Learn anything?

Stolen from Liz! I'm not sure if it'll be news...

Three jobs I have had in my life:
Legal Clerk
Recorder teacher

Three places that I have lived:

Three TV shows I like to watch:
The Bill
The Crystal Maze

Three places I have vacationed:
New Haven, CT

Three of my favourite foods:

Three places where I would rather be right now:
In the bath
Hardy's Well
On top of a hill


Ha ha ha ha. That looks like another emo everything sucks post. It isn't. I was just amused that I was at work this morning in the dark.

I have started a catch up post for the time since my last one, but it became a bit of a daunting task. Then I took another 2/3 weeks, and now it's just silly. One day, one day...

Today I was at work at 7.30am in the dark.

That is all.


My decision to be less miserable and grumpy failed, so I have a new plan. Well, the new plan is to make a new plan. So far I've stopped drinking. This will hopefully help with a few things*. Next in the plan is to sort out what's rubbish and fix it. At the moment that appears to be house and job. Not sure what I'm going to do yet...

Apart form that I'm just too busy to do a proper update. Maybe at the weekend. We shall see.

*Losing weight, feeling less ill, doing less dumb things, saving money...

Fed up

I'm fed up. Of everything.

Tomorrow I'm going to see my parents and my gran and my cousins. I hope that helps. Not that hoping is a good plan.

We shall see.

Maybe I should write down all that's rubbish. But I'm not sure I could handle it.

I could write down all that's good, but it hasn't been working at cheering me up so far.

Maybe I should just shut up.


20/9/7 - Under Caroline's orders I skived orchestra and went home to watch girly movies. I think You've Got Mail was the cheese of choice. I was responsible though, and sent my music and the keys and the chequebook along. I hope they appreciate that.

21/9/7 - Friday. Still felt pretty under the weather and grumpy. Had little to do at work. I went to wash the car instead. After work I went to the Virgin Active gym near the bus stop to work, the theory being that I can go on the way to/from work and might actually do it. It has a sauna and steam room after all. But it's £52 a month! And that's with corporte membership discount. That may be cheap if I go 3 times a week, like the lady calculated (wrongly, and far slower than me, even though she had a calculater (I trusted her until then)), but I've got more rehearsals and weekends away than will that let me go that often. But I should get fit, so I'll think about it. Firstly, I might try cutting down alcohol... That said, after looking at the gym I went to the cinema and pub with Adam! Saw Hallam Foe. I loved it! Being set in Edinburgh/Scotland helped, but I think I'd have liked it anyway. Everyone should go see it. A couple of pints and a catch up were just what I needed, but feel I wasn't that sparkling company due to absolute knackerdness.

22/9/7 - Got up and pottered around. Didn't do as much cleaning and tidying as intended, but did do some, so that's ok. Then Adam came over and we went bathroom shopping*! He's been trying to get a new bathroom since at least January, and I've been round all the shops with him before. This time our adventure took us to B&Q where we pondered for ages before booking a consultant to go round to Adam's. This is when we found out that B&Q don't fit bathrooms above the second floor. IN EDINBURGH! That's crazy. A huge percentage of the population live on 3rd and 4th floors! Strange. Have booked an appointment anyway, and Adam is going to see what they say when they arrive. Mission closed for the day, we had a drink on a boat and then dinner at a lovely little restaurant called International Starters. It's basically a tapas resaurant, but with dishes from different continents. Yum. The day ended with a trip to Simon and Joanne's flat (Adam's friends from uni, who are staying in Simon's brother's wife's lovely flat whilst they are in Australia) where we drank wine and played yahtzee. The girls won.

The evening was somewhat ruined by a mamoth headache that was VERY annoying. I tried to ignore it, but am quite sure that some of the time I stared into space and didn't know what was going on.

23/9/7 - Full. On. Migraine. Spent most of the day in bed dozing on and off. GRUMP! Not that long since the last one. Hmmm...

24/9/7 - Work was pretty dull and I still had a hangover headache. But I got through it. I even was allowed to play with some syntax. Woo! The evening was spent at the cinema with Caroline, Sharon and Caroline. Apparently not as confusing as when 3 Caroline's went to the pub together. We watched A Mighty Heart. I thought it was going to be a chick flick. It was not. It was about a journalist who was kidnapped and then beheaded in Pakistan. True story. Excellent film. Bit more serious than I was expecting and usually enjoy, but I'm glad it was thrust upon me in that fashion.

Got home fairly early (9 ish) and pottered around. Rhian came back from her weekend in Cambridge. Was weird to have someone else home! I've been on my own with Spellbound since Thursday. Cats are weird. She ignores me unless she needs food or am in bed. She's been scratching and meowing at my door when I've gone to bed, so I let her in and she curls up and goes to sleep, which is fine. But then when I'm asleep she gets up and starts playing with things and climbing on things, so I have to chuck her out. I don't get cats!!

*Another reason I'd be the best girlfriend ever. I'm quite happy to wander around DIY stores and be logical and reasonable about things. Sometimes I think I should go into interior design. I'm not sure if it'd work though, never having my own place to play with. It might look awful. My parents have a theory that if I like something, then go for the other one...

This afternoon I shall mostly be...

Cleaning! I'm going to take the work car and wash and vaccuum it. That's the "work" I get to do this afternoon. Then I am going to go home and clean the bathroom and kitchen. FUN!


Is what I am.

13/9/7 - I had a pretty productive and lovely evening. Pub before orchestra had a new face (Andy Bassoon) although lacking in old faces (Katrina Violin in attendance, Tim Viola now in Sheffield, Ali Cello always too busy for us, Caroline Violin and Eoin Clarinet late). Rehearsal was fine. We seem not to be up to full flow yet. But I'm glad to have Neil back. Yay! After rehearsal we had a quick meeting (Note to self: you have the church keys. Don't forget them on Thursday...) which was ace! Felt like everyone cares and I think there was one thing that I'd not thought of. That could be a lie though. Savoy pub crawl was rubbish. Well, it wasn't rubbish, but Frankensteins is, for trying to chat at least. Plus I was worried about Rodney. But was lovely to see a few people. Hope to see them better soon!

14/9/7 - Up early, early, early to pack and get to work. Did well. Work exceedingly dull (see previous 2 posts) but short. Had a quick drink with Erin & workmates before train. Bought wine for the train, but had to get a big bottle as M&S didn't have little ones. Then had to drink out of the bottle. Classy. The lady next to me saved me when she went to the buffet car and got glasses, so I shared with her and had a lovely chat! I also read the script for Three Little Maids in Sherwood Forest - the show I'm producing & doing costumes for at work. It looks good! Let's see what the auditions bring on Thursday...

I eventually arrived (after a looooong last hour) and got the bus to Rusholme. Fantastic surprise of ex-Housemate Dan getting on the bus! He was drunk and amusing. Yay! Then to Hardy's to find a plethora of lovely people (Charlotte, Dan, Liz, Andrew, Cass, Joe, Rosy, Andy, Emily, Rich, Miranda & Steve). Was disappointed that Wolf wasn't going to be there, as he was on a sofa dressed as a cowboy. Strange. But true to form he appeared a la pub anyway. I stole his hat for a bit. Then it was back to Charlotte & Dan's* with Cass & Joe for tea and bed.

15/9/7 - The boys had to get up early to go to work (ha ha!) and Cass left to go pack for her camping trip (i.e. get back into bed). Lazed around with Charlotte, then we went to meet Justin and Ian in Solomon's for breakfast. I forgot how much I like that place. Was good to see Justin before he goes off on his Madagascar adventure - I look forward to hearing about what he's been doing. After a good catch up we all went our separate ways and I headed into town. Met up with Adam and Tim from maths and we played around in Urbis. I liked it muchly! I've always had a pretty negative impression of Urbis without ever going there, but now strongly encourage people to go, if only to feel like you're in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and go in a diagonal lift. The exhibit that meant you can throw balls at strangers and play with children and a fake picnic is now gone, but go see the Hacienda exhibit. I learnt things. There's a new one opening in October about some design awards or something. So there.

After playing Shaun and Dean found me, and we found Del and lunch and beer. Great plan! But by then I was tired, as getting to sleep on Charlotte's sofa when drunk was fine, but getting back to sleep at 4 was not. So went back to the hotel with Del for naps, but then I failed to have a nap and did my nails instead. The it was off to the party. I managed to get us a little lost on the way, which resulted in wandering around rather dodgy looking areas. It was fun. We found a new bit of canal and thought about arriving at the party by boat. Party was lovely! Sarah and Cattac looked lovely, and there were many, many splendid people there. I snuck off for a while (I think only Mahinda noticed and I was suitably mysterious, just because I could be!) to say hi to Mark who was drinking along the road. Got back to the party at kicking out time and managed to steal** some decorations.

16/9/7 - Woke up about 4.30 and couldn't get back to sleep. Grump. Eventually got up about 9 and showered. Got out of the shower to discover a text from Mark asking if I was up and saying they (Mark, Andy, Sabeena & Kieran) were drinking in Hulme Park. I didn't really believe they'd got up that early, but it turns out they hadn't gone to bed. Far more believable. So I met them for breakfast. It was amusing being so fresh in comparison! I was even wearing the day before's t-shirt and jeans, but 3 hours sleep and a shower made me superior. That and the fact that I ordered a vanilla latte when they all ordered black coffee... Then off to Kro Piccadilly to find Anne, who was up from Norfolk for the weekend. Lovely! Andy & Emily were first to arrive, and that surprised me a lot! Anne and Charlotte and Dan were late, and Liz, Andrew & Ian were later, but they weren't supposed to be on time. Catching up and Guinness followed. I was really quite rubbish by then though - not much sleep many nights in a row.

