
We got sent home from work about 1.30 yesterday, which was nice. The place was deserted and I didn't have anything to do. Went straight home (after debating whether to buy any food/drop in at The Greek's cause it was his birthday) thinking I'd get to watch Doctors. It wasn't on!! This might be where my grump started, but I think it started before that. Cool Runnings was on instead, so I watched that, followed by The Man In The Iron Mask. I got my duvet and hot water bottle and snuggled in. By the time that had finished I then watched Hard Spell and Neighbours. I was really tired/grumpy by then. Was in a bit of a daze. Got a text from Jimby with the plans for The Greek's birthday, but said I was staying in. Eventually I decided I needed diet coke and it was as much effort to go to the shop as it was to go to The Greek's birthday, so I went out.

I found them in the Moon Under Water. I didn't really talk for the first hour. Couldn't be bothered. Couldn't think of anything nice to say. But was happy just sat in the corner. Think it confused Jimby a bit. He's never seen me so sober/quiet. We then went to Walkabout, which I don't really like. The general consensus was there then 42's, but when we tried to go to 42's we couldn't get in as there were too many lads (6) so we went back to Walkabout. I felt a bit left out all night. The only person who'd talk to me was Jimby, and I wasn't really making much sense so it was tricky having strange conversations. One of The Greek's friends seemed really nice - he went to uni in Edinburgh and is also thinking of moving there, so he took my number and might come and be my Edinburgh friend. We'll see. I don't know who out of Jimby/The Greek/Joel's friend circle reads this (I suspect none fo them know) but I'm going to leave out my opinions on them just in case. Anyway, I was grumpy and by this time had had a lot of diet coke and my belly hurt and I didn't want to be there anymore, so I went home. Had an amusing bus conversation* with some randoms. When I got in I made chips and waffles and watched The Kaiser Chief's on Channel 4, then ER. I then went to bed. Grumpy.

I woke up grumpy. It's rubbish. I've not been like this for ages and I don't want it! So far today I've stayed in my bedroom, except for a small trip to put some washing in. I should go take it out, but Ads is now here and I don't feel like seeing anyone. Might do a quick dash trip and get a DVD or 2 en route. Ooh, I hear keys. I shall do it when he's out. My room is the biggest mess I've ever seen and I can't be arsed to fix it. I've been crying for no reason. I think I'll just go back to bed and wait till next year. I think I scared my mum cause I told her I hadn't decided where to go tonight yet. They offered to come over, but I think that would be worse than staying in on my own.

**I really hate it when I'm looking forward to talking to strangers on the bus and it doesn't happen. It's rubbish when they're trying to hit on you/think you're trying to hit on them, when all you're doing is trying to make the bus journey more interesting.


No, I'm not unemployed again... I've just got nothing to do. I've got to wait till people start/move jobs on Tuesday, then I will have a million of work to do, but today I don't. So I'm making a game. It's fun! You should all play it. Thanks goes to Pete for the idea. It's a board game, or, as Pete suggested, a bored game. I should have made one you can play on your own, but I didn't. I made a multiplayer board game. It's not very inventive, but will be fun, I'm sure. It's going to have cards and counters and everything. It would be better if our office had a laminator, but I shall have to make do with paper. Pah.

But for now, the dame is on pause whilst I recount my last 2 evenings. I've put my iPod on shuffle, so will randomly tell you that too. (Saint-Seans, Carnival of the animals. Now Boyzone. That Saint-Sean movement was very short. And I skipped Prince and Al and Stevie Wonder.)

Wednesday I nipped home after work, got changed and went to Hardy's. I did manage to see Ads in between! I don't get to see housemates much. That may become a resolution: see housemates more. But it might not make the cut. I don't want too many! Anyway, It turns out it was Ian's friend Ben's 30th Birthday. We'd gatecrashed. It was a little odd, as I was going to see Anne and didn't know about the birthday, so felt a bit rude when I talked to Anne/Nish/Debs/Andy so much. But I did talk to the birthdya crowd a little. I've never met Ben before, although used to chat to him on MySpace, so it was nice to link that all together in my head! We (I stole the non-birthday crowd (plus Justin) to speed things up) headed to King Cobra (Buddy Holly) where they really do know me. Oops. I was a genius and got us a table and told them more people would be coming and we wanted them near. Hurrah. Food was good, as always. Was nice that I had a vege to swap dishes with. I know people sometimes offer to be vege for the night, but I don't like that. And usually just want mine!

After food we headed back to (Catherine Potter) Hardy's to find Charlotte, Dan, Anna and Ads. Got presents from Charlotte! A cow money box (with hand prints all over it), a hideous box (I am quite sure that was the intention (And I love it) - I'm not being rude) with bath stuff inside, a Christmas tree topped pencil and some chocolate penguins. Yay for Charlotte! Then me and Ads headed to Fab to find the birthday crowd again and Mark joined us. Had a couple of beers and then headed home to bed as it was a school night.

Last night Justin, Anne, Ian and Nish came to my house. We ordered pizz(Willie Mason)a and watched Love Actually. I like it, but not sure I was in the mood yesterday. Ewan MacGregor is exceedingly cute. Pizza arrived and was good (especially considering how cheap it was!) then we went to Rain Bar. Turns out there was a quiz. Liz, Rhiannon, Ant and Andy were sat in a cozy warm corner, but there were too many of us (6, including Phil who met me there) to fit, so we made another team. It was fun! Nish knows one of the barmen and they were all nice and friendly, so (The Commitments) it was ace. We saw a naked man washing up, and apparently he's quite famous in for his nakedness. And he drinks in there. We came joint second (with Liz's team!) so it was nice that neither of us were better. The annoying men on the next table won. Grrr. Went home fairly early, but ended up staying up till about 2 faffing with my computer/iPod. I managed to take about an hour transferring photos, but can't find them on here! Pah.

(Willie Mason)
(The Wildhearts)

Think I'm bored of saying what I'm listening to! Am off to listen... Mmmm...

Ok, so here's the big catch up...

I have no excuse for the big gap in posts. I've been online. I'm just rubbish. Anyway, I've just discovered I can post from work , so here we go! A lot of this I can't remember, so may have to use the diary/text messages/e-mails to find out. Oh, how I love being a detective.

I just wrote loads and my computer switched off. GRRRR!!!

Fri 16th Dec

Went for a drink after work with the department. Although only me and Rebecca from out 5 person team made it. Go girls! It was ok, but I was exceedingly tired so didn't really talk to strangers. Then I went home and back out to Matt Clark's party. I half dressed as an elf. Looked very silly. Met Mike who works with Matt/Ed again, but wouldn't have remembered where if it weren't for the fact that he said "giraffe". Also met Clare, Liz's lodger. I later realised that I might have been rude cause I felt like I'd met her before and treated her as such, which could come across weird. I then went and slept in Liz's bed.

Sat 17th Dec

Fat Club. Lost 4 1/2 pounds! In a week! Hurrah. That's what happens when I don't drink. Am going to try not to drink for a while again. It was good. Also means that I'm drunk off a pint now. Hurrah! Then went shopping. This was almost all the Christmas shopping I did. I feel like a bloke. Then I met Mark for lunch at Kro Piccadilly. I decided it was posh, but Mark didn't. It was nice, but Mark still didn't let me pay, even though it's Christmas. Then tried to meet Nik as he had plans for his birthday. He was late. So I went off again. Went home to change/eat and then tried to meet him again. Found Shaun who I've not seen for aaaages, which was nice. We then did find Nik, but he was going for food and I forgot, so I'd eaten. Instead I went to find Linden and Ed at Fab Cafe, to be joined by Pete and Rosy. We played 3 drinking games simultaneously (Thumbmaster, Mats and 21) which was amusing. Especially as I was sober. I won everything*. I then nipped off to see Nik again and played different drinking games with sober people. Then back to Fab as I was very tired and rubbish at efforting, so could only cope with Fab/Goonies, where Pete and Rosy tried to teach me how to dance. Talking to strangers on the bus ensued, followed by being bored** at home as there were no housemates. Turns out they were still partying at Mark's and got home about 6.30, after trying to buy a paper at the shop across the road.

Sun 18th Dec

Spent a while laughing at Adam/Dan and tried to fix them. Then it was Goonie Christmas Dinner! This first involved a trip to Sainsbury's, where we found a bored looking Mighty G and me and Mahinda quizzed him on stuff. He thought they only sold 1 type of pea. I think he is wrong. It was then back to Linden's house for cooking/eating/drinking. Mahinda was King of The Kitchen, cause he knew what he was doing. He got help from the boys, but me and Linden didn't seem to do much... I tried, but there isn't that much to do that's vege... We swapped Goonie Secret Santa pressies and I was impressed! Mahinda got me a notebook and matching pen, which are cool. I shall have to make sure I do use it. I got grumpy cause I didn't feel well so left when everyone was trying to watch Stand By Me and probably annoyed them all. Oh yeah! I probably annoyed Ed by making a mince pie with a sprout in. I'm still amused about how polite he was in not telling me in minged.

Mon 19th Dec
Liz and Carl's Wedding.

I took a long time to my degree, which many of you probably know. I did 1st year pharmacy, 1st year maths, 2nd year maths, 2nd year maths and 3rd year maths. In second 2nd year I met Liz who I then was good friends with for the next 2 years (along with Kiki, Adam and Dave and others who I didn't see this day). Mainly the second one as I skipped a lot of the first one as I already had the lecture notes. Anyway, I've been a bit rubbish at keeping in touch and I miss her. She got married to Carl (who she's been with for ages) and it was lovely! I'll try to put pictures in when I make friends with my computer.

