a drink in a pub. It was really nice to talk just to her for a while. I've been hanging out with her all week, but not properly talked. It was lovely. I realised how tired I was, so walked her to Doctor's before turning straight around and walking home. Dave left with me, and it wasn't until half way home that I realised he hadn't been there for hours, and it must have looked exceedingly weird to the others! We came in different doors and then just left straight away. Oh well ;-)

Spent some time at home before going to meet Adam for a drink. He was off to a show with some of his other friends (apparently I met one before, but we didn't seem to recognise each other!). He was being a bit quiet, as was I, so it was a little strange, but nice. They went off to their show (some Spaghetti Western music) and I went to find people I know. This turned out to be Savoy people as their show had *just* finished, and I went to Bedlam. Had a chat with Simon (you go form knowing no Simons to knowing millions! Pah), which amused me a lot. He's not really friends with Dave, and was moaning about him the other day. I chose not to tell him I was seeing him then, as I thought it was a little cruel, but I told him on Tuesday and it amused me a lot. Then a girl called Eleanor (?) from Savoy bugged me and I walked off.

Had the morning off work through flexi-time, to try to make myself less ill. It didn't work! I got sent home from work early for looking rough. Pah.
Spent the evening at home. Was going to go to see Murder at the Savoy (as I promised some people I'd see it twice) but couldn't be bothered... Was nice to spend time with Housemate Patrick. I'm going to miss his random questions. (Oh yeah - did I say he's moving out? Anyone know anyone who wants to move to Edinburgh?) They are generally a choice for the rest of life. Some of yesterdays were:

Bananas or sandals? (I'm not sure I answered this one... I tried to argue about the definition of a sandal. Think I decided on bananas, as I don't eat much fruit)
Would you get rid of murder or racism? (Murder - people will always find ways to discriminate, I decided, so would stop people being killed. Patrick picked racism, as it's mean and murder is a bit like discipline. Neither of us were sure we were sure!)
You can only have 5 veg - pick them. (Me - mushrooms, spinach, peas, broccoli and garlic. Patrick - mushrooms, onions, greens, carrots, peas. We know mushrooms aren't a vegetable, but I was going on "vegetable", so potatoes weren't counted.)

Answers please!

My charger arrived for my Palm thingy!!! Hurrah! I will have a life again soon. So I did some organising of that and photos and iTunes and stuff.

Is now. Still been sneezing ALL day, and generally feel like poo. But not quite as bad as yesterday. Have mostly had meetings all day. Am not amused with work at the moment, but am about to go to my monthly review, so maybe this will make it better.

Tonight I try to see Linden and Simon and others, as I spend tomorrow night with Patrick and then go on holiday. I guess I will see Dave too, but I'm not going to try too hard as he knows that we can see each other when we're back and he knows that others will be gone. And I can see him and others. So it'll all be ok.

This be tomorrow. I spend the evening with Housemate Patrick and some of his friends from home. And maybe Linden too.

I go on holiday. We're going to Carnoustie for a couple of nights, then Achmelvich for 5 or so, then maybe Aviemore for 1/2. I'm quite excited - Achmelvich is probably the most beautiful place I've ever been. I'll be sharing a tent with my sisters for the week, so hopefully no fighting!


I feel this has been a very long post (probably cause it has) and it might not make much sense. So I will now summarise:
  • I've not been to any shows this week.
  • I have been quiet ill.
  • I have a boyfriend.
  • I go on holiday on Saturday.
  • Melissa has gone :-(


*I first spelt that as paino. Mistake??

Went straight from work to Bar Oz. Handily, if I get a different bus, I can get off right outside! It's opposite one of the venues, so that's where Melissa, Dan, Gwen and Darren were. I had discovered on the bus, that I left my purse at home. Oops! But was rescued by Darren buying me a pint, then Del buying me a pint and chips later. I was pretty merry, as had 3/4 pints before the chips, so they did little in the way of beer soaking... But it was nice - went to a few bars/pubs, then walked home.

Lolly came! We had an impromptu dinner party, with Melissa, Gwen, Andrea, Darren as well as Housemate Kat and Patrick. It was fun! We had lasagne and wine and cider. Then went on a mission to the Three Sisters in search of Indie (knowing that it would be pants). It was fairly pants, but kinda fun. Del joined us too. Details are a little hazy - we may or may not have gone somewhere else.

Free comedy! There's a part of the Fringe Festival called the Free Fringe, which is a great idea. It costs lots to hire venues up here, so a few have joined together, and basically don't charge the performers who don't charge their audience. The bar gets extra custom and the performers get whatever donations people give at the end. Organised busking, I like to think. Anyway, the day started with me and Lolly wandering along the mile, to see what we could find. We found a rather cute guy who was doing a free show, so we told Adam and he came too. Well, we didn't tell him the guy was cute, I don't think he would have been amused.