Left Kro and headed under Adam's escort to Piccadilly train station to find Maths Liz. We couldn't decide what to do, and as all we wanted to do was hang out, we did it right there in the station. Well, upstairs in a bar bit. Oh, forgot to say - all this time I was carrying around 2 balloons (1 popped on a scallies cigarette). Anyway, we played on a quiz machine and caught random bits of each others lives. Lovely. Liz had to go pick Carl up from Scouts and she casually mentioned that he'd had a 3 hours heart operation including having to be fibrillated in the middle! Scary. I was going to go to my parents' then, but it turns out they were in Bangor trying to fix the internet, so I wandered off to find Mark, etc. at The Cavendish for pool. Was funny - they were all amusing and occasionally falling asleep at the table. They needed curry, so I then did head home where Daddy and Jodie (dog) met me from the train. I think I was a little tipsy and I think my dad knew... Oh well! Tea was had, stories were swapped, plans were made, bed was found. Lovely.

17/9/7 - Random Bank Holiday, just for Edinburgh, not even the whole of Scotland. I'm not complaining though.

/me does the paid holiday dance.

Wasn't sure where I was when I woke up! Turned out I was in Jennifer's room, due to complication of the house being a show house for selling and not wanting to iron sheets. Yet again I'd woken up many times in the night. I then failed to get up when my alarm went off and had to be woken up by my mum to get out of the room for the window replacer man. Enjoyed the luxury of the bathroom and eventually did what I was supposed to and went into the loft. I was right - I have two boxes of kitchen stuff, one of which I wouldn't care if it vanished. The other one contains my Beerfest glasses and some mugs that I don't want smashing, hence why they are not in my flat up here. Then went on an adventure with my mum and sent her to the hairdressers. I wandered through Bolton town centre, and discovered it's actually quite nice! The town hall is beautiful, and there are new flower beds and the fountains are looking better now they've blended in. Shame it's still full of strange looking people, and I've no idea if it would be nice in the evening, but it's gone up slightly in my estimation.

Train back was uneventful and dull. I was pretty glad to get back into my own flat. It'd been a long weekend. But a fantastic one! Was great to see everyone that I saw. As usual, I missed some people out. It just wouldn't have been possible to see any more people. I got over 3 crushes but gained 2 more. Decided not to unpack, but to get in bed and watch Walk The Line. Ace.

18/9/7 - Got incredibly lost on the way to the care home. Oops. They didn't care though, as they didn't know I was coming anyway! The afternoon one also said I wasn't due until the next day, so I went to the one that I had for the next day, and they thought that too. But did the interview anyway. The evening was Emma time as she's away for about a week. We watched Grease II and Cry Baby and drank wine.

19/9/7 - International Talk Like A Pirate Day! But I forgot and did not play. Possibly would have if I had been in the office. Was at the same place as yesterday. The morning's interview was very smooth and quick. The afternoon's wasn't so smooth, as there were many interruptions. I didn't mind though (I'm never in a rush!) and enjoyed a bit more insight into what else they have to do. I quite want to be a specialist palliative care nurse now.

In the evening I managed to do some washing up and feed the cat. Not nearly as productive as I would like, but a start! Then went out for a drink with Nikki. She's ace. We had a good catch up whilst drinking raspberry beer through giant pink straws. I managed to get myself locked out, but luckily New Housemate Rhian came back later on and I could get in. Hurrah!

20/9/7 - Today I am mostly miserable. I'm hoping this is just through being tired, so I might skive orchestra tonight to fix it. Although I think it might be more to do with being fat, and the more miserable I get about it the more I eat. It doesn't help. I need to fight my way out of it, but I really can't be arsed.

*Lots of people kept calling it Dan & Charlotte's, which, although technically wrong (I knew her first!) is easier to say...

**By steal, I mean take with permission. You've got to be careful about what the internet says! It is all true fact, you know.

Spring Clean

Panic happened in the office. Apparently we're going to have a "deep clean" on Monday when no-one is here. They have given us very little warning (about an hour before the earliest we can leave, but everyone else gets here about 4am and leaves as soon as possible) and it appears most of the office is on holiday anyway. Like usual for this place. Anyway, they all had a panic as we can't possibly be ready for a clean with that short notice. Maybe a valid point, but I think your desk should always be tidy except for what you are working on.

Anyway, I'm really just waffling. I did manage to be useful for a while, both personally and professionally, but am still counting down the hours until HOME TIME! Might to early and do a little shopping... My jeans are far too small. I haven't got bigger... No. Well, maybe. A LOT.

If only I could get Facebook at work... I could happily spend my days stalking people again...

That Friday Feeling

I am sick of being at this desk. Sometimes this job is amazing. Sometimes it is not. Today I have nothing to do. I know I say this quite a bit, but there's usually something not very urgent or some menial task to do. Today, nothing. Next week should be ace - Monday is a bank holiday and I'm going out on Tuesday and Wednesday, albeit to Glasgow and to the same hospital each day, but 4 different wards and it should be interesting. Then when I get back I'll have stuff to do.

It doesn't help that I'm very much looking forward to leaving the office. I've got my weekend bag with me and it's straight to the pub then train then pub. Even the train will be good as I've got a script to read and I'm going to get some wine - it will be ace.

I've spent the morning making things for Erin. I hope she doesn't read this! She only just discovered I had a blog, so I'm hoping not. Anyway, I wasn't going to get her anything before she goes off travelling, but then I was bored all morning and it was all I can think of, so I have used office supplies. I'm really going to miss her. I'm glad she's got to come back in between and at the end of her backpacking before leaving us forever. It's going to be weird in the house without her, but I guess it was weird when anyone else moved too. It's not as if it's been a surprise - I've known since the day she moved in!

Anyway, I'm going to go and see if I can create myself some work. Whatever I do will be pretty pointless, but so is this...

Pick up her pants

I just misread 2 spam e-mails - "Pick her up", and "What's in your pants?" became "Pick up her pants". Much better, imho.

10/9/7 - After work I met Dan and Gesine in the Elephant House for a catch chat. Turned out to be a little silly, as Gesine now lives here and I'll see her all the time, and I'll see Dan on Saturday in Manchester. But was lovely to see them together and talk rubbish. I then nipped home to gather housemates plus couchsurfer (lovely lady called Cynthia from Florida) before heading to The Stand for a night of comedy. Red Raw is the Monday slot, and for £2 you get 8 novice acts plus a professional compere and headliner. Not all as funny as each other, obviously, but overall a funny evening, especially for £2!

11/9/7 - Jo (who we went to Roskilde with) came round to see Erin in her last week (*sniff sniff*), so I cooked her a random dinner and we all watched Bill Bailey's Part Troll with appletinis. Yum. I hope that I manage to stay in touch with Jo, but so far I've only managed to communicate through Erin. I'll try!

12/9/7 - Stayed at work late (ha ha, only till 6, but I've not managed that for a while - there's just no need to) and then got a lift with Dan. It took us both far longer than normal to get home, due to getting lost advenutres, but had a good gossip, which made me feel better. Accidentally on purpose got into bed when I got home, and had a little nap. Managed to get up briefly to do my nails and watch Addicted to Love with Emma. Nails a disaster though, so will try to find time to fix them later.

13/9/7 - Today. Got orchestra tonight followed by a committee meeting. Wanted to go to a Creative Space meeting and a Savoy meeting to discuss costumes for their next productions. Creative Space is a group from work that put on shows. I'm producing the next show, so they organised a production meeting for tonight, that I can't go to. Interesting. We'll see how this one pans out... If they keep doing annoying things like that, then I'm just not going to help. Not sure what kind of cosutmes Savoy want for Salad Days, so want to have a discussion with the directors and Nikki and Gesine and anyone else who's interested to see who should do costumes. But I can't go to the open meeting, so I shall just join them on the pub crawl after my orchestra committee meeting and see if anyone makes any sense!

Tomorrow I go to Manchester. I'm quite excited! Friday night is going to be a cosy night in Hardy's Well with Charlotte, Liz, Cass, etc. Saturday brunch with Justin, hopefully meeting maths/teaching people in the afternoon, then Cattac's 30th in the evening. Lots of older generation MUGSS should be there, including Mike and Pam! Aces. Not sure what Sunday holds yet, except I know it will end at my parents house. This might be my last visit to that house. CRY! I look forward to writing about this all after it happens.

Now, I go hunt for work.


I'm not going to bother filling in the gaps, but I'm going to turn over a new leaf and start at the beginning of September. Plan.

1/9/7 - I woke up on a floor. This isn't as random as it would appear, except that the day before isn't included a la blog, due to it being August. I was at Lolly's house in Whitley Bay near Newcastle for the weekend, with Helen and Archie too. We started the day with breakfast on the beach with Lolly's parents, and had a paddle too. Lovely. Then we went to Newcastle (it has a castle! Who knew?!?) and explored and had tea and cakes and a little accidental shopping on route. Then back to Lolly's house for tea and getting ready. Helen was quite obsessed with SingStar or whatever it's called on whatever gadget Lolly has. Watching someone doing karaoke whilst sober and drinking tea is quite surreal. We then went out round Whitley Bay and a good time was had! Whitley Bay does seem to be full of old sleezy men though...

2/9/7 - Another night on the floor was really not good for me! I haven't mentioned that I'd been quite ill and off for most of the previous week. So I really needed a nice restful weekend with good quality sleep. Never mind! Sunday morning was spent mostly tidying up and stuff, followed by a trip to St. Mary's Lighthouse, which handily happens to be on a tidal island! I'm doing fairly well at collecting them. Woo! We walked all 167 steps to the top and enjoyed watching the CCTV camera. We also enjoyed talking to a man about birds. Helen appreciated his beard. I did not. I just about made it back to my train on time. Phew. Got home and attempted a little nap, but think I failed and did something useful, before going to see the Fireworks! Caroline had managed to acquire some last minute tickets to the gardens, so along with Eoin we packed a picnic and had a lovely view. Nice.

3/9/7 - All the activity hadn't helped anything, so I was off sick. Fun.

4/9/7 - Ditto.

5/9/7 - Had the first of two sessions of viewing the flat. Met lots of people, some of whom I would live with and some I would not! Think that might have been all that happened.

6/9/7 - The first orchestra of the term. Am still quite annoyed about the organisation of the orchestra (says the treasurer who has no clue how to do the accounts...). We started the term without knowing when the concert is going to be and what music we are playing. And we didn't have enough parts for everyone. And only half the committee was there, without telling the rest of the committee. But on the positive side Eoin is getting there with the website, so fingers crossed. And Neil was back! Hurrah! I like sitting next to Neil. He gets everything right, but refuses to lead the section. So I lead the section with everyone knowing he's better. That's just fine. I'm usually in the right place at the right speed (Neil's so fast!) which will do.

7/9/7 - Hand hurt a lot. Glad I told the doctor and am going to see a specialist. Although feel I may not have told him exactly what hurts, as I'm not sure. Hopefully all ok. I hope I don't have to give anything up. Left work pretty early to go back and show people around the flat. So many people! Was a bit crazy. But enough nice people that we knew we could cope with. Lovely. Then off to the pub to see Tim before he moved to Sheffield. It was fun, although I wasn't there for long before heading to watch The Graeme Mearns Band starring Ali from orchestra. Such a good band. I love them. Then we stayed for a few drinks, which turned into a bit of a session, for which I entirely blame John. He's such a bad influence! But lovely.

8/9/7 - ZOO! For Erin's birthday I gave her a voucher for a trip to Edinburgh Zoo, as I knew she wanted to go before she left. So we went with Emma as well. It was ace! Fun, fun, fun. We saw the penguin parade and had a picnic and took silly pictures of us with our heads/hands in strange places. Pictures on Facebook. Then we went to see Run, Fat Boy, Run, the new Simon Pegg film. He's lovely. Then we watched Rocky Horror Picture Show as neither Erin nor Emma had seen it. I think we were all too tired though! Great day.

9/9/7 - I spent most of the day in bed with a migraine. Nice. Managed to go to Tesco about 7.30 and then cook tea and watch Shooting Fish, then back to bed. Oh, at some point we did manage to sort out a new housemate and tell all the others that it's gone. Phew.

10/9/7 - Today. Head still hurts and am knackered despite millions of sleep. Today is the beginning of National Suicide Prevention Awareness Week. I doing know what I'm going to do to support it yet. Maybe I should have thought of this before. But something... Something...

The house


That's it. It's on the market. My parents are actually going to move! Strange. People have already looked round even though there are no pictures and it only went in the paper on Thursday. My mum's been having a fight about the caravan being in the picture, hence it stopping where it does (caravan is to the right of the garage).


So... August in Edinburgh, hey? It's been crazy! I want to write down everything that I've done. But I realise that this is probably going to take a long time. I haven't even written about Roskilde bands yet, and I really wanted to have that on record too. One day, one day...

I should be moving house soon, and then I might be very poor. I will spend all my evenings in my flat on the internet drinking cheap wine. It might be quite nice.

But now is not the time for any such updating. Now I just wanted to ask a question:

Where are all the ethnic minority elderly people in Scotland? Cause they sure aren't in any of the homes/hospitals I've visited.

Floods and houses

26/7/7 - Work. Felt like a really short day, as I only got to the office about 2.30 after my drive back. Which is nice. Then it was the last orchestra of the term. I thought for this we might get a bigger turn out - I was wrong! 18 people - just like the last 3 rehearsals, if not more. Spooky! But about the rehearsal itself - It was fine. I know I can't play all of the pieces, but I also know that I'm not the worst. I like to think I don't make things worse, at least! But I'm generally not that confident at the moment. August off might help, then I should probably try to practise. I should get my hands looked at first, as they hurt still. After rehearsal I went to the pub, which I haven't done for weeks! It was nice. Then I went to Doctor's and found lots of other nice people, which was also nice. But I was quite sensible and home by 12.
27/7/7 - Work. Very, very, very slow day. I was so tired. I'm getting bored of this waking up every day at 4 and not being able to get back to sleep! Grrr! Then had a nap, which is probably never a good idea, then went to a party. It was fun. I got drunk.
28/7/7 - Hangover was pretty strong. Managed to get to Nikki's by 1.30, then left to go see Caroline. We helped each other with dilemmas. Ace. Back to Nikki's and some productive stuff got done. Woo! Saturday was also the first outing I've been on with my new bike. I learnt some things - Saddles hurt the second time. Always. I think this bike's brakes are always on. Not useful. I like having a gold bike. 3 gears are not enough.
29/7/7 - Spent the day sewing with Nikki. We were quite productive! As well as managing to wear random things, giggle and do lots wrong. Rehearsal seemed to go well - it's the first I've seen of it at all. The show and performances seem excellent! Well done! The costumes also worked quite well, seeing as Nikki found out that they wanted to see them about 4 days before. Go us! Just a couple of evenings this week, and I think we'll be done. Hurrah!
30/7/7 - Today. I sent my dad an e-mail about money stuff, and realised I haven't phoned for a while, and will not have time for a while, so waffled a bit. I want to talk to them about buying houses, as my dad mentioned helping out. Not as a giving me money, but as an investment in buying somewhere big enough to get a lodger, and therefore profit for him. I think they're coming up for a weekend soonish, so I can talk to them then... If I'm here and not busy. Anyway, the panic is that they are thinking of moving. I've known this for ages - they looked at houses in Chorley and other places near them that have pretty bits a few years ago, and this year they have looked at a couple of places on Arran and the Isle of Bute that would be small businesses to keep them busy. But this whole time I didn't think about them actually leaving the house they are in! I love that house. And there is SO MUCH STUFF in it that will have to dealt with... Bum. They said that wherever they get will be big enough for us all to stay at the same time (and I guess live there if we want/need), but the stuff will still need sorting! My mum won't get a house that we couldn't live in. When she went away to uni, Gran got foreign exchange students in as lodgers, so my mum always felt that she was in the way when she went back in the hoildays, etc. So she won't have that for us. Whatever we say about it. I keep suggesting that I would only need a guest bedroom, i.e. bed & maybe a drawer/wardrobe if I was to stay more than a weekend, but she's not having it... Which is nice.

Now, I doubt anyone noticed, but it was called floods and houses, but so far I have only talked about houses. So... Floods. I happened to mention to Nikki that I thought the people moaning about the floods were silly. She quickly pointed out that this could be because I still have running water out of my taps, not on my floor. But I didn't mean it like that - I do feel for people who's stuff has been ruined and who can't just turn on their tap and who have to worry about looters and diseases from the water. What bugs me is all the people who've been quoted saying things like "I've not seen one member of the council on my street," and "Who's going to stop this happening again?" IT'S A FLOOD!!! No-one did it on purpose. Everyone is working as hard as they can to get you back into your houses safety and quickly. What good is a council worked being on your street going to do? Sympathise? They probably are, as they probably live in the same town! And if they are at your house talking to you, they are probably not helping fix the problem! But I do hope that you all get your houses with power and safe water back soon. Honest.

The Holiday

So, it appears I never blogged about America. This is what I started writing on 29.1.7:

In brief, I spent much of the time:

  • Feeling really stupid whilst everyone else thought I was exceedingly clever
  • Being admired
  • Looking at things

About sums it up...


Decisions, decisions, decisions. As you will notice, they will mostly be based on other people. This is how I work.

Where to live

Edinburgh – Do I want to stay? I feel like I’ve not made that many good friends. I know I now know a lot more people. Probably more people than many people know in their whole lives. But I don’t feel like they’d miss me or I’d miss them. Except Caroline, Erin, Alex, Adam and Dave. But Erin is about to move back to Canada, Alex only sees me at home and I don’t reckon we could manage to meet otherwise, Adam is very busy and we only see each other once a month and we could do that living in different cities, same with Dave. That only leaves Caroline who I would miss and I think would be upset. I do love the place. Every day I still remember that. And every time I see the castle it cheers me up. And every time I see my street I love how pretty it is. I really, really, really want to belong here. But I’m not sure I do or can. Maybe I need to make a different life and then bring it here…
Manchester – I’m not sure I can go back. There are people that I miss so much. Charlotte, Liz, Cass, Andy, and their associated friends. I’d have people I love around me far often. I’d be nearer my folks, who I have missed a lot. I don’t know why – I didn’t used to see them often. I probably see them as often now. I just know that I can’t see them as easily.
Bolton – I could move home. It’d be cheap. I could probably get a good job at Bolton Hospital, or Wigan or one of the Manchester ones that’d be easily commutable. I’d eat properly and get enough sleep and have everything I could possibly want. I’m sure it wouldn’t be that hard to visit friends from there either. Right now, I can see no disadvantages.
London – I was going to go here when I moved to Edinburgh. The reason I didn’t was that when I was thinking about it I was going to be teaching, which had a minimum salary. As a nobody I didn’t have that, and therefore couldn’t afford it. I’d say that now I have a minimum salary through the NHS that might be able to support me there… Would it be fun?
America – I wonder if I could go live in America for a year. Is that complicated? I’ll ask Melissa.

I suppose it’ll all get sorted when Melissa is here. Is that weird?? Probably. Cause I don’t know what her plans are. I think she is going to move to Edinburgh in a year, for a year or two. If so, I will buy somewhere that she can live too. Then I will plan for what I want when she’s left. But if that’s not the case, then I shall decide whether to stay or go.

Where to work

I want to be more useful. I want to work in the NHS still. I need more skills. I don’t know what these could be. I don’t know how to be more useful, and that bugs me A LOT. I just don’t know what I’d be most use at. How can I find that out?? I might go back into HR. At least I felt useful. People told me every day how useful I was and how better than the others I was.

Every decision is right and wrong. There is nothing in it. Who knows where I will find what I want from life – to fill my void? I want a life partner. That is what I want. There is no real way I can make that happen. So I don’t know what to do until then. Every decision seems pointless.

Everything seems pointless.

After Roskilde

10th July – Work. I had loads of hours to make up at work, so I did lots and then did nothing in the evening.
11th July – Work. Was going to meet Adam for a drink, but he cancelled due to headache, which was quite relieving as I was knackered. But I miss Adam.
12th July – Felt awful and had a nose bleed, so didn’t go to work. Went to orchestra, but not pub as felt sick.
13th July – No work again. Ventured all the way to Morningside to the library as I needed entertaining. I also bought a new washing up bowl as ours appeared to have fallen out the window and broken. As if Alex didn’t notice… But it showed how ill I was when I looked for about 5 minutes for a price, then asked, and it was right there. Ill. In the evening I was going to meet James, but he cancelled, which was good for my body.
Also in those past few days I had something for August and something else for September cancelled. I was feeling a bit lonely.
14th July – Put up my tent to wash it. Shaun was in town with his family, so I went to see them for a bit in the afternoon. Was going to go out for the evening, but I got arranged kidnapped by my parents and went to Carnoustie as they were going there for the golf the following week. I helped put up the awning and tent. I like building things. Carla was great at hitting in pegs with the mallet. She’s 5. . Had a lovely evening with Mummy and Daddy and Katherine. Slept in Katherine’s tent on an airbed. Bliss. I later discovered Dave had also been in Carnoustie and failed to find chips. We got some. Ha ha
15th July – In the morning Katherine took me and Gary to the golf Open. Nothing much was happening, as it was the practise before the practise round. But Katherine was very excited about it, as she’s been every year for ages and wanted me to see why they enjoy it. True, there were rather a lot of cute men. I can see her point. But the Scottish Masters was still being played at Loch Lomond, so no-one was in Carnoustie yet. We had to go through airport security to get in, which was quite exciting. And Gary got in free as he’s a juvenile and had a sign on his wrist to prove it. Then we went to see Gran, who seemed fine. She was just off to the pub for a coffee! She’s muddling along. I should go and see her more. Well, should is the wrong word. I want to go and see her more, so I should make more effort to make that happen. We then picked up the other Townsends and went to the beach! Except the tide was in… Oops. So we went to the paddling pool and I got soaked for sitting on the train. Went to watch Harry Potter with Andy when I got back. It was AMAZING! I got so into it. I enjoyed it far more than I thought I would.
16th July – Work. Then watched Die Hard.
17th July – Work. Then watched Die Hard II.
18th July – Work. Then watched Die Hard III.
19th July – Work was a very varied event. Some parts of the day I hated so much and though were ridiculous, and some points I thought were ace and exactly what I wanted to do. I can’t decide at the moment if I want to stay for ages and try really hard, or if I want to look for something else... Orchestra -we had a guest conductor, Fiona. It was hilarious! I’m not sure that should be what a rehearsal is, but it was ace. Fiona is funny, and the people who were there enjoyed every minute. It was fun. But I still didn’t feel up to the pub after, so I didn’t go.
20th July – Work. Then ceilidh! For Andy’s birthday. Teannaich were playing at Pollock Halls. I hate ceilidhs there. There is not enough room. The people who go are morons (generally speaking, not the people I know). So it’s really impossible to learn anything and dance. But the band are ace and the caller is hilarious and VERy attractive. Housemate Erin had friends up to visit. Heather and Steve have been before, and I really like them! They are fun. Suzanne and Shawn were visiting Heather and Steve, so there were 4 visiting Canadians. Somehow Suzanne and Shawn didn’t understand what a ceilidh was, so didn’t get into it. I was pretty mad that they didn’t even try one dance. I tried… I walked home with Erin and avoided the after ceilidh gathering for various reasons including tiredness and not liking certain people and not feeling confident enough to be liked by the others.
21st July – Walked to town in the morning and visited Mary in the shop she works in. It’s the perfect job! She gets to decorate balloons and plays with glitter and sparkly things and all sorts of party related things. FUN! I then bought a bra specifically for that evening’s dress and then went to Nikki’s new flat to help. It’s a lovely flat! I helped put up pictures and hang clothes and remove annoying blue tack. Then went home and got ready for Josie and Dave’s engagement party. They are so lovely. I hardly talked to them all night though. Oops. Talked to Jay mostly, and also Mary and Will and others. Went back to Simon’s flat after where there was a mini party. I love Simon’s flat, but I think I’m going to decline the option to move in there. It’s a tricky decision. Will have to talk to him again.
22nd July – Pretty much nothing! Was quite hung-over. Then got a monthly visitor, so I stayed in bed ALL day pretty much!
23rd July – Work.
24th July – Work. Dave’s birthday. Nick’s birthday. Went to the pub to see them. It was nice. But I didn’t take any presents or anything cause I hadn’t got that sorted yet. I will, I will…
25th July – Today. Melissa's Birthday. Work – Left home at 7 and got to Campbeltown about 12.30. It’s far away! Did work, then decided to go on a walk. I’d found an island (well, I suspect I’m not the first one to find it – you know what I mean) and decided I wanted to walk to the top of it. It’s one of those islands that you can walk to in low tide (they probably have fancy name* – I’d look it up if I had wikipedia!) and seemed to be a hill. I thought exercise and fresh air is a good plan, and I might not get the chance again. So I went to Woolworths and bought sandals (wasn’t doing it in heels!) and a t-shirt and set off – was only 2 hours until the walkway would be gone. I got there to find a sign for cave drawings, so instead of going to the top, I turned right. This was a ridiculous idea. To get to the caves was very rocky, and I was wearing sandals. I found a cave and remembered that I’m really quite scared of caves after watching that stupid film about the girl climbers who go into caves and find people who are so far adapted into cave living that they aren’t really people anymore. So I wouldn’t go into the cave, even thought it I could see the back and I knew it wasn’t very deep and there was nothing in there. I’m such a wus. But I kept walking as I couldn’t see any drawings and naively thought they might just be a little farther. I managed to scare myself into a tizzy – there were vultures (buzzards!) circling overhead, and a mountain goat carcass which they had obviously devoured on the rocks. I wouldn’t go into the other caves either, and since getting back realise how stupid it was that I didn’t even see the drawing. Oops. Anyway, I refused to walk past the dead goat again, so I kept walking. I was sure that the other side of the island would have sand and I’d get back to the walkway in no time. No such luck. Rocks, rocks, rocks. I twisted my ankle a couple of times. I had so many visions of me falling, banging my head, the tide coming in, etc. I got stung by nettles and many scratches from ferns. But I made it back alive! And had a paddle in the sea on the way. It was warm on one side of the walkway and cold on the other side. Interesting.

Shona from The High Life is in The Bill. That is amusing me a lot. Especially as how serious she is. I just want her to call someone a big nancy numpty or something. And Darren Day is in this episode. I love The Bill. I think I’m only going to do overnight work trips on Wednesdays from now on so I can watch it without getting a TV.

*I looked it up. It’s a tidal island. Not that fancy… But there doesn’t appear to be many of them in the world. I have been to 3 or 4, I can’t remember. So I better not count it. And I better not count the one we have a jigsaw of. I might try to go to more…


I’ve been doing some mega thinking recently – after watching Garden State and reading a book called The Shape of My Heart. I thought it was a girly booked from the title and the pink cover and the theme of love. But it wasn’t. I liked it a lot though.

Anyway, to my point: voids. [BTW this is going to be emo, you have been warned]

There’s a theory that we all go through live trying to fill a void inside us. We all do different things for this – relationships, hobbies, jobs, holidays, etc. to try to fill this void. Everyone’s is a different size to start with, or at least we notice them to a different extent. I think I like this theory. And now I am trying to work out what my void is wanting. To be fair, this means very little to how I live my life. I just now don’t mind that there is a void. I feel more normal about it now it has a name, and it appears to be experienced by other people. It’s all just fine and dandy.

I do worry that what I think will help fill my void won’t. I think I know what I want and need. I don’t know how to get it – it’s not something that I can have any control over. But what if I’m wrong?

But that’s not worth worrying about really. I just do occasionally, usually just for about 5 minutes. I like having an occasional wallow.

The phrase “help fill my void” is ridiculous.


I’m writing lots of blogs. I’m very behind. I need to catch up. I’ve been very lazy blog-wise. It didn’t start off as laze. It started off as not feeling exciting enough, then I went on holiday and there was a load to blog about. Then I got back and didn’t have anything to say again. I couldn’t even really decide what to say about the festival. I couldn’t decide about anything and nothing that I had been doing. Then it all just got too much to write. But today I am inspired and I’m giving it a go. But it is 10pm already, and I’ve not done much. I’m in a hotel with Chinese takeaway and pear cider and work’s laptop. This could be a long night… But that would be a bad idea, as tomorrow I have to drive all the way back to the ‘Burgh and then I’ve got orchestra after work. It’s the last one of the term. I hope it’s fun. I want to go to the pub afterwards. I haven’t done that for weeks. I’ve been too tired.
Anyway, this isn’t me writing blogs. I need to write what happened before I forget.

Well, really, I need to get over being worried about forgetting what I did ona particular day. Why do I care? Why do I need to know what I did every day for years?

I don’t know. But I do. So I will.

BTW, I had to open the pear cider bottles with a teaspoon. I’m quite proud of that.

(I did cut two fingers on first attempt. Second was far easier. By the third I’ll have it cracked!)

I really can't be bothered thinking of a title...

5/6/7 - Went over to Adam's for the evening. Was a good catch up. I love Adam. We are such geeks though. Listened to cover songs and ordered takeaway online. It was ace knowing that they couldn't get it wrong cause it was typed, rather than misheard over the phone. And it was yummy.

6/6/7 - Don't remember. Think I just hung out with Erin for the evening. And by "just", I don't mean that it wasn't fun. I mean that it's not for writing about.

7/6/7 - I cheered up after a dream about a friend who I have a crush on. But I'd forgotten all about it/him. But my dream reminded me, and I lost the grump that I'd had for a while. Then I had orchestra. It was weird, cause it's the summer and less people turn up. And our conductor was late, so we had someone else. So all odd. And by the end of the rehearsal I was feeling awful. So I went home and not to the pub.

8/6/7 - Feeling awful turned into a cold. Grump. After work I went to find Auntie* Linda at the train station. It took me ages to get there, so I wasn't there when her train arrived, so I had to ring mummy to get numbers, and then spoke to her husband to get the right number, and eventually found her. She was in Jenner's, shopping. I'm not sure if she had a plan other than "arrive in Edinburgh". Strange. Anyway, we went back to my flat and Auntie* Helen arrived for a nosey and then we bought BBQ stuff and went to the campsite. I helped Daddy with the awning and Helen with the tent. I'm useful. Then I drank wine. Helen gave me a lift back, which was ace.

9/6/7 - Daddy came over in the morning and we went to a bike charity shop to give them 2 old bikes, and then we went to buy me a tent. I got neither of the ones I was thinking of. We then went back to the campsite and had lunch and went for a walk. I was feeling pretty rubbish by then, so had a nap. I snored in time with the dog, apparently. She is the loudest snorer EVER. I put my tent up to test it. Look:

It is cute AND sensible. Mummy and Helen and Linda then arrive back, with Auntie* Sue. They had been at a school reunion, so had lots of stories that I didn't understand at all. They had a DVD of a tour of the school, and I discovered why my mum is so posh sometimes. Was going to go meet Mark for a drink, but was completely knocked out with cold still, so went to bed.

10/6/7 - Woke Mark up by ringing him at 12 and forced him to get up. Went for lovely lunch with Mark and Erin and Dan and Olivia. Yum! I really should meet Dan and Olivia when Mark isn't here. Well, when he is here too, but it shouldn't be just when he's here. I should steal his friends. Mwah ha ha ha. Think I did nothing more after Mark left except watch DVDs and grump about being ill still.

11/6/7 - Recorder rehearsal. First half was awful, but it got better. It makes more sense with both violin parts there.

12/6/7 - Went to Kingussie with work, before travelling to Aviemore to my hotel for the night. The hotel I was supposed to be in was overbooked, so they upgraded me for free. Woo! Ace room. I went shopping a little - it's an outdoorsy kind of town, so I went looking for useful things for my trip. I bought a holdall. Not sure if I'll get something more suitable, but it might do... I then got food and went back to hibernate in my room, and discovered I'd lost the stupid card key. It'd fallen out of the ill fitting card. Grrr! I was rescued, and then I stayed in my room all night with TV and bath and nail varnish and magazines and books. Ace.

13/6/7 - Left my beautiful hotel (after discovering a conference of men in suits - where were they the night before?! I should have gone to the bar) and ventured to Grantown-on-Spey and then Inverness, before the long drive home. I did manage to stop in Pitlochry to take a picture of a sign that Erin's Mom wanted:

'Nuff said. Got back and watched some Arrested Development before bed. I love that show.

14/6/7 - I was mostly tired. So tired. I need to start getting enough sleep! Oh well. So I went straight home... After an evening of samba drumming. I keep getting the words samba and salsa mixed up. That's confusing. But it was a fun evening of hitting drums and cow bells that weren't called cow bells.

15/6/7 - I spent most mostly want a VW camper van. I went for a very long lunch with the team from my old job. It's funny - I've been in this new one as long as I was there, but still feel like I know more about that old job. And I feel like that job was harder, even though I get paid far more here. Most of them haven't seen me with my glasses. Or the coat that I wear all the time! So they haven't seen me since America. Or, in fact, Christmas. Was ace though. But with long lunch and then leaving early, my flexi time got a battering. Oops. I left at 3.30 to get the train to Lancaster! Met up with Helen and Lolly and had a lovely evening of pizza and wine and then shots in Revolution. We discovered that all the men in Lancaster are students or dumb.

16/6/7 - A slow get up followed by a cooked breakfast started the say well. Helen was being a fantastic hostess and made us breakfast and then ate fruit instead. Weirdo. We then ventured into town to find Charlotte and lunch. Basically, we just kept eating. And talking. Charlotte bought me and ace necklace/earrings for my birthday. I bought a cow print tripod stool thing, an airbed with built in pump and a pan set for camping. Then we found Archie and afternoon tea. Oh, Danny appeared occasionally too. He's got a funny beard. We went back to Helen's flat and played Jenga and then got ready to go out. Charlotte had to head back to Manchester, which was poo, but I'm glad I saw her. We (me, Helen, Archie, Lolly) then headed out to various bars ending up in Hustle, which is a cheesy club. They were playing roulette and black jack upstairs. The lady doing roulette was lovely and fun. We "gambled" for about 3 hours. I say "gambled" because she kept giving us our money back if we lost. Eventually we won a pitched of alcohol, and by this time we'd gained a couple of blokes. They helped us pick a bright blue pitcher of some description. Nice. I'd been ready to go to bed at about 11. I was so tired. But somehow managed to stay away until we got kicked out of the club (about 4.30) and didn't get into The Lounge, so the four of us and 4 random blokes came back to Helen's. There was more drinking and Jenga and other activities resulting in me sleeping in a corridor for about an hour.

17/6/7 - Got up about 10 (see above to work out I was up till 9am - hardcore!) and cleaned and showered and stuff, before making the boys get up and drink tea. We eventually got our stuff together and headed to Weatherspoons. I forgot that I'd bought so much stuff, and that I'd now have to carry it. Grump. Train was uneventful and I got back into my house just after 7. Lovely

18/6/7 - Just checked my little sister on facebook. She has been on for 8 days and has 109 friends. I've got 311. She better not catch up.

I'm a bit anxious. I'm not really sure why. It could be my birthday. I generally have one good year and then two rubbish ones. I'm pretty sure this doesn't have to be the case. But still, what if the next two years suck? I don't fancy that much. But I could just be worried about the concert I'm doing tonight, as I can't play it and the composer's daughter is coming to watch. Or I could be worried about camping for 8 days. What if I'm not good at it? Or it could be something else. Like seeing Housemate Alex after he's been away for ages. What if he's not happy about me asking him for money whilst he's been away? What if he's grumpy that we're having a party? Or something I've not even considered yet. Hmmm... I have been grumpy for far too long now. I hope I work out why soon and make it stop. Camping will probably fix it, if I don't manage before then. Must take writing paper and pens.

*I don't generally call them Auntie. It was for explanation purposes.


So... I need a tent to go to Denmark with. I want to get this one (in pink), but people at work have been picking on me. Evelyn says I should get this one, which would be an ace idea if it was big enough. Maybe I should get a sensible one. But I want to be able to recognise it. And I've been advised against painting anything incase that makes it not waterproof...

Any suggestions?! I'm going to take Daddy advice this weekend. I'm sure we'll sort it.

I also need a sleeping bag (mine is not very transportable and about 15 years old) and stove, etc...



That excites me. I wonder if they will eventually do my suggestion of raising it slowly year by year? It'd be funny to be able to start smoking ages 40.

So, an update?

17/5/7 - I went to Lostock and had tea at my parents. The house changes every time. But it's still home. It's just odd when stuff changes, isn't it?
18/5/7 - I adventured to Todmorden to visit Rebecca (from old work) and Madeline (her tiny baby daughter). It was lovely to see them! And Todmorden is very pretty. Then I went with Mummy and Daddy to Wales. Katherine met us there, and we stayed at Jennifer's house. She appears to live in adventure holiday residence. There is even a kayak. But it is also fun. I slept on a high up bed that creaked, and K & J thought they were going to be squished.
19/5/7 - We went to Bangor pier and then to Anglesey to a beach, that wasn't beach, it was sea bed and then to a town and looked in windows. Lunch was then eaten (you ALL should try the scones from the end of Bangor pier) before driving back to Lostock. I then deserted the family and went to Manchester for fun and frolics. I love Hardy's Well. I love everybody who came to say hi. I love Wolf, and the fact that he was supposed to be in Austria, but he got thrown out on arrival. It was ace. I love Fab Cafe. I don't love casinos, but Mark and Dan will be forgiven, as no gambling happened, just drink.
20/5/7 - The day started very slowly and delicately... I went to town with Emma and bought a hideous dress and ridiculous shoes. Yay! Then I went to see the Holker's, who are ace! I miss seeing Fran & Matt more often. But I was a bit delicate and dull. I made it back to my parents and crashed.
21/5/7 - I had 2 lunch dates. Woo! I saw Charlotte, who I love and miss so much. I wish I was better at phoning her. And then I found Andy and we had pudding. I then went on another shopping trip with Emma where we failed to find anything we wanted at Afleck's Palace. I really hope they don't knock it down... The train back to Edinburgh was "interesting" due to two old drunk men, but I handled it so well another passenger told me I should be a nurse or social worker as we got off. Maybe I should... You'd think this is where the adventure ends, yes? No! I met Caroline, Sharon & Anna for a drink near the station. Then I went home. I really liked getting back to my flat.
22/5/7 - I think I went to the cinema with Erin & Erin's Mom. I can't remember what we watched. Oops.
23/5/7 - I must have done nothing. I hope I did. I needed it.
24/5/7 - Jake arrived. Met an ex-colleague at the airport, which was odd. Didn't have orchestra. Went to the pub instead. Met a different ex-colleague on the bus, which was also odd. Then went to a Savoy party. I remember balloons...
25/5/7 - Went to the museum and then to pick up the car for the ROAD TRIP!!! Drove up to Pitlochry with Jake, Erin and Erin's Mom, who is called Wendy, but shall be known as Erin's Mom. I discovered that water is higher on one side of a dam than it is on the other. Odd that.
26/5/7 - We did a tour of the surrounding area, which included Blair Castle, Queen's View, Loch Tay, and Ben Lawer. Or more precisely, Pooh sticks, being a troll, a very old tree, and lots of people being in a phone box. We got back exceedingly late, so had takeaway and didn't go to a gig.
27/5/7 - I was knackered and determined not to get ill, so didn't do much.
28/5/7 - Jake was ill, so didn't do much. I went to a recorder rehearsal. I'm playing in a concert for the 50th anniversary of the Edinburgh Recorder Society. I will be interesting, if not ace.
29/5/7 - Jake left for more adventures, and I went to work. I only went to East Lothian, but it is surprisingly far away. Don't remember the evening...
30/5/7 - East Lothian again. Some strange , strange places. Don't remember the evening again...
31/5/7 - Work. Then I got rained on. And by rained on, I mean RAINED ON! Thunderstorm style. My coat was wet for at least 3 days. So after tea in the nice warm pub with Caroline and Katrina, I went home and had a bath. Mmmm...
1/6/7 - AS IF it's June. Was not intending to do anything, so (of course) I ended up at a party with Erin. A Phat Hat Flat party, to be precise. I wore a Santa hat, which isn't as good as the hat I made 2 days AFTER. Oh well. Erin wore the Busby I made for Iolanthe, and stole the show. We drank far too many Appletinis and slept over.
2/6/7 - Ouch, ouch, ouch. OUCH. Then met Kat and had a curry and good catch up, before going to celebrate Elgar's birthday and mark Sibelius' and Grieg's death in concert form. It was an EXCELLENT concert. I had a pint there, which after Friday's drink consumption meant I was drunk. So I headed to Ken (from work)'s 30th birthday party. Some kind of structured dancing was going on when I arrived, followed by an impromptu improvised show, and pass the parcel. All rather silly, but fun. Then bed. Oh, bed is wonderful.
3/6/7 - I eventually got my ass over to Nikki's flat. I've been meaning to go help her with costumes for the next show for ages, but failed. I have helped now! I made a jester hat, and I am quite proud of it! Woo! And it was ace to catch up with her and gossip and stuff. In fact, stitch and bitch. We are stitch bitches, after all.
4/6/7 - Recorder rehearsal 2. I was awful. I've never had my 'cello change tune that badly through change of heat. It was a very odd experience. And I'm not good enough to play this piece, so I'm going to have to practise. Then I met Caroline and Sharon in Doctor's, where Sam and Gavin and Chris C appeared one by one. I drank too much for a Monday night, and then talked online for too long, probably inappropriately. Not in a rude way - in a dumping my emotions on people way. I thank them both, and apologise.
5/6/7 - At some point today it was 12:34 5/6/7. FACT. Apart from that, I've mostly been angry/grumpy/hilarious/laughing/smug. It's been rather confusing.

There you go.

I have also been buying many buttons from ebay. I'm not sure why just yet...

So, I think the adventure is on now, so I can write it down. And it will be true. I'm going to a rock festival in Copenhagen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited. I've never done a festival before. I'm scared of someone falling on my tent and breaking it. But for some reason I'm less scared of this in Denmark... So I'm going to buy a pink pop up tent, and going to have fun. I'm going with Housemate Erin and her friend Jo. We have to fly to Sweden and then get a train to Denmark. Well, we don't *have* to, but this will make it about £200 altogether, rather than £500. That's good.

I'm going to go now. I'm going to Adam's house for tea. I've not seen him for ages. In fact, all the time this blog covers! Rubbish.


I keep almost writing a blog 2 days after my last one, and then thinking that it's too soon not doing it for 2 weeks. Oops.

Basically, nothing in my life has changed. But I am pretty happy about that, so there. And I have been on lots of mini adventures. I feel like I'm living up to my blog's name. And I've got other mini adventures planned. This makes me happy.

I'm in the process of planning a larger-than-mini adventure, but don't want to tell you about that until I know for sure, as I've been getting over excited and don't want to be disappointed if it all falls through. I do need to make sure I build up flexi time though, which could be tricky this week, as today is my only day out the office. Speaking of which, I really should go!!! So still haven't updated much. Oh well.


On my many journeys around Scotland, I've seen some amazing things. I saw possibly the best view I've ever seen yesterday. I was on top of the world! I had to stop, I was that amazed. Luckily, there was a handy car park for such things. I took a photo, but it doesn't look as good as it should.

I've seen lots of road kill. There's generally rabbits, pheasants, etc. But on Tuesday I saw a baby deer. It was like Bambi. Except dead with broken legs. It was sad. I'm not surprised there are so many pheasants though. They're dumb and not at all scared of cars. Apparently in some parts of the country, natural selection is breeding rabbits that run in straight lines (rather than zig-zag, as is usual for them). Interesting.

I've also come across some rather interesting things at work. Obviously I can't say too much, nor would I want to. The people I learn about are elderly and it's very strange what can happen to people. But what I am going to say is what surprised me was the length of time some people are in hospital. I've discovered a few people who've been in hospital over 50 years. 50 YEARS! That's mad. One was in their 80s and had never lived anywhere else. I don't know why, but I didn't really comprehend anyone being in hospital over a year. Even that seems too long.

Today has been interesting. I had a meeting this morning, which is rather unusual for me. At least a meeting in the office, not a care home/hospital. And then I have mostly been laughing about a phone call. I was charged for breackfast at my hotel the other day, but apparently this had already been paid for by work, so I had to ring for a refund. We've been laughing at "Hi, I'm just ringing up about my breakfast". And then we went to an alternative therapies event in a boardroom, so I now have a worry crystal and some funny herbs and potions. Evelyn just accidentlly sprayed lavender bath crystals around her desk.

As you can tell, I'm not in the mood to work.

Soon I leave the office and board a train to Manchester. Woo! Home! Although it feels less and less like home, but never mind. I did manage to pick a weekend when Liz is busy and Charlotte is away. There are still many people to see though, and I'm looking forward to it muchly. :-)

Oh, I need to write down what I've done, or else I will forget forever and that will make me sad.

Since last blog I was rehearsing and then in a concert, went to Beltane with Housemate Erin to watch Housemate Alex, Mazz and Tom perform (I didn't realise that Tom was The Main Man - we were like moms at a school play!), stayed at my cousins in Carnoustie, went to St. Andrews, had Part II of Alison's Educational Pub Crawl, Helen and Jo came to visit and we went to the beach and in some vaults, I went to Richard & Katharine's wedding reception and danced, I was off sick for a week, I went for posh dinner with Uncle Bert & Paul, I stayed overnight in Aberdeen & I watched some work colleagues in a play.

Phew! So much I should like to write more about. But not now. Now is the time to get a train!!!

Why does it upset me?

Why does it upset me when I talk to complete strangers online and they turn out to be tossers? I don't like them, they can't type complete sentences, they have no interests, they don't like their jobs, they can't talk about anything other than boobs, yet I get upset when they don't find me interesting.



I've not been in the mood to blog.

I'm not really in the mood today either.

But I don't want to do work.

This is where I left you. I was leaving work to go to the bank and then on adventures. I did this. Adventures were 2 hours of trying to find Shaun and Mark, then giraffes, then beach, ice cream, paddling and sand castles, followed by finding Charlotte and Dan in a pub. I then went to orchestra and Shaun and Mark went on other adventures, and Charlotte and Dan went home. Boo. Orchestra was fine, as far as I remember. Possibly even good. Then found the boys again, and we did some pub crawling with and then without Rodney.

Had to get up ridiculously early to get to the boys to the train station, so I was at work very early. How useful. Don't remember what I did after work. Possibly slept. /goes to check diary. Oh yeah! I went to the pub to see Kelly. She'd handed in her dissertation, and as such was MENTAL. She'd not slept for days and was hyper/asleep.

I had a plesant morning of drinking tea and listening to classical music at Declan's house, followed by going in lots of charity shops to find exciting things to post to people. I failed. Then I had a nap, before going to Caroline's for tea. We had pie. Mmmm... Pie. After this came "Alison's Pub Education Tour" to some nice places, so I stop inviting Caroline to Doctor's. I now know some nice pubs. We're going to have another leg or two of this tour, and maybe a break away tour of places to have Sunday lunch and places for afternoon tea.

Don't remember. I think it involved staying in bed.

Fife with work, followed by playing with my iMusic.

Fife with work, followed by playing with my iMusic.

Fife with work, followed by playing with my iMusic. It needed a lot of sorting. Now my comptuer needs more memory, followed my some more sorting. Probably.

Work, pub, orchestra, pub. First time in ages that Katrina's been at rehearsal, so that was good.

Pub! Met Adam in the pub we've been intending to go to for months near our houses. It's a nice pub, with a grand selection of beer. Then Adam's friend Andy joined us, and we went off to Doctor's for a different Adam's leaving drinks. It all got a bit messy and drunk. Ouch. But it was fun.

Recovering. Was eventually human about bed time.

Went to the castle. It was free, therefore packed. I was very confused that there wasn't just "a castle". I might have missed it all together. But I did see a hospital and prison and cannons and things. The afternoon was then spent hanging out in my room with Housemate Erin. We talked about boys and listened to music. It was ace. Then we went to the pub quiz (we had to go, we needed a wee and Housemate Alex was in the bathroom). I only drank water, which I think was a bad idea.

Off sick. Watched many films.

Went to Glenrothes, saw a (minor) car crash and some swans, did some work.

Wednesday - Today
At work. Feeling pretty terrible, but not any specific symptoms, except sore ears... Going to sit still for the day anyway.

New Update Just In: It turns out that my £3,000 pay rise might actually be a £5,000 pay rise! Not that I've seen 1p of it yet. But I *should* tomorrow, as it's pay day.

Back pay will be fun. Maybe I will be out of my overdraft for the first time since 2001!!

In other news: I got many fun postcards recently. A man blowing a raspberry for Pete and Sarah, a one sided postcard game from Linden, 2 from Liz and the gang in the pub, a grumpy looking dog from Adam in France*, one with red shoes from Cass in Germany** and one with kittens in different beer mugs from Caroline. I think that might be all, but it might not. It's MANY! I'm so excited. I also recieved a DVD which turns my screen into a real fake log fire. Shaun is so strange! Oh, and me and the other girls in my flat recieved a card with an hunky man on the front, with the phrase "Happy Man Bits". Creepy.

I love my friends.

But I am cross with myself, that however many friends I have, or however great any are, there's still a big lonliness that just friends aren't going to fill. And that pisses me off. I can usually rationalise it out, and make it go away. But recently, as I've been feeling ill, it's just eating at me and is annoying. So there.

*Apparently they had a different Creme Egg Challenge every day. That day's was to eat the chocolate first, keeping the insides intact...
**I am a genius and worked out what it meant. Woo!

Eggy fun

I went to Ali's gig. It was good! But the people who were going to come with me didn't. I wasn't in the mood to talk to people I knew a tiny bit. So stood mostly on my own. And then went home. Music was ace though. Check 'em out. www.myspace.com/thegraememearnsband I think.

Work. Bed. Intended to phone Charlotte & my parents, but failed.

Work. Home. Tea. Katherine and Jennifer arrived. Pub. In the pub there was a guy from work (that I know by sight only) and some others playing small pipes and other instruments. It was cool and folky. I didn't expect it of him. I thought he was a ned and drank lager and smoked. Jennifer pointed out that he did these things too. But he's far more attractive now I know he plays pretty well.

ZOO! I like bank holidays. Free day off. So me and Katherine and Jennifer went to the zoo. I promised them a trip to the zoo for Christmas, if they both came to Edinburgh at the same time. So they did. I bought tickets through work, as we are corporate members and get a discount. Turns out that this is an excellent idea as it involves not having to queue. They queue was approximately 4.7 miles long* and full of children. Ew. We did not stand in it. We went inside and saw lots of animals. I took the best pictures of very random things. They will be on facebook soon. We had an amazing picnic. I was mostly mum. We had ice cream. And saw the baby tapir. I can't decide what animal I most want to be. We bought ready meals and pink sparkly wine for tea, and watched DVDs.

Train to Arbroath. Found parents. Went to cottage. Had lunch. Went to Gran's. Went to the beach. Read book. Linda, George & Kenneth arrived. Had tea. Read book whilst they watched the golf. Bed.
N.B. This was far more fun than it sounds.

Aillie's birthday. Kenneth made cake and Shona decorated it. I supervised. We made it into the shape of an 8. Because Aillie turned 8. We had 2 round cakes and cut holes, and in the end we had two 8 cakes. One large and one small. Cause we're so funny we gave her the little one and told her she had to share it between 16. She wasn't amused. We had 2 egg hunts - one for che children and one for the grown ups. Katherine lost an egg by throwing it into the conifer. It was funny. My dad nearly won the grown up egg hunt, until we discovered he didn't have 11 eggs, he had an assortment of 11 items, nicluding a shuttlecock, a stone and a hose attachment.

We decorated eggs and egg cups. Mine was ace. I drew a chicken on my egg, and grass and sky on my cup. Katherine's was pretty hearts in a striped cup. Jennifer made her egg look like her, but then accidentally crushed her own head, and then was disqualificated for not stopping when told. My dad did a cubist egg. Gary won the 8-21 competition with his knight egg in a castle cup. I gave him the idea. I'm so proud. Then we threw the eggs down a hill and the seagulls wanted to eat them. And we rolled down the hill and I flashed my knickers. Then me and Katherine got a train and I painted my nails whilst watching Crush, which wasn't the chick flick it claimed to be. I didn't feel warm and fuzzy after it.

Work. Then Charlotte and Dan! We ate Monster Mash and did a ghost tour. It was much niceness and fun.

Work then Shaun and Mark arrived. We cooked haggis, neeps & tatties then went to the pub. My friends rock. As do my housemates.

Is now. I have just been appraised. I'm ace, officially. They think I'm doing an amazing job, which is funny. This afternoon I am off work. I am going to go to the bank and then play out and then go to orchestra and then play out some more.

Fun game (from the makers of xkcd) - find the combination of two items that most scares the supermaket cashier. They think a pregnancy kit and a single coathanger.

*May not be true


I got my flexi balance up to zero.

Mini waves and celebrations to me.

The Sesame Street Personality Quiz

***You Are Ernie***
Playful and childlike, you are everyone's favorite friend - even if your goofy antics get annoying at times.
You are usually feeling: Amused - you are very easily entertained
You are famous for: Always making people smile. From your silly songs to your wild pranks, you keep things fun.
How you life your life: With ease. Life is only difficult when your friends won't play with you!

The Sesame Street Personality Quiz

Raising the legal smoking age


I had the genius idea (I can't remember who I was with...) a while ago that to stop people smoking we should raise the legal age for buying cigarettes gradually. Whether this be by a year every year (so that one person will be the youngest person allowed to buy cigarettes ever), or at a different rate, I hadn't decided. But there would be a point where the youngest person would be, say, 34 and have to show ID at the counter. By then, you're not likely to start. And not likely to buy cigarettes for the kids hanging around outside. And kids woulnd't want to start, cause their siblings/peers wouldn't be smoking. And it would just be too much hassle.

So there, problem solved.

Halcyon Days

I very much liked seeing what Pete had been doing, so I've joined in... I'm checking my diary though, not my blog. I'd probably need to check 3 places for the actual answer!

What was I doing…
2 years ago:
Was doing my PGCE in Manchester. Liz, Paula, Matt & Kate were 100. Was on the CAOS committee.

A year ago:
Was living in Manchester & working at the MRI. Had just been on a leaving do for someone at work, and played badminton and went to the Red Lion quiz.

6 months ago:
Pete and Sarah had just been to visit! Was working for AEGON & in 3 orchestras but not Savoy.

3 months ago:
Had started this job, and was recovering from playing with hippies over new year.

1 month ago:
Was making wings!!! Actually, exactly one month ago was the first time I'd seen grass in months. I went to Bedlam to borrow some costumes, and saw grass. Then went for lunch with Nikki, James, Dave & Lou.]

That was fun. But a bit odd thinking that far back. There were things in my diary that I hadn't thought about for a rather long time...

What advanced degree should you get?

***You Should Get a MD (Doctor of Medicine)***

You're both compassionate and brilliant - a rare combination.
You were born to be a doctor.

What Advanced Degree Should You Get?


I know this world is killing you...

I've got bored of blogging.

Had the debrief meeting for the Savoy show. I've never had a debrief before. It was... interesting. I found out a lot (mostly in the street/pub afterwards, in true gossip style) that I didn't know about the show & Savoy. Then went for some drinks and it was fun. I didn't get as drunk as intended, as was tired, so went home fairly early.

Was spent mostly in bed. And then the quiz on Sunday evening. I think that was all.

Mainly nothing. Work (in office, no trips). The evenings were filled with tidying/sorting. I needed it. Although I didn't actually get much done, as I didn't get home till late mostly, and then didn't do much.

Work. Not orchestra! Turned up to the church to discover that there was a concert on instead. So we visited the pub early. Wasn't feeling on top form, so didn't stay very long.

Work. Work leaving do (Gillian's, not mine). I didn't really know anyone, but was good to go and be more social. I'll get there. I then meandered accross town to deliver some robes* to a wedding and then to the coach station.

Arrived in London at 7am, having managed about an hour of sleep. Linden was possibly regretting not thinking through what time I'd arrive! I went for the longest shower I could manage, to let her nap. Then we went on adventures which included Primrose Hill, Camden (where we picked up Archie), postcards & very heavy salad. Linden had to go off for wedding adventures, so me and Archie went for more cider adventures. We had a good girly gossip & then I had to go to Epsom to see Del. Archie didn't want to stop playing out, so we talked to strangers and I left Archie with them, after I'd decided that they were okay.

Got a train to Epsom where I found Del with Rodney & Tash and we went to a pub. Gareth & Amily arrived later. Much cider was consumed. Too much. I didn't intend to, and I know that if asked I would have refused another drink. I made the mistake of buying a round fairly early on, and then got drinks put in front of me all night... I do remember everything, including making pasta and cheese when we got in. But I don't remember falling asleep on the sofa, so when I woke up and couldn't get back to sleep, I didn't know if there was anywhere comfier I could sleep. So not much was had.

Ouch. Ouch, ouch, ouch. Ouch. Getting up was tricky, so happened very slowly over Hollyoaks. Eventually me and Del went for a walk and found a pub for lunch and fed some ducks. I explained my evil duck theory and how it was bad to feed the ducks. But it turns out he wasn't really trying to feed them, he was trying to lure them from the pond back to his garden, so that's ok. I then went to London to find the Josie, Adam, Tim & The Penny Dreadfuls. I got distracted and decided to walk instead of getting the tube, so got lost. I didn't have a map. I just decided which way was north, and I think I was wrong. but I got a bus and still got there well before the others, who were in a car, also with no map. The show was fun. If you ever get the chance, see them. I then (rather sucessfully) got back to the coach station . I managed a little more sleep on the way home, probably due to lack of sleep the other times. But not enough.

Work. I was almost asleep. Left at 4 to go to bed. Got up for a couple of hours in the evening, but mostly slept. :-)

Is now. I got up fairly early & was in work early. Hurrah! Going to a friend's gig tonight. Ace.

*Costumes from the show. The wedding was a G&S themed wedding. I think they met through Savoy. I may have made that up...

What song is in your head right now?

Decide before reading comments & don't lie!


Mary (but she doesn't take genius responsibility):
"Life is a terminal sexually transmitted disease."

Dan, when pondering how to stop this STD spreading:
"Don't let people get drunk."

What you don't need to hear your boss say:
"I don't think I'm pregnant, unless I've been sitting on dodgy toilet seats."

Twice as long...

Every day this week, outside of work has been as long as inside of work. Actually, isn't is always? It just feels like I've had full days in the evening a lot. I'm getting too old for this...

Emma was in town! So after work I drove to the bank and met her. I got her to watch the car whilst I put money in the bank, but didn't tell her which car* it was! Oops. Then we went to my house, but realised it was too early to be able to park, so we went shopping and bought the most amount of food ever for tea! This was consumed, and then we went to a couple of pubs with New Housemate Erin. It was nice! But no-one was that energetic, so the evening ended fairly early. I was driving (so to be sober enough for driving in the morning!) and Emma had to get back to her hotel/audition** in Glasgow.

Drove to Kirkpatrick Flemming and spoke to a nice lady in a care home. Stole some ideas for future use. Mwah ha ha ha. Then went to my hotel in Dumfries. It had a four poster bed and spa bath, which sounds ace. But it wasn't. The light was above the bed, so made the room have a weird light to it. And there was a dodgy light above the mirror in the bathroom which was very noisy. I was planning on a trashy film & browsing the internet, but the TV had 2 sky channels, which were rubbish, and the internet was broked. So I bought wine and had a bath. Was a bit boring. I should have taken more entertainment. But if the hotel had what it advertised I wouldn't have been bored. I did get to watch Diagnosis Murder! Yay!

Drove to Newton Stewart and spoke to a nice man there, then had lunch and drive back to Edinburgh. I got to the office at 5.30, so felt like I should stay for a while. I didn't. I had to get to the theatre to watch Singalong Sound of Music. It was fun! Not quite what I expected - as it was in a theatre, I thought it would be performed. But it was the film. Which is LONG! So after all the hype, dressing up judging*** and an interval, it didn't finish until nearly midnight. So I had to walk home.

Work. Then pub before orchestra. I feel like I've not been to the pub before or after orchestra for weeks (probably not true) so it was nice to catch up with Caroline, Katrina & Tim. We were thin on the ground, but good quality. Then the rehearsal. I feel like I've not been at rehearsals for ages either, but this one was excellent. I didn't play well, or anything like that! But my brain was at rehearsal more than it has been for a while, the guy who's better than me wasn't there. So I felt more needed than usual. Which is just what I needed.

After orchestra I headed over to Mary & Woody's 21st celebrations - a ceilidh. I didn't really feel like dancing, so just joined in with the Orkadian Strip the Willow at the end. I have bruised arms. One guy in particular hurt! Then I went for a drink with Dave. I really appreciate his friendship at the moment. I've discovered that I can't trust some people. But I can really trust him. I think! And that's ace.

Is now. I'm trying to stay at work as long as possible. But this might be enough. Everyone around me left over an hour ago. I don't have much to do. I've discovered that I'm not going on a visit in a while. This annoyed me a little. But I'll just have to deal with it! Have been volunteering for things, so should be ok. And if I'm not going on visits, then maybe I can dye my hair! Woo!

I am very much looking forward to not getting up tomorrow. I'm going to spend the weekend tidying, sorting, cleaning, organising, etc. My room and my head. Although mot my head much. It's pretty ok.

But first, I am going to get drunk. And hopefully NOT switch the computer on when I get home. I might change my password to something tricky.

*It was the red one. There are 2 work pool cars - red and silver. I do know what they are, but prefer these descriptions. I like the silver one better. It doesn't have keys. The key is a bit of plastic. But you can put it in your handbag in the boot and still drive the car. This scared me at first, but now I like it. It's a bit like magic. It also decides how fast to do the wipers, and when to put the lights on, and fades in and out of radio channels when you change them, and tells you all sorts, if you want. It's fancy. And has power. Vroooooom!

**The audition wasn't in the hotel, as far as I know. It wasn't *that* kind of audition.

***One of the winners was A Jew, from the goodnight song - #Adieu, adieu, to you and you and you...


A wedding!

Work then show! Surprisingly. Caroline & Eoin from orchestra, Dave from work & Erin, and Gavin from old work & Lyndsey came to watch. Look at my ticket selling abilities! Ken from work had been on Thursday, and Ali from orchestra on Wednesday, too. Si arrived from Manchester half way through the show, but between him and Emma they managed to get his bags into my flat, so after the show we could go straight out to the cast meal*. It was an Italian on Lothian Road. Pretty nice! Chaotic though, as you'd expect for a meal for 60 ish people...

Up early to get to the fabric shop before the matinee. Spent most of the matinee sewing when I wasn't playing, to make wings for the crew. Demanding creatures! I wanted to do it though. I just didn't have time or space or resources in the orchestra pit, so half way through I gave up and passed it over to Nikki, to save my ass, once again... Between the performances I took Nikki, Andy & Iona for curry, at a place I took Linden & Liz to when they helped me move up. It wasn't as good as I remember, so next time I shall either try somewhere else or go back to the other dish!

Quick dash home to change, as I'd accidentally ended up wearing my huge purple trousers for the matinee, and I wanted to look better in the evening. Then to the final performance! I couldn't be bothered. When the show started, I was just tired and grumpy. But got very much into it, as the audience and general mood was ace. Quickest get out ever, and we were all at the party about 12/12.30. Awards & general merriment ensued. Home about 5.

Emma's alarm was set for 8, but she didn't move for a while! Then she went off to Glasgow, and me and Si joined Kelly & Dave for a drink in Bedlam. Si went off to get his train, and I went with Kelly to Dave's to watch something... I can't remember what, I fell asleep! Ooh, High Fidelity. I then stumbled back to mine and slept some more.

Work. Then Mission Flatmate! Basically spent the night tidying/writing adverts for a flatmate.

Flat viewings all evening. It's tiring.

Ditto Tuesday. Jo only got back late, so we told her about all the people we met and picked one.

Tried to arrange new girl moving in, whilst not being in at all! Straight to pub after work, then orchestra, then Leith, then my flat, then Doctor's, then Leith, then home. Mission wings! but I got rid of some. Still loads in my living room... But that Doctor's trip was the best in a while, and it was spontaneous. Hurrah!

Went to Ayr for work. Was nice. Then had a lovely evening drinking wine in the bath whilst listening to Bill Bailey on Radio 3, before going to meet Mahinda at the train station (with a gold shoe mission in between too). A drink at Est Est Est with the groom & various guests, before heading back for an early night.

Liam appeared at my house about 10.30, so we kicked Mahinda up too, and pottered around for a while. Liam then headed off to New Lanark and Mahinda & I went to the wedding of Richard Townhill and Susan Harris. Or Shiny & Suzy. It was a lovely ceremony, with a speech from Suzy's grandfather. His surname is the same as my Gran's maiden name, so for a while I thought we might be related. But I rang my parents and spoke to my dad whilst my mum spread pages of family tree round the house, to discover we're not related. At least not that much. Still possible if you go back a long way, I guess.

Anyway, the meal was gorgeous. I was sat between Mahinda and Gordon, who'd been playing trumpet in the ceremony. He knows Suzy from EYO many years ago, and is now a real musician! How exciting. We were also on a table with a couple from California and a girl who used to live with Richard at university. They've got such a fantastic set of friends. Dancing followed, but I stayed well away from that! Good spectator sport, imho. We left when we got kicked out (!) about 12.30, and Kate wanted another drink, so off we went to Doctor's. Kate changed her mind en-route, and the others walked too slowly and missed last orders. Was a bit pointless really! Then froze a lot trying to find a cab. Got home and Mahinda opened more drinks. Ouch.

Lazy movement happened, and we went out to meet Matt, Sarah, Cattac, Ross & Bex for lovely food and then a wander around town (up and down the Royal Mile) where we found other wedding guests & rabbits. Back to my flat to get Liam's stuff, then sent him on his merry way. Mothers were phoned, and then me and Mahinda watched Mallrats and ate pizza before going to watch the Penny Dreadfuls perform Aeneas Faversham at Bedlam. The pub quiz happened to be on after that, so we joined in, and me, Mahinda & Nick beat the other million playered Savoy team, but sadly didn't do that well overall... A fun day of adventures.

Is now. I am very sleepy. Emma is going to be here this evening. Tomorrow I go to Lockerbie then stay in a hotel in Dumfries. It's going to be odd, staying on my own in a hotel for work. But it says it has satellite & broadband, so I'm sure I'll be entertained! A TV will be a novelty, and maybe I'll even relax and recover a bit...

*It upsets me that it's called the "cast" meal, as they want the crew and orchestra to come along, but it can feel like they're being left out due to the name. GRUMP!