So, the day... Met Kiki and Adam at Adam's swanky flat near Piccadilly station to get changed. Eventually found Dave at the station cause he was late. Got the train after faff of nearly being late. Couldn't find a taxi at the other end, so we were late for the ceremony. Oops. Snuck in after the legal bit (we decided NOT to barge in in the middle) and saw the wedding vows, which were lovely. Then found a bench and sang hymns and listened to religious bits. I can't decided about religion, so don't generally join in as I feel like I'm taking the piss, but always sing along. I can't help it! Anyway, we went back to Adams and changed and went for Chinese, then back to the reception at the Britannia, Stockport. It was nice, but a bit of a shame that the 4 of us only knew Liz, so looked like outsiders. And there was only 1 single boy and 4 girls! At a wedding! Pah. Ended up being home about 1. Very tired.

Tues 20th Dec

Christmas Curry! This was an idea created by Liz and Cassie, I believe, to be the least Christmassy thing they could think of. In Hardy's we wrote a card for the bar staff cause they are lovely. Then headed to King Cobra. I was sat opposite Phil, who didn't really know anyone else. It's always a bit worrying when you know a big group and someone who only knows one person comes. But it was ace and Phil talked to all random people! Hurrah. And once again I learnt that Kate is Matt Lees' sister. I'm not sure I'll believe it until I see them together. In fact, I probably have and still don't.

Weds 21st Dec

Katherine's birthday. Went home for tea. Went to a garden centre to buy my parents present. Possibly stole a bit, but I don't think so. Can't remember**** what we ate... I think Katherine liked her random present (furry Audrey Hepburn style telephone). She does need a house now! On the way back I discovered people were in The Pub after squash, so headed there for a pint before denying the power of 5th Ave and heading home.

Thurs 22nd Dec

Not salsa. I tried to plan salsa for Katherine/Sarah, but it was closed for refurbishments. So was instead going to go to the Didsbury to meet Liam H, etc., but didn't make it. I went for a drink after work. 1 became 10 and I don't remember***** getting home. Oops. But think I'm now officially the social one of the department, as I was introduced to someone to which I replied that I'd already met them in the pub before...

Fri 23rd Dec

Dinner with Liz and Jenny. Jenny was my bestest friend at primary school. Well, since she moved to Bolton until about 4th year secondary (when we fell out, but our parents are still friends, so we were friends again later) and ever since, so I've definitely known her longest ever. She got married in September and it was a bit odd going as I'd not seen her in so long. So am attempting to make a better effort of seeing her. Liz was in school orchestra/Bolton Youth Orchestra with me and in my sisters group of friends (I was friends with a lot from that year too) who I'd not seen for years until she walked into a MUGSS orchestra rehearsal. We've staying in touch since. It's strange as she knows a lot of the same people as me in different ways!

So, I picked Jenny up from her house (which I last went to for her 21st) and we drove to town (which I probably last went to about 2000), so it was all a bit odd. Met Liz at Pizza Express. I enjoyed myself. We were all a bit knackered, it being Friday after a whole week of work, but kept going. So yes, they are going to be on my list of people to effort (it's a new year's resolution...).

Sat 24th Dec

Christmas Eve. Most of the day was filled with making mincemeat and mince pies and getting ready in general and playing music. Simon was there till about 4/5 and we all swapped instruments a bit. I played violin and cello and piano and bass (ok, so 3 of those are "my" instruments, but they've both got Grade 8's in theirs, so I feel like a beginner), Simon played piano and cello and violin, Jennifer played saxophone and piano and cello. It was interesting with all the different abilities. But I quite liked it mostly. It's hard not to go too fast if the others can't play though. So there was a little tension...

Does the fact that we all tell each other to go to bed before midnight or Santa won't come make us sad?!? Cause we still do it. And I like it.

Sun 25th Dec

Christmas Day. Got up about 9 (after being awake from 4.30-6 (complete with a phone call from Del in the Caymen Islands!)) and went down to do presents. I got:

  • Bingo!
  • The Sound of Music (40th Anniversary special addition with extra documentaries)
  • Paint your own crockery set
  • A Lush bath bomb
  • Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (the new version - it has an extra feature teaching you how to dance like an Oompaloompa)
  • A battery operated stapler
  • Nail Varnish
  • A notebook shaped like a handbag (with fur and everything!)
  • A thing shaped like Little Miss Naughty that heats when you click the thing in the middle (you know what I mean...)
  • Knee/Elbow/Wrist guards for roller booting
  • Fluffy purple and pink stripy socks
  • An iPod (5G video 30G, for those in the know)
  • An umbrella with different coloured wellies all over it

I hope I haven't forgotten anything... Anyway, the rest of the day I tried to help mummy with the cooking. I like cooking and wanted to make it less stressful (I don't know how my mum makes cooking so stressful). It was yummy, so that's all ok. We had a stuffing made with Sosmix (which you make up from a packet into sausages, we just didn't do the making sausage shapes) plus lots of yummy veg. They had turkey and real sausagemeat stuffing and pigs in blankets. I think. We ate about 6, and had a little walk to see the horses first. The horses had turned into chickens***. In the evening we didn't do much. My dad phoned my cousins and left lots of messages for the kids under different guises. It amused us anyway.

Mon 26th Dec

Boxing Day. I was bored. I had lots of things to play with, but couldn't really do it there. Couldn't really watch my dvds as there were lots of people around and not everyone wanted to watch the same one. And I couldn't get on the computer as Katherine was doing iPod stuff, so I couldn't iPod or e-mail. And the computer is in the study with the musical stuff, so I couldn't play much. And I couldn't go on my roller boots cause they were in Manchester. So I eventually found a jigsaw to do. We all ate tea together and played Monopoly, which was nice. This was possibly the only crying of the trip. And it wasn't me. Even though I usually cry most at home. It was Jennifer cause she was winning. It makes no sense. But it happened. Then we watched a documentary about Little Britain.

Tues 27th Dec

"Holiday Tuesday". It amused me lots that that's what the RadioTimes called it. It was slightly less dull than boxing day. I borrowed my mum's car and brought back some stuff to Manchester cause I had more than I could bring to work today. I took my cello and bass back, as well as some washing/clean clothes and a big bag of presents! Oops, I was supposed to take the bag back to my parents and didn't. I then nipped over to see Liz cause she was feeling mopey. Think she's better after the blog she wrote, but hopefully I'll see her later to find out. I then went back to my parents and made cake (Tia Maria Gatueax out of the good for yourself dessert book that the dog bought us for Christmas) and tea (Spanish roasted vegetables) for 8. My auntie Helen and cousin Sarah came over. Lucy had a migrane, so she didn't come. Was fun. We talked about family politics and mongooses (seperately).

Weds 28th Dec

Today! It is mummy's birthday. We got up and did presents before mummy gave me a lift to work. I think she likes electronic sudoku, but it might be tricky to work out.

I am very hungry. And work is dull. The annoying man is annoying me. He's spent all day finding out what is wrong with the badge making machine. He's discovered that it's what I told him last week. He thought I was useless. I am not.

I am not doing much useful as you can tell. But I am watching Ben Folds on my iPod. It's amazing! Will probably spend too much money on downloading when my computer works again. Ooh! It's 5pm and I've wasted an hour. Oops. But time to go as I'm meeting Anne at 6 for curry.

*They might not agree with this...

**This is when I managed to break my computer. It now has spyware, so I'm not really speaking to it. Can anyone help?

***Or they were in a different field.

****That's the only thing all post I can't remember! Wow. My memory likes me today.

*****Ok, so I don't remember that either. But never could. I can remember some stuff that definitely can't be blogged about.

What *is* cottage cheese?!

I've spent years avoiding the stuff, thinking that it's gross, but on this diet I can eat it. So I have been. But I've not been quite sure what it is. So I looked it up. I'm not much wiser about it, but hey, it's not as gross anymore.

I've had a pretty good diet week. I put this down entirely to not drinking*. Until last night (when I had kebab on the way home from Ben Folds) I don't think I've had anything I'm not supposed to. I've generally eaten 3 sensible meals everyday, and mostly have been doing the stairs at work (it's 3 flights, and the top floor, which is always borderline about walking/lift). If I've not lost any weight after all this effort I may cry. But probably not - I'll just go and eat.

So, what have I been up to?? I dunno. Monday I had Liz evening. Tuesday I went to Booth Hall for work, which is far away, so when we'd finished early it wasn't worth coming back to this hospital, so ended up in town about 4. I *should* have been organised and done Christmas shopping, but didn't know what to buy, so I just bought some material and hair dye and shoe dye, intending to make stuff and do my hair and fix some shoes Tuesday evening. What actually happened was I fell asleep in the sofa. Then went to bed, after texting Mark to say give me warning for when you're coming over. He didn't have his phone, so had to put up with me looking minging in pyjamas when he arrived for a chat. Couldn't cope for long, so kicked him out (not literally!) and went back to bed. Exciting. I decided I must be getting the illness my collegue had.

Wednesday I decided that I wasn't going to let being ill get in my way, so got some people** to come to Hardy's. It was nice, cause I can go and sit in there and not have to be exciting or interesting (which is a good job with how I was feeling), so it's equivalent to sitting at home, but not as dull. We played pool (Linden and Pete were as competitive as normal) and quiz machines (Pete and Rosy were as married couple as normal). They then went for curry and I went home. I'm so sensible.

Last night I went to see Ben Folds!!! Hurrah. There was a bit of rubbishness in getting there, cause I was late and hadn't got a real plan and Sarah got stuck in traffic and Mark left late too, I think. So eventually we met at Kro and decided to go straight there. Picked up my tickets (Thanks Kathryn!) and we decided not to bother with the support band and go for a drink instead. I ordered a pink of beer without even thinking!! That's so bad. I only realised halfway through. So switched back to diet coke for the rest of the night.

Ben Folds rocks. It was at the Apollo (Sarah was going to go to the Lowry! Hee hee.) and downstairs was standing, upstairs seated. Sarah and Dan were downstairs, me and Mark were upstairs in the 3rd row. I found Charlotte and Dan after a trip to the toilet and hearing hamsters shouting my name (so it was actually them, I just reckon they sounded like hamsters). Andy and Debs were downstairs somewhere, but I didn't find them until I saw them speeding off in a car afterwards.

I don't really know what to write about the gig. He amazes me. Every time. I'm not convinced about his band. The drummer didn't look like he was doing anything amazing (but I could be wrong) and the bassist is odd. He reminds me of my friend Nik, but he isn't, so that's wrong. But I don't think Ben needs a band. He started as a drummer, I believe, so plays very rythmically and sounds like a whole band on his own. The lights were annoying too! Cause they kept getting in my eyes and after a while of squinting it hurts. But all of that did not take away anything from how amazing Ben Folds is. So there.

After the gig we went to Scubar for a beverage and the boys played table football while us girls did quiz games. Then went via kebab home. I decided kebab was ok as I'd not eaten much all day and tea was a long time ago. And I wasn't drunk, so was actually just very hungry. At home me and Dan just sat around for a bit. I'm going to miss him when I move.

*Sorry Daddy*** - I can't be bothered working out how to unsplit that infinitive.

**Justin (who left when the next person arrived), Liam, Ed, Linden, Justin, Sam, Pete, Adrian, Rosy.

***I hope my dad isn't really reading this. I don't know why, I just do.

Scary Things

Scary Thing 1

I had a show anxiety dream this morning. The show seemed to be going on around me, even though I hadn't decided what everyone should wear, never mind where to get this. Then I eneded up back stage and couldn't get out to my seat again without walking through the cast.

Scary Thing 2

I deleted the wrong person at work. So someone nearly didn't get paid and someone else nearly did. They had the same name. I think. If not, I was really really stupid, rather than just a bit.

Scary Thing 3

Harry Potter. I just watched it with Liz (after my pummy lasagne, even if I do say so myself :-)). It's very scary!! I did like it though. I'm just a wus. There were lots of rude bits too! Sooo so naughty. On the way home we saw the Dark Mark over Hulme.

So overall I've had a fairly scary day. I think I need to sleep now.


I've just noticed our bench* has fallen over! Pants. I'm at home in my parents study. It's about the only normal room at the moment! They are decorating, which is why I'm here. I get paid to help :-)

So, I've not much to update as I've just been helping lots. I am now ace at most decorating things, so if anyone needs help, hire me! The only other thing I've done is go to Sand bar and stayed at Liz's on Friday, which was jolly nice. Her kitchen is ace! Just as we planned it!

I got a report earlier so had a look who finds my blog and how. Most people come through Mahinda's, Pete's or Kate's blog. But what's stranger is the people who have found my blog by searching for:

mini skirt oops
ben folds
simon manchester dan

Some make sense. But why was anyone searching for "mini skirt oops"?? Own up if it was you.

*Our bench is ridiculous. It's more than just a bench. I'll try to find a picture of it and show you. It's got it's own little hunt thing.

Ben Folds

I just wanted to blog that I'm going to see him next Thursday. So excited!

La la la

Here are posts written on different days from work. They don't allow cookies, so I can't log in.

Monday Dec 5th

I'm rubbish at blogging at the moment! Oops.

My last post was Tuesday, so I shall struggle to remember what I have been doing since then...

Wednesday was lots of sitting on the sofa! I was wallowing in the fact that it was my last day of unemployment, so I did very little. In the evening I went to meet Jimby for a drink in Hardy's. The bar man (Wilf - the one with the long hair) has been beaten up! All of you regular Hardy's drinkers will be sad about that. Anyway, it was a nice evening.

Thursday I started my job! Everyone seems really friendly and helpful. I know that it's not going to stay that way as people will start saying "that's not my job" and stuff like that. But I like it. I feel useful. Thursday night I went to MUGSS and have a giant list of what costumes are needed for the show. I measured about 5 boys and then couldn't be bothered. Tried to find someone to play out with (OK, so I actually only texted Mark as I decided he'd be the most likely to be near town!!), gave up, so appeared at Alex the Greek's house. He entertained me by being high on caffeine and we played backgammon.

Friday was more of this work stuff followed by Dan's gig. Lolly came down for the weekend so we went out for curry and then to the gig.

Wednesday Dec 7th
I don't want to write about what I about enjoyed/didn't at the moment. So brief facts it is.

Friday: Slugs Ate My Parents gig at Fuel
Saturday: Bank (I no longer have over a grand of MUGSS money), Fat club (lost a tiny bit), rehearsal (kicked ass), lunch (downstairs in the Triangle appears to be fairtrade/organic - cool!), shopping (sister's birthday presents), home (shower), dinner (kebab on Lolly's request cause Newcastle has rubbish kebabs), market (to grab some mulled wine to drink on the way to the venue), concert (pretty good), party (didn't want to go), curry (left before the food arrived), went to Jimby's (played Star Wars computer game).
Sunday: Went home, attempted nap, went to parents, wallpapered*, had Jennifer's birthday/St. Andrew's dinner, home.
Monday: Work, visit from Justin, dinner with Rosli (from old work).
Tuesday: Work (went to Booth Hall hospital which was fun), town (my shoes were held together with cellotape, but I didn't manage to find new ones. Did get 2 skirts though), carol singing (ace!), dinner (Moon Under the Water, or whatever it's called).
Today: Work, hopefully meeting Mark for a catch up.
Tomorrow: Work, MUGSS rehearsal.
Friday: Work (spotting a pattern?!?), Sand bar or similar with Liz and hopefully other nice people.
Saturday: Fat club, parents house to help finish the wallpapering*, maybe back to Manc for a gathering of some sort.
Sunday: Parents house to help finish the wallpapering*.
Monday: Work.

*A note about wallpapering: When I arrive home on Sunday to help my parents had already been "discussing" the wallpaper for about 2 hours. This discussion was about how to line up said wallpaper. There is a pattern that repeats every 53cms. It is very trick to see it, but you can just about. The problem comes when trying to line up the next piece. There is no obvious place. But they had been trying to find a way to do it for hours. The dilemma was that they couldn't see it now, but wanted to be sure in case you could see it when it was up. I promise you, readers**, it is very very tricky and none of us could do it. You are all welcome to come to my parents house and try (although DO NOT tell them if you find a way). So the whole process of helping was stressful.

**Calling you readers amuses me lots!

Thursday 8th December

Mark is a bad bad man. I got far too drunk last night and this morning was bad. I was a little late for work, but that's ok. But I did smell a lot of booze too. And kept nearly being sick. Nice. I got ready for work in record time, so this meant no shower and hair tied up and trousers and flat shoes. After work I made fantastic tea! Roasted veg. It was very yummy. Then went to MUGSS. I was late cause I couldn't get off the sofa. I measured some people, but not very many. I found out that it was the last rehearsal before Christmas. The next one is Feb 2nd, 5 weeks before the show. 5 weeks is not enough time to make/hire 130 ish costumes. Pants. But American Matt loved me wearing my trousers and said they were ass-fantastical. So that was fun.

Why am I up?!?

Ok, so I started a post on Sunday morning, and here it is:

It's 9am the morning after the show and I can't sleep. Grrr! Possibly cause DEL SNORES!!! I think this is why Roz volunteered for the floor downstairs. Carl passed out pretty much on the sofa. I want a spare room!

I love the show soooo much. I had lots of fun and want to do it again tonight. I also like stress.

Friday was ace. I woke up and had nothing to do. Actually nothing. There were loads of things I could do, but nothing I had to do, and this made me happy (not that I wasn't already under my new found happiness). Charlotte came over in the afternoon and watched me tidy. I like how we have managed to find little windows to go sit in each other's houses and watch each other do jobs. It's like when we lived together for so long. I then went to meet Mark and we had food at the Pheonix.

It's now Tuesday lunch time and I shall continue.

Did 2 shows on Friday night. For me "doing" the show involves lots of running around working until the show *actually* starts, when I then go to the bar, in general. For the first Friday show Katherine and Jennifer (my sisters) and Simon (Jennifer's boyfriend) and Will (Simon's friend) came to watch, as did Andrew, Dean, Nik, Nat (people I did teacher training with) and Simon (Nat's boyfriend). They were then sat in the bar for the second show and Roz had turned up by this point. I was then trying to talk to 3/4 different groups of people and kept getting in trouble for not giving people enough attention. But still it was very nice to see them and I like that they came. Joel (Cass's boyfriend) and Jimby and Rich and Helen came to see the second show. I probably also knew more people, but I can't really remember.

After mingling in the RNCM bar for a while we got bored and headed to the Font followed by the Salisbury where I found more normal people to drink with. I don't mean that the people are more normal, just that I drink with them more regularly, so it was more relaxed. Roz and Andrew came to sleep at my house.

For some reason me and Roz woke up at 8.30 on Sat, even though the alarm wasn't set till 9. Strange. So we went to town and Andrew headed off. Fat Club was a disaster. Shopping was not. We found Roz a whole new outfit. Then headed home to get ready, then straight out to the pub again! The Mark Addy in Salford. I don't know why, but apparently it's tradition to go there, so we did. I don't like it much. Then we went to Kro 2 and had some food before I left everyone in the pub (sob!) and went to the theatre.

There were 2 shows again, the second being almost completely full of people I know, so I do not plan to try to name them. It was so ace! Millions of people I know everywhere. We stayed in the RNCM bar till it shut, then went to King Cobra again. Yum.

Got home about 4.30, which is why waking at 8.30 is JUST ODD! Anyway, we then went for lunch at Kro (me, Roz, Del and Carl) and headed to town. Del scarpered to find a train. Me, Carl and Roz hung around the Arndale centre like scallies, except posher as we watch the woodwind quintet and drank coffee. Then Carl scarpered and a trip home for Roz's stuff resulted in her scarpering too.

I was then lonely and bored, so texted Pete and a Goonie dinner was formed! Pete cooked for Mahinda, Rosy and me. Linden and Ed turned up for a while of socialising. Then Linden, Ed and Mahinda vainished and we played a drawing game which I won (I think by cheating in the form of sitting next to Pete and influencing the scores of the others). I stayed too late and drank too much wine. Their housemate Alex kindly walked me home and didn't text when he got back as instructed. Pah.

Monday was a write off. I think 5 days of very little sleep and too much alcohol found me. I stayed on the sofa all day.

That is all for now!

Everything in the world

I've decided that the most useful thing I can do today is update my blog! It probably isn't, but hey.

So, the last week and a bit:


Interview, already blogged about, was rubbish, but got it anyway! Then I went to meet Helen and Danny who I hadn't seen since their wedding so that was good to catch up with them. They went on honeymoon to Iceland and met The Zutons randomly in the street and had a chat. Then I went to CAOS and played rubbishly. I might not do the concert... But I always say that and I still do even though I'm shit. Then Mark picked me up (after I was serenaded by random drunk people going to the Bop at OP) and we went to Petar's birthday gathering in Warrington. They made me play the cello which was fun. Not. I'm rubbish! But it was nice to see him and his random Serbian friends who are all cool.


Not sure I know what I did... Let's check the diary. Nothing. Hmmm... E-mail evidence shows I did *something* as I couldn't bid on e-bay for the costume for the show... But that was Tuesday anyway... More detective work required... Bollocks. I don't know. Oh yeah!!! Mark took me out for dinner cause I got a job. I think it was as much that as it was him not wanting to cook :-) But it was very nice. I'm still confused why he picked a vegetarian restaurant when he's been trying to make me convert to meat... I made cards in the day too. 58, I think. All silver shiny stuff, Mahinda!


Signed on followed by Snapfaxes followed by going to the RNCM followed by pints of mulled wine at the market followed by MUGSS rehearsal followed by poorly stomach followed by home.


I was Liz's wife for the day! We were both unproductive at our respective homes, so went to the Lowry and did some shopping. I bought a new skirt which is ace (I wore it to the funeral and the opening night of the show, so some people have seen it) and lots of card stuff. Oops. Liz got a beautiful barginous coat and some card stuff and other things. Then I went to her house and made dinner and waved her off to work to earn bread for the family. Then I used her shower and went to Dean's housewarming party.

The party was odd. It was really nice to see Dean and Nik and Laura (who used to be in choir and I always forget they know each other) and other people I've vaguely met a few times. Had a deep and meaningful with Nik (that always happens...) and picked on Dean for flirting and he picked on me for it. Was really nice. I was quite aware that it was a "Christian Party" and some of the people weren't that open to talking to strangers. But I talked to some. Only person tried to get me to get Jesus into my life. Then I went back to Liz's and slept in her bed.


Liz came home from work about 8.30am and got in bed. Hee hee. Then we went and weighed. Liz and Paula had put on, but only a small amount so we don't count it. I somehow lost 4 pounds, but I think it was all connected with putting on the week before and times of months and stuff. You didn't need to know that. I then went home to get my phone, then to the arch to get a lift to the costume store. I like the costume store cause you can get dressed in lots of weird stuff! But I was quite behaved and only wore random hats. Then went to get my shoes from Liz's (I always leave something there, which would be fine if it wasn't always something I need that day!!!) then went to Charlotte's. Hurrah for catching up with Charlotte! There's not much to blog about it, but I want to cause it was really nice. Oh well. I want doesn't get.

I then headed off to Jimby's birthday ness. This was a bit scary as I only knew Jimby, but they were good strangers to talk to and it was all ok. Somehow I had no tea. Oh well. But we ended up in the Salisbury which I LOVE. I accidentally stole a random man's shirt and now Linden is wearing it in the show. Oops.


MUGSS, MUGSS and more MUGSS. After hangover. Word of the day was "bollocks". At one point it became "I love the Arndale market" (yes, that is one word), but shortly after went back. I then came home and my dad picked me up and we went to get Katherine from the airport. She had been in Cuba and knew nothing about Grandad. It meant missing Dan's gig, but Daddy wanted the moral support, so I went. I saw Justin from Hollyoaks walk into an automatic door that doesn't open. We then went home and I had some tea. Somehow I'd missed eating.

Monday (and Tuesday)

Got up at 6am. Ouch. Left the house at 7am. I was trying to be my mum cause she'd already gone up with Jennifer so I did the washing up and packed an in the car bag (we all had fruit and chewy bars and a flask of coffee) but failed a bit as we left on time and she usually makes us late. The journey up was quite good and we averaged 68mph, I think. My dad's car has a fancy computer thing that works it all out. Got to our rented cottage in Carnoustie about 11.30 with plenty time to get changed and get to Gran's to follow the funeral car.

Not sure what to say about the funeral here. It was a beautiful service. But this being my blog I only want to write the funny bits. I almost laughed at the beginning cause I didn't realise the Minister was going to be Scottish (I know, I know, I'm blonde) and he said "tea and refreshments" in a funny way. I can try to do it if anyone requests in real life. But I didn't laugh as it turned serious soon enough. So, another funny thing that happened (was actually the day before or so) was something Gran said. Her sister died shortly after Grandad which was a bit unexpected I think. Her husband is very ill and was in hospital with multiple strokes and stuff, so he didn't know for a while either. Anyway, she phones one of their daughters and says "Sorry to hear about your mum, but I thought it was your dad that was going to die." Aargh! I love Gran.

The rest of the time was spent mostly with my cousins. It's not often we're all together, so I actually enjoyed that. It's sad that it had to be for a bad reason, but Grandad was old and very very poorly and not himself anymore. So I was happy to be sad, have the funeral and then cherish seeing the family. Not all family members had this opinion. Anyway, kids are ace. I want one. And a dog. I really need to get a house and a career and a man first!


Left early to get back to the real world. Had millions of e-mail about tickets which I had to sort before getting to the theatre and sorting costumes. I like last minute :-) The tech went on late and I got bored and went to the bar on my own. I found my cello teacher in there and a friend of Jimby's. Hurrah for knowing everyone!

That doesn't appear to be much considering it was the longest busiest day for a while. Hmmm... Oh, then I went to Tribeca and got tired and left.


Had a medical - I'm officially fit for work! Not sure that's a good thing, but probably is. Suppose I can start work soon then. I'm enjoying not getting out of bed. Then made some costumes (still last minute :-)) then went to the theatre. Hurrah for everyone looking fantabulous and Hurrah for sell out shows! I want a badge for selling out 5 shows. It's not been done since 1999 when 1 show sold out, apparently. Then we all headed over to The Bar of Scu and had much beer including the boat race. Crew are officially better than cast. Even with me in their team!

I was very confused for a long time cause Jimby, Alex the Greek, Emily, Rich and Helen appeared. This is cause they're all Joel's mates and he came to see Cass who was going so he went to say bye and they all came there. I get very confused with the wrong friends at events! But it was ace and I was drunk and loved everyone. We then went for curry at King Cobra. I didn't have curry cause I'm a good girl, but I did miss tea again. I had an apple and a banana in Scubar. This is getting a bit naughty, so I'm going to meet Mark for tea later, hopefully, so I can catch up with him and eat.

But first, Neighbours, Doctors and Diagnosis Murder call! As does pasta. And I might make a few cards. I should so nap as I only had a few hours sleep. Oh well. Ooh! I've just been phoned about my job and I'm starting next Thursday at the same time as someone else called Simon who I will be working with. Hurrah!

Lack of Bloggage

I've not had much time to blog this week! And not got time now. Just wanted to post that.

I will waffle at length about my adventures soon, just cause I don't like forgetting where I've been and in a year I can look it up if I can't remember. Now though I'm going to MUGSS followed by Dan's gig followed by Scotland, so I will not be back to technology till Wednesday (when it's the show dress rehearsal). My phone will probably not work either. It's that civilised there :-)

Hope you all miss me lots!


Giving out Snapfaxes was freezing.


OK, so now I've got a job tomorrow too! Well, if you count a day of giving out Snapfaxes as a job...

You should all come entertain me. I'm near the union 11-4, I think.

I've got a job!

Yes, I'm sad enough that the first thing I decided to do was blog it. That tells lots of people at once!

They said they'd be phoning tomorrow at the earliest, but they were that impressed with me they called today. It's at the hospital and is "Workforce Administration Assistant". It's not much money, but they seemed nice and it seems fun (as fun as work can!). And it's only temporary which is excellent for moving away. Hurrah!

It could be a while till I start though cause I need a medical and stuff first... Think I shall be asking my dad for a loan :-/

Anyway, this is the PERFECT opportunity for all you spies who read without telling me to leave me a comment!

Stall on hold.

OK, so I've been talking about it for ages and lots of people ask how it went, and it was only ever supposed to be today (2 weeks after being unemployed, to give me time to make), but I have an interview in a bit, so it couldn't be today. Now it can't be next week either and I've only just realised. I'm going to Scotland for Grandad's funeral. So it might be ther week after, but I might have a job by then. In which case I have about 200 cards in my living room for fun.


Best start making a card services website...


Is how many cards I have made today. Not as many as yesterday. but still feeling quite good, as when Mahinda came round about tea time it was not very many at all. He also became my first customer! It was weird cause it was in my house and I've always lived with people who just come and nick a card every so often and I wouldn't let them pay. Although technically Mahinda didn't hand over money, so that was easier. I think I'll be fine with it when I have a stall and prices marked on cards and stuff.

Anyway, that is all I've done today. Not done anything from my list titled "Monday" which is now sat in front of me. Oops. I might just change it to "Tuesday" so I don't feel so naughty.

Tomorrow I shouldn't make any cards as I've got to pick up a parcel and go to the job centre and go to the market and go to town and have an interview. Although probably not in that order. I hope I don't forget to go to my interview!

Out of the rut

OK, so most of you know I'm attempting to have a stall at the student market. Well, since I decided that and found out and things I made 1 card. Yes ONE. Until today. Hurrah! Today I made 79. SEVENTY NINE! And here they are:

But now it is very late and I am very tired.

The more observant of you may notice that there are only actually 74 there. There are another 5 on the sofa. A this time of night I did not dare try to stand anymore up on that table for fear of toppling.

At the same time as this I watched* Lord of the Rings (the second one that was on tv) because the boys wanted to, ate fantastic dinner cooked by Ads, watched* a thing about Robbie and watched* Erin Brokovich. I've left stuff all round the living room, but I don't care cause that means I can sit back in the same place tomorrow and make more.

*I say watched, but given that I was looking down at what I was doing, listened would probably be more accurate.

Wine is bad.

So, last night I went along to the Slugs Ate My Parents gig at the Green Rooms. I fully intended not to get drunk and I completely blame Charlotte! I started off well and had a coke, then one glass of wine. This turned into 3 when Charlotte bought a bottle. I then bought the next bottle, but by then Charlotte had the hiccups and stopped drinking. So I had it. That was the reason I woke up this morning on the sofa. But nicely Ads had brought my duvet down.

Anyway, the gig. It was odd! But I really liked it. Dan played first, meaning that the crowd was a bit pants. There were quite a few people there though, just not very buzzing. The sound was very good. I think they asked him to play again, so you all should come!

Next up was a man with a guitar. Now if you saw him at the bar you'd be worried in case you bumped into him and he decked you. But he had a lovely voice and played very well. It just didn't grab any of us, so we talked all the way through. I think next it was the 2 girls. I'm really going to have to find out the names of these people! This was billed as one girl, I think, but then another played bass for her. The main girl had an amazing voice, but again didn't keep my attention. I did tend to listen to the first half of each song though.

Next up was a folk band, formerly called The Urban Folk Collective, now called something about Lime Trees. I did my magical trick of knowing other people there as the violinist from this band was Denise who used to be in MUGSS. At the bar a random girl knew me and confirmed it was said Denise so I said hi and she might be coming to the show. Cool. Anyway, the rest of this band was a guitarist/singer that I've seen before and has an amazing voice*, a double bassist and a man who sometimes played the harmonica and sometimes the washboard. They were well cool and are playing with Dan next weekend at The Orange Grove, so you can come see them.

Then there were 2 bands. By this time I was slightly drunk and not really concentrating, other than the fact that I fancied the guy who played trombone in the first band and bass in the second. They were very good though, so I wouldn't mind seeing them sober.

I think it's about time I had lunch and got dressed... Although I now have a blind, so I don't really need to. Ooh, funny warning on my blind:
"Accidental strangulation by dangling Venetian or Roman blind cords can be prevented."
I don't think that's technically a warning, but never mind...

I've just remembered what Liz sings to this song! I'm listening to Jesusland by Ben Folds, which sounds convincingly like She's a snail. Ben Folds rules.

*Although I didn't notice for the first song as I was listening to the "real" instruments.


My mum's dad died yesterday. I don't really know what else to write abut it just now, but was just writing it down. I may be disappearing off to Scotland at some point soon.

I'm at Liz's house!

I quite like typing on her laptop.

So, despite posting far more often than most people I still haven't said what I've been doing since Tuesday, so this is a big update...

Tuesday I went to orchestra where I was good, ish. Well, better than the week before where I was RUBBISH. But the really good girl was there and I made her lead the section. I didn't like that. I want to be in charge! But I tried to do what I'd learnt in my lesson and I think I was better. After orchestra I went to Font bar and found Mahinda, Mark, Pete and Luc and had a little bit of beer. They had more beer and had more to say about it. I think Rodney liked being in a new bar too.

Wednesday I met Mark and we went to the museum and saw the frogs. I was a bit upset cause the blue posion frogs were on holiday, and the lizards weren't chasing each other, but it was still good. Then we went to town and did useful things and then had coffee. Mark was embarrassing me cause the guy who served us was cute and had shorts on. But it was very nice catching up with Mark cause I actually haven't talked to him for a while. In the evening I went for a drink with Pete from work. He's been abadoned by everyone else who went back to London for a meeting. He said he wasn't staying out long, but the decided time of 10 passed, as did last orders. But it was good chatting all night.

Thursday I went to meet Charlotte before she went to see the lights get switched on, although I was late cause I forgot. Oops. Then I went to MUGSS and then to Harrys then to the almighty Beer Fest. MUGSS was ok - sold some tickets, but people need to buy more! Then me and Linden did karaoke - she was Kylie and I was Jason. The Beer Fest was fun! I bounced like a crazy person and did aeroplane impressions. Got told off by the bouncer lots. Oh, to explain the other post I had to have something written on my hand when I left to get back in, so they thought it would be funny to write "cum". It was. And James was kissing people to leave big red lip marks, so he kissed my cleavage cause I didn't want it to be somewhere I couldn't see. I was hyper and it was lots of fun. I stayed too late though.

Friday I signed on and then spent the day helping my dad decorate. So I really needed not to have "cum" written on my hand still. I don't think anyone noticed. My dad's best advice was probably "Don't touch the wires, you might go bang.". Although it could have been when he moved the ladder/plank contraption to reach the top of the landing and told me not to step off it. Like I'm that daft... Anyway, throughout the day I was a plumber, tiler and decorater. I'm so useful. And think I got paid. Cool. Then it was straight back to the Beer Fest. It was officially not as almighty as it should have been, due to the lack of beer and vessels. But I had my glass from the night before, and didn't really care if there was beer or not, so it was all good. I was slightly less crazy, but still had fun. I like the way I usually know people in all corners of the room. I like knowing people. But yesterday I wanted to talk to strangers. Twice this ended in groping, so I mainly only talked to one stranger about how he wanted to shag someone else.

Today I got weighed and for the first time I put on weight. Only half a pound. But I'm knida glad cause otherwise it would make no sense. I've eaten rubbish all week and drunk lots. I'm going to try to stay off beer for a week and see what happens. Then Liz, Paula and I went to Kendals for coffee. I like them both. We talk even though we all made no sense individually. Hangovers were quite bad. I had left my phone here, so that's why I am back at Liz's. We've just made erasers out of clay. I will take apicture later to show you. They are ace and it's the best present ever. Thanks Liz! Although the giant fluffy purple pencil is also very very cool.

So there you go! Now going to go home and de-ming ready for the Slugs gig and then more fun! Don't know where yet... Either Jilly's or wherever the go-karters go.


I've not posted for days! And I've not got time now, just letting the people who will understand that I've got the majority of cum off my hand, but there's still a faint trace. The lipstick has come off my chest, but it was touch and go for a while.

For those who that makes no sense (well, I imagine you'll make up your own sense) I will explain later. :-)


It rained! A lot!

I love rain. I think that was the most rained on I've ever been though... Came back 2 hours ago and my skirt and jacket are still actually dripping.

Had a farily productive day for me though. Sorted out credit card bills and registered for jobseekers and got the job description for next weeks interview. Hurrah! Progress.


I have done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING useful today. Crap. Have learnt a few things though. Have "read" my backlog of Make It Groovy magazine. It's ace! And I just learnt how to do links. Cool. By "read" I mean "flicked through the pages" but I did write down some card and other ideas.

Have an interview next Tuesday, so the market will have to wait till the week after. Probably good, except that that's show week, so I might be panicking... Oops.

Also learnt that I actually quite like 2 pints of lager and a packet of crisps which I never realised before... Strange. I think it's cause they're all weird and it makes me feel normal.

I am also scared of going to sleep on my own in the house. I've become such a wus recently! First fireworks, now this. I don't like it! I'm not a wus! I'll walk dodgy places on my own. I'm sure I do other brave things. Maybe. But am a big girl.

OK, going to be good and go to bed now - I've promised to get up and go to the job centre in the morning. And then go to the student market to say I want the week after.

Hideous ness

OK, so have just been downstairs to find my hideous dress, which made very little sense. I now remember showing Mahinda, Pete and Rosy it, and my hideous knickers. Oops. I've also lost my phone. Apparently we were doing "bundles" or "pile-ons". I vaguely remember this. I also remember Pete putting my lipbalm in Rosy's ear. Ew.

Anyway, this was all after being at Linden's house where I cooked roast for 10 people (Pete, Rosy, Mahinda, Linden, Ads, Sarah, Justin, Sam, Frankie and me). It wasn't that spectacular! I made a mess of pretty much everything. But the roast worked, and people might be converted to vegetarianess yet... There was lots of wine and we were all very merry cause the food took so long to cook. Oops. But I had a nice time. Glad I didn't have to get up this morning though!

I really wish I could find my phone. I need to see if Pete lost me any friends by sending weird texts :-)

Saturday night alone

So that post vanished!


Basically, it said I spent the night home alone. Andrew bailed on me (after all the other teachers bailed on him, and then he was too hungover to be bothered) then Mark and Sarah (Ads' girlfriend) both separately tried to get me to go to the fireworks at Wythenshawe. I said no, so went to Tesco to buy food for the roast I'm doing tomorrow. It turns out I'm shit scared of fireworks. This is why I didn't want to go. Well, that and the fact that I woke up at STUPID 5.30 and was very tired after 3 hours sleep. But then I realised that I was too scared to go out anywhere so made no attempt to find out where Ian was for his birthday. Sorry! I stayed in and cooked and watched Dogma and did my nails. I just found myself asleep, so turned the film off and am going to bed soon.

Today I did manage to get weighed. I lost weight (not entirely sure how, the amount I've drank...) but now I've lost a stone in total in 6 weeks. Ace. Apparently. I don't feel any different. 2 more I think... Anyway, due to lack of sleep I wimped out of going to Bolton to see Liz. I feel quite bad about this cause we don't see each other often. But I would have been really rubbish at conversation. Jenny already wasn't going as her mum had an accident last weekend, so it would have felt wrong a bit anyway. I hope Mary is ok and back home soon.

Felt a bit better after lunch, so went to town with Andy (who'd stayed over) and Sarah. It was nice, as I don't see either of them much and they seemed to get on great. Andy went on a fish and scooter mission and we shopped for jumpers. After success we all want to Oklahoma for hot chocolate and cake. Mmmm...

OK, so that was today, in a round about fashion. Didn't say much about Thursday - MUGSS was cool. I am officially very organised and it's going to be ace. I saw a bit of the chorus dancing/singing and it was fantastic!! But not going to give anything away.

Friday I went job hunting with Jennifer (we didn't find anything) [PANIC!! LOUD FIREWORK! THAT WAS TOO CLOSE.] then went home and took Katherine to the airport. I'm glad I saw her off, although it did seem a little strange that Mummy wanted to go to go shopping... She doesn't get out much (her own admission!) so I'm going to try to force her to town soon. After flight socks and cash machines Katherine seemed to get off fine (Oh, she's off to Cuba for 3 weeks. I asked her to bring me back a cube. Jennifer wanted a bar. We're all so funny.), then me and Mummy ran into a little trouble finding the car (there was a big gaping gap between us and the car, eventually sorted by going down and up stairs), but it was all fine.

I then went to find Cass and co. (Andy, Joe, Jim B, Rich, Helen, Shavish(sp?)) for curry at Lal Haweli. Quite good. Then back to Joe's house, where I thought we were dumping beer, but ended up staying. Joined at various points by Greek (not his real name...) and Emily and Alex. I was bored mostly until I had a beer. Then it was better. Nearly played werewolves but I decided that they'd be rubbish at it. Have papers ready for next time we want :-)

Anyway, I'm very tired and my back hurts, so it's bed for me.

Night night.


I'm going out in a minute. Going to get a job with my sister. Ooh, maybe someone will pay us together?!? Hee hee. Then I'm going home and I'm going to collect things that I want (list so far is checked shirts (these are for the show, not just for me to wear at random!), teaching books for Linden, things to make into cards. There was probably more, but it's early and I can't rememmber. Then I'm going to the airport, then back to Rusholme for curry. So I'll not get back to my computer till late. Scary! But I'm so sad I'm so going to check at home.


OK, boys, I know you don't like personal things on here, so look away now.

Why is matching underwear always more exciting? Even if the items themselves are not that good?


OK, I'm better now.

I ate cheese. And watched TV. And have decided my next job is going to involve being in Diagnosis Murder. Also learnt that I was sleepy last night (when drunk I can either be sleepy, grumpy, flirty or just generic rubbish) which is probably the least embarrassing that it could have been, so now I am cheered up.

Last night I went out with work people. There was free food and drink, so diet went out the window. It was very nice to see work people out though. Sad that it might be the last time I see some of them! We played drinking games (Linden will be glad to know the boys were playing Quarters (although calling in the 10p game, and using pints of lager that had to be downed), then we all had to be our porn names (Snowy Maxwell) and I'm sure there was another game attempted too... There was lots of red wine and tequila. Not at the same time.

Seeing as I've now wasted the day I best rush off and do what I need before tonight's rehearsal. Do not let me drink.


I am rubbish today. I don't particulary want to exist.

I just walked through the park to try to make me feel better. I decided that nature would help. Then I decided that wearing shoes wasn't very natural. My feet now hate me. But squishy mud is fun. Some random man asked me if I was ok. Oops. I shouldn't look that bad ever. Although I can't have looked that bad with boots on cause I got 2 beeps and some whistles at the bus stop...

Anyway, I don't want to talk today, so I'm going to go eat pasta. And cheese. However naughty it is.


Before CAOS I went to meet Charlotte for a drink. I love Charlotte. She sometimes is the only one who keeps me sane. Yes, I think I am sane. Sometimes she does upset me most, but that comes with it, doesn't it? And it always turns out I'm just paranoid or she's been ill or upset and grumpy with me. Anyway, we've not had that for a while, just greatness. It would be nice to see her more though. We're managing once a week at the moment, which is good. Anyway, I had to much to talk at her - I was feeling really panicky in my stomach. There are many reasons for this, but I can only tell her all of them, I think. Actually, I can tell most people I know read this, but you won't get it as well.

Anyway, she made me feel better and off we went to CAOS. I sang in choir! Hee hee. But was really naughty and childish all the way through - giggling and talking. I think this was due to the feeling odd and 4 hours sleep and one bowl of pasta when technically I should have had all 3 meals by then. Oh well. But I've decided that I can't sing and don't like the music, so probably won't go again. Except that I get to sit next to Charlotte and see other ace people.

Orchestra was ok. I was being completely incompentent and I think our conductore was getting really pissed off with me. I don't care. If I'm not the best I shouldn't sit at the front, but everyone else refuses to, so I have to, then if I don't anything wrong the whole section gets confused. Oh well. I wasn't the worst. FACT. And I'll be better next week.

Afterwards I was persuaded to go to The Footage for karaoke. I think 2 wrongs make a right in this case! I did make people go to Abduls for food on the way, which make me feel worse. I'm so having trouble with eating. Strange. All night John (French John from the Halloween party) wouldn't stop talking to me, but that's cool. I told him numerous times that I wasn't listening. He kept going. I then decided that he should come to my house so he could keep talking and I would keep not listening, but it would probably help me sleep. For some reason he wasn't keen on this idea. I said he could just sit on a chair till I was asleep then go, but still not convinced.

So far today I have been lame! I didn't get up till 11.30 and that's BAD. Oops. But have had a big tidy and it's nearly properly tidy (that's NEVER happened before, so maybe I'm just being optomistic). Going to find some food now, cause forgot again.


I went out for a whole hour and have so much I want to write!

I am having a very strange day, so hoping that when back to "normal" I won't be as obsessed with blogging. I just need someone to talk to all the time! So talking to no-one.

I thought about things I've not thought about for a long time today. I went to the student market. On route I discovered what's on my road (I can't ever remember walking left out my door!). It wasn't that interesting. But yeah, then when I got to Whitworth Park (the park, not the halls) I started thinking about Andy. Not sure any of you who read this knew him, but he died 4th May 2003.

I also then realised that I haven't been depressed for a while. That's ace.

I talk too much

But I like talking. And writing down all the random shit that I think. I am weird enough to write it and then read it again 10 mins later and have forgotten what I wrote and laugh at what I've been up to.

I just watched Big Fish. I love it! I want to be that man, except female and thinner and not as old or dead as he is in the end. But just to know so many wonderful strange people and them like you would be ace. Except I would like my kids to know it.

Whilst watching I was doing the puzzles in Chat (but didn't get very far as I watched the film properly for a change). I did write some random things down whilst watching though. My favourite sentence is "Walking around naked does not help you warm up. It does rule though.".

I love the some text missing game.

I had decided to chicken out of the market because I don't want a stall next week. Too soon. But Diagnosis Murder isn't on, so I'm going to go and mosey now anyway.

I just got my life rated. It's not very good!

This Is My Life, Rated
Life: 6.9
Mind: 7.4
Body: 6.4
Spirit: 7.5
Friends/Family: 5.6
Love: 6.9
Finance: 3.3
Take the Rate My Life Quiz

I am a bad bad bad bad person

My dad has just offered to employ me to decorate.

I am so sad. I've been thinking about writing my blog all morning. Oops.

The last 2 sentences are NOT connected to the title.

So, it's 9.30am and so far today I have done the following (not necessarily in this order):

  • Pulled. Well, could have. The stranger I talked to at the bus stop (he started it!) thought I was ace and asked for my number AND asked if I wanted to go for a drink sometime. At 8.30am. Crazy. I managed to avoid the questions (why can't I just say no?!? I need to be more of a bitch) and gave him a flyer to the show. Hee hee.
  • Picked up a parcel (DVDs). Even though I didn't have the ticket thing. I rule.
  • Drank water (I just realised that I can no longer get Kudos!!)
  • Woken up in yesterday's clothes.
  • Done the walk of shame (or at least that's what the people's glances thought) through the same bit of park as I did it the other day (also not shameful - people just don't expect skirts and people amused by their own thoughts in the day time). It was not as magical as the other day due to people gardening.
  • Seen a man STOOD on a white van.
  • Said good morning to a man who was walking a cat.
  • Received an e-mail pat on the head from my dad.
  • Got lost round a hotel.
  • Found a bruise on my ankle.

So, last night I went out with work people. I was late going cause my dad e-mailed me a job that had to be applied for by today, so I thought I should update my details and apply. Then was late. I thought that they'd actually still be at work, being people-who-work-to-much, but they weren't...

We wandered around West Didsbury for a bit, then went for dinner at Cachumba. It was ace! Very very nice food. And company. I had a great time. I'm so going to miss everyone from work. But glad that is not my job anymore. Anyway, we (Chris, Rosli, Amit, Pete, me - the others (Roger, Agnelo, Alan, Paul, Simone) had dispersed slowly by then) then went to the wine bar that's next to the Railway. Then I kept talking to (at?!) Pete and walked him to the main road, but then kept walking and ended up having more beer (I'm so easy to persuade to drink!) and staying over (because there was a chaise long and I didn't really want to get a bus in the middle of the night on my own, which I suppose isn't much like me...). So yes, an excellent night and definitely better than it would have been if I'd gone to the MUGSS committee meeting.

Here are the flowers that work got me. How ace?!! I hate flowers (but don't tell them!) but they are pink and the wrapping is going to make lots of fantastic cards. And maybe I do like flowers. I will just be sad then they die. Or when the smell makes my head hurt. But maybe they won't, for they are pink.

I'm going to bed now. Or for a shower. Bed I think.

Last day at work

Seeing as Pete was rather amused by me typing all day I am going to do it again. :-)

I'm so hungry. And I can't stop thinking about the wondorous food Mahinda made for us all last night. Mmmm... It was ace. Other highlights of the evening were cross fire Mallet's mallet and exceedingly bad jokes. One of my new favourite phrases is "Friendship is like pissing your pants; everyone can see it, but only you can feel the warmth". Thank you Linden!

I just lost. Pants. This is because someone else at work lost something. Grrr! They're not even playing.


10.20. My pass no longer works. I can't get through doors at work. It tricked me cause it still makes the thing beep, just doesn't unlock. So I looked like a wally.

Here is a picture of people from work:

You can't see everyone very well.

11am. I'm bored of this being open now. Sorry Pete, you don't get the whole day's activities.

Stuff and things

Got bored. Came home. Am quite confused by him - I just don't like him. It's weird. I don't usually not like people. At all. But he does music tech and knows a lot about music and stuff - things that not many people notice (as far as I know - like background music changing the mood and sound effects and stuff), but is just wrong. He lives in Fallowfield cause it's got cheap drink and lots of girls (he actually told me that!!!!) and likes to go to clubs that are cheap because the music is rubbish so he has to get drunk. Anyway, he is fundamentally wrong in just about every way. Including that he's from Middlesborough.

Anyway, I amused myself on the way home by finding a new bit of park and realising that I was smiling to myself and people kept looking at me like I was doing the walk of shame. Which is ace cause I slept in my own bed on my own and got up and showered and chose to wear this. Ha. I also found these 2 signs which amused me. I'm going to attempt to put a picture in! I'm scared. And think I have also given up on MySpace blog...

Cool. I did a picture. I think. This could be the start of something ace.

So... Friday night I had a gathering. It rocked. Firstly Charlotte and Dan came, followed shortly by Adrian and Emma. Housemates Dan and Adam were both there too, ish. They kept wandering off and being boy like and rubbish. Which I suppose is the same thing. Then Pete and Rosy appeared. Dean and Micheal were next. Micheal is the only one I hadn't met before and was very lovely. He's a friend of Dean's from school, but decided to tell me he was his brother. The we played the werewolf game. At some point I decided to go outside and found Maurice! That was random. I can't remember if that was before or after Liz, Mat and Matt appeared. It turns out I can't remember a lot. Then Charlotte and Dan went cause Dan was working in the morning. Mahinda, Mark, Linden and Ed then turned up (Oh, I didn't know Ed either. I met 2 mew people in my own house. Cool.) from Tiger Lounge. It was generally a lot of fun and nice. Apparently Linden and co. turned up about 1.30. Mark and Mahinda were the last to leave about 4.30. I didn't mean to get drunk or stay up late. Oops. There was even poker playing and cello playing and stuff.

So, Saturday I fully intended to get up and get weighed. I did. I wanted to know if I got my next magic 7. But I woke up at 10.08... Not sure I could have got to town in 22 minutes, even if I was dressed and didn't smell... So I stayed in bed will 2.30pm. I'm rubbish. But then I made up for it by being extra good at shopping (I wasn't actually that good - I even got lots of impressive bruises - that's how rubbish I was. I didn't even have the power of going round fixed objects) and finding Mark a costume for the Halloween party (or else he was threatening not to go! Scandal.). Then went home and got ready. I was so amused by myeslf. I was an evil fairy. I was most amused by my stockings (once I'd acquired a gun to keep in them) as my wings were out of sight a lot, and didn't make me fly. Hmmm... It doesn't look like that picture had worked. Oh well. Yay! I tried again and it worked. I rock.

So yeah, that bring me to now, via the boring date. I'm so trying to be useful and am not being. I have put washing in though. That's probably useful.

I'm going for Goonie curry now. That's not curry made out of Goonies. That's curry made by Mahinda at Linden's house with the company of Pete and Rosy too. And Sam. I will have seen all members of the Goonies all 3 nights of this weekend. Ace!

Not remembering...

OK, so I won't get an answer in time, but I'm going to ask anyway. When is a good time to tell someone you're meeting for a date (although I don't reckon you can have a date at 2 on a Sunday) then you don't remember meeting them or what they look like? Should I let them know before I turn up? As soon as I find them? Today?


I've got loads to blog about! I've been having lots of drunken fun. Will do it later or tomorrow or something...

Talking to strangers on buses...

It appears I might have done that again last night! I have a text from a Chris asking if I'd like to go for a drink tonight. For some reason he is in my phone as Mackam. I'm confused. I blame Lolly. She seems to attract people from the north east.

Question is, is he nice? Do I want to go for a drink with him? I can't tonight - I'm having a gathering - so I might invite him to something else a different day...

Oh I’m so drunk.

At work.

And very surprised I didn’t fall off my bike on the way here.

I blame Lolly and Liam. But mostly Liam.

La la la.

There is a cute boy opposite and I really want to e-mail him to tell him I’m probably a bit drunk, rather than just looking odd. But am not brave enough. I’m rubbish. FACT.

I smell of mini cheddars and beer. Gross. And just talked to a nice man, and feel so minging. I showered! I smell nice! Except my breath. And the dodgy way I’m trying not to look drunk.

OK, so last night involved rehearsal, Harry’s, Font, Revolution and Po Na Na. Liam appeared! And so did Lolly! I miss them both. I’m ashamed to say I miss Lolly more, but then I’ve seen her most recently and more, so I don’t know who I wanted to see more.

It’s now 11.30 and I’m still drunk.

Someone threw a ball at me, and I still don’t know who. I suspect billing, but they deny all knowledge. I don’t even know which way it came cause I was on the floor* at the time and it hit my back. Grrr. I will find out (maybe) and make them pay.

It’s 12. I have a VERY sore head. Lunch is arriving at half past. I want it now.

La la la. Again. I had a biscuit. That helped.

It’s now quarter past 2. I’m trying not to be sick.

It’s now after 3 and I still feel sick. We just had a meeting and I sat on the floor and felt very dizzy. We’re going live this weekend. I don’t care. I’m so bothered about my job it’s scary. I only have Monday left though! I think I’ve managed to get through today without doing anything at all. I keep trying, but the network drops out and I forget and things. So I haven’t even done the 2 measly things that I usually do. I did go to Subway on my bike though. Sucking up to the boss then I might get a good reference!

Ooh! I’d forgotten all about this. Well, now it’s 5.30 and I can go home. Yay! Let the party begin. Although first I need to buy food and drink. I think I'm sober now.

*I was on the floor for work reasons! Although that doesn’t make it look any better… I was trying to find a plug for the hub that we needed to get an extra person on the network. We now have 9 people on 4 desks. It’s great here. It actually is. I’ve now got attractive men next to me and opposite me. :-)


My head hurts.

Non-existing 8am meetings suck. I got up early for this dagnamit! But hopefully that means I can leave at 4.30, which will help my evening A LOT. I didn’t think it through very well. Well, I did, but then ignored my decisions and got on my bike. But I have to be at UMIST at 6.30, so leaving here at 5.30 and cycling home doesn’t leave much time. So then I thought I’d cycle to MUGSS, which would be a good idea, except I intend to stay out late and don’t want to cycle home late, and I will have a LOLLY!! Yay! She rang last night and is coming tonight and staying over. I like Lolly. This is good. So there will be drinking after rehearsal (by rehearsal I mean shouting at people. I don’t *need* to shout, I just think it would make it more fun, and people might listen to me.).

I really need to repaint my nails, cause the last attempt was rubbish and is still bugging me. I don’t suppose many other people will find it that offensive though.

Ooh! I’m updating my CV. Possibly actually the most useful thing I can do at work. Although so far I’ve managed to waste 50 minutes. Oops.

Last night I went to Hardy’s and met Justin. I’ve not seen him for ages! Well, not properly, so it was good to catch up. We played pool and I accidentally had too much beer. The last pint was officially his fault as I said it’d help me sleep better and he said it’d make me wake up earlier (supposed to be a bad point) which clinched it, due to 8am meeting. Being a little tipsy I e-mailed more people that I should have done when I got home last night.


My realisations as I got to the house today were “My trousers are falling down”, followed by “I left the bathroom window open”. These provoked the reactions “Yay!” followed by “Oh shit”, then “I can’t handle my beer anymore”.

I’m currently battling with “That’s not the mouse, that’s your phone”. Along with “Stop singing out loud! Weirdo”. Although I think I can sing well today. I probably can’t. But I’m enjoying it.

Laughing out loud at yourself is NOT a good sign though. Oops.

Oh how my life sucks.

Mini Adventures

I realised last night that both my blogs suggest they are about mini adventures. I have been pretty poor about having adventures at the moment. Oops. So yesterday I decided to have more adventures. This seemed a little odd at the time, as all I’d managed all day involved a heat it up gun and some embossing powder. I’d not even managed to wash or dress. Oops. Anyway, I decided to make going to orchestra an adventure, and in a way it was, as I really didn’t want to leave the house so had to force myself. I made it an adventure by wearing my wellies and walking through the park. I probably won’t do the park bit again – it’s scary in the dark! And probably dangerous. But that’s how I decided that it was an adventure. Otherwise it would have just been getting the bus to orchestra, and what’s adventurous about that?!? So yeah, that was Tuesday’s adventure.

Orchestra was ok. There were hardly any people there, but I think I played alright. I was sat next to a girl who is really good! So that was a bit poo. I have a cello lesson soon. I think I might be looking forward to it.

Sunday I did actually go to bed about 7.30. That was quite pathetic of me! I then watched Moulin Rouge (oh how I love that film) and then couldn’t sleep. Pants. So read a bit more about Kurt Cobain. I’m about quarter of the way through his biography. I’m really enjoying it, but not sure I like how it’s written. It seems to assume too much, but maybe it’s just that I’m not American. Or that I always read when half asleep…

Monday night Dean came over for tea. I like Dean. I’ve not seen him for months! So it was really good to catch up with him. He’s now a proper maths teacher! As are lots of my friends. It’s strange, cause I don’t really like to think about my time in teaching anymore. But every time I do I can’t really work out why I left and think I’ll go back. I might look into doing that in Edinburgh. Maybe another year bumming around first… Anyway, we then went to the cinema and watched Nanny McFee, which was as cheesy as expected, but surprisingly good. Then went for a drink in the pub near the art gallery that looks like it used to be a bank and had discussions about whether the fireplace used to be a door (Dean picked on me for pointing out that we were on a raised platform and the top of the fire place was fake (which involved knocking for hollowness) and said it was like being with a boy) and whether the barrel we were sat round was actually from a Pirate ship (of course it was!).

Got up on Tuesday and felt like death (but dizzier) so stayed home. And that bring me to where I started this blog.

Today I went out for lunch as the guy opposite me is leaving (well, on holiday, but moving departments when he gets back, and I’ll have left anyway) and I now have a burnt mouth and didn’t stick to my diet. Oops.


I started writing a blog in a way to have someone to talk at. I needed to write down what I thought, cause thoughts in my head are not really a good idea. But now so many people read it, I can’t actually write down what makes me happy and sad each day. This doesn’t mean I want people to stop reading it – I’m not sure that would ever work anyway – I just noticed that today. I’ve got nowhere to vent my thoughts and I need to. There isn’t anyone close enough to me to know me.

Anyway, that’s a bit sad isn’t it?!? So I’m going to stick to writing what happened instead.

Last night I went to bed after 3 and SO could not sleep. Too much caffeine I think. I got up at 11 and reckon I had about 4 hours sleep. Grump. Went to the Metropolitan for Laura’s birthday. I really like Laura, but never contact her and try to meet up or anything. Maybe I should.

I knew quite a few people there, but for undisclosed reasons (probably through little sleep and therefore grumping and not wanting to offend people I know) talked to strangers all day. It was lovely. They were really nice. I know a lot about them now though! They weren’t shy, especially after beer. I also played with baby Charlotte a lot – even got her to go to sleep on me. It was nice. It turns out I’m quite good at babies. Well, her anyway, she’s so well behaved. So that was it really. Sat around, chatted, grumped, bounced a baby, drank diet coke. Am now exceedingly tired. Is 7.30 too early to go to bed?!? I think I might anyway.

It's a bad sign when you've used grumping as a subject already...

I’ve not had the best night ever. Which is strange, as it should have been ace. Oh well.

So, Thursday night I went to MUGSS and sorted out all the chorus into groups and told them what to wear. I had fun. Then we went to Tribecca, where I also had fun, mainly talking to John and Becky (?) and Gareth T. Thursdays confuse me. I generally talk to lots of people and it’s nice, but then I decide it’s time to go home and leave. I think they are the only group of friends who don’t do the “are you sure you can get home by yourself” thing. Which is good, cause I can get home by myself. I actually like it. But then it makes me feel like they can’t be my friends much.

Friday I skived work cause I didn’t feel ace and couldn’t be bothered. I stayed in bed, then watched something, maybe, then went to Knott bar for tea, then Rain Bar. Ooh, I watched Withnail and I. I liked it, but there isn’t really a plot so my poorly brain got confused and switched off. Knott bar was nice – it was me and Charlotte and Dan and Kathryn. We had nice food (but not great for diet!) and chatted. It was nice to see Kathryn, cause I’m rubbish and usually when I see her I don’t talk to her. I’m sure I give off the impression that I don’t like her, but this is not true. I don’t know how I manage it. Oops.

We then headed to Rain bar for Miranda’s birthday. She cannot be 30. FACT. Anyway, she is, apparently, and it was nice. A bit odd, cause Charlotte, Dan and Kathryn appeared tired, so just sat. I was tired if I sat, so kept trying to mingle, but didn’t know many people. Katherine turned up and Housemate Dan did too. It was nice. Then I stayed at Liz’s, cause she’s ace.

We got up and got weighed. All 3 of us (me, Liz, Paula) lost weight! So we celebrated with coffee. I had water. How odd. Then mooched around town for a while and went for lunch at Oklahoma. It felt a bit like the cafĂ© I was running in Edinburgh was trying to be. Then I met Matt, an American from MUGSS, and went on a costume hunt for him. It was quite successful! He’s so much fun. He amuses me so much.

Then went home for a quick nap, which made me feel pants, then headed to the RNCM to watch Kiss Me Kate. It was very well done (although I was being exceptionally critical and grumpy at the time), but it’s not that good a show, in my opinion. Lots of the songs just seem to have the same words over and over. But still, lots of my friends were in it, and lots more were watching. I was surprised to see some of them!

Am generally in a big grump though, which is why I’m writing in my blog at 3 am. Oops. I’m going to go to sleep now though, instead of writing about it, cause I’ll just write stuff I regret. Maybe. If I still want to rant about it tomorrow then I figure it’s not a bad idea, so will do it then.

How am I still ill?!?

Yesterday all I managed was sitting on the sofa. I watched 2 more dvds after yesterday’s post: Dave Gorman’s Googlewhack Adventure and Sweet Home Alabama. The second was NOT my choice. It was picked by Housemate Dan. This amuses me a lot. He picked on my girly dvd selection (I was picking particularly girly ones cause I was feeling poo), but they weren’t that bad! I brought 6 downstairs, 2 of which can not be described as girly, 2 can and the other 2 he said were great. So there.

Anyway, Dave Gorman is fantastic and lovely and I want to be his friend. I wonder if he’ll let me go on his next adventure? Probably not. I’m a stranger. Sweet Home Alabama is rubbish, FACT, but is still ok cause the attractiveness of the main guy gets you through it. It didn’t make me cry though, and I wanted a film that did that. Oh well.

I haven’t written about anything other than facts recently, I don’t think. I suppose having an account of where I’ve been is good, in case my memory fails me. But it can’t be that interesting. And I reckon you can read all of these and not know me at all.

Oh well.

My head hurts