Mark Allen's Quite Good Britain
A show all about how Britain really isn't "Great" any more. I enjoyed it a lot - lots of funny bits, as well as informative history and stuff. He seemed like the kind of bloke we'd hang around in the pub with. In fact, I'd quite like to. Maybe I should stalk him. AND there was even a song at the end. What more could you want?? And we discussed random bit for the next few hours, proving how much we liked it. And it was free. And we got badges. 8/10.

The next few hours were spent wandering around... It was jolly nice. Then we went for more free comedy:

Fear of Ironing
A middle aged man, who we thought was gay, talking about his wife making him iron. I wasn't that amused. Sorry. 3/10.

Hearing voices
This was a comedy duo, going by the names of Michale Fabbi and Mike Manera. They were ace! A big man in a really odd charity shop outfit, and a cute man who was really quite inappropriate. They had us laughing quite a bit. Even when their special effects didn't work! 7/10.

Think nothing happened after, cause we was tired. Ooh, no! We still had beer left that we'd been carrying around, so we sat in the park and watched the fireworks at the end of the tattoo. Housemate Kat happened to cycle by, so she joined in. Hurrah for drinking in the park!

Got up about 11 and got to the show we wanted to see at 1.15. It was a show I wanted to watch all week, and Lolly did too, so we both went. The next show I watched Lolly *really* didn't want to, so I was going to go on my own, but went with Richard (PGP, who I scared last year by remembering him from 4 years before, even though we only spent a few hours in the pub together). Shows:

Much Ado About Nothing
I wanted to see this mainly for one man. There's a guy (who was actually quite cute, but I didn't fancy) that I overheard singing in a rehearsal. I found out who he was, and even made him sing in the street for me. So we went along, and I didn't know what to expect. I know, I know, it's a famous play. Whatever. I didn't know anything about it! And I enjoyed it muchly. I was a little confused by the first half hour (apparently it's longer than an hour really, so I guess that could partly be why), but really got into it. Excellent performers. 8/10.

No Oranges for the Accordians
This was a strange show. It was about 3 people's journey from Ukraine to Vienna, with voiceover from another friend who doesn't go on the trip, and interspersed with puppeteer of their mothers. There's Russian music and random bouts of dance/acrobatics, and even an inflatable crocodile. It amused me a lot. It helped that 2 of the guys were hot and got pretty undressed. 8/10.

After that, I worked a shift, which was fun! I was in the cafe (where I belong!) and then on box office. Then it was the end of week 1 party... I got drunk. I didn't mean to! I just bought one glass of wine, then Lisa (who is the most amazing person, but I don't want to talk about her on here, but you should ask me sometime) said she had a bottle I could share. Oh boy. I bought a bottle after that. Memory gets a little hazy. Ask more about that in person too!

Woke up at 8.50. Was still rather drunk. Managed to get to work for 9.55, so wasn't late, but was very rough. Gavin just kept looking at me funny. I think he could tell how rough I was! After work met Dave for a picnic in the park. He brought chocolate muffins, which I didn't eat, and I brought beer, forgetting that he didn't drink beer. Hee hee. But it was nice - we sat and watched the castle and both saw people we knew going past. Melissa and Gwen then joined us with wine, and we sat until we were too cold. Dave went off to build some set, and we went to mine to watch Spaced. Hurrah for Spaced!

Was meeting Gwen for a girly night, but we got persuaded to go see comedy:

Brendon Burns
An Australian bloke, who was doing part 3 of his trilogy. I didn't see parts 1 or 2, but I don't think that mattered much... I just don't think I knew what to laugh at. It's not going to give away by telling you that since his last show, he went mad and through the Priory. I think my issue was that I didn't want to laugh at anything about being mad (mainly cause of the way he did it, I guess, as some people do it well and I laugh). Plus, I didn't know whether to like him or hate him or slap him or hug him or shag him or laugh or cry. It was confusing. But I have to admit, also fairly funny. 6/10.

Afterwards, spent time talking to Mat about how much he'd fallen for Larissa and what they're going to do next. I kind of wanted to shake him and say "give it up, have me!", but he was being quite sensible about it, and I think they'll do what's best. Holiday romances are hard. Especially in a PGP setting, as everyone is so exhausted and often on opposite shifts, they don't get time to sort out any niggles and just have to do what they fancy at the time. It's definitely getting to the point that everyone is being a bit emotional and stuff! I've to to remember extra much that this isn't a holiday and anything I do will still be here after, so no getting annoyed by/with people! So I went home, fairly early (11).

Spent the night being a geek - catching up with people on the internet and tidying (very vaguely) and then watched Eddie Izzard. "I'm covered in bees!" Still didn't manage to catch up on that much sleep though. Oops. Well, maybe I did get 8 hours. Maybe my body just now knows what it is and wants it. Or needs it, cause I'm a bit ill. Mahinda blames kissing boys. I might too.

Is now. I was planning to watch a show at 6.20, but it appears that plan might have changed due to some events last night... I'm intrigued. It's Melissa's last night, and I'm going to be sad. But I have had an extra few days of her! She was supposed to go back on Monday with Larissa, but told work she was too scared to fly after the terrorists, and stayed some extra days. Not enough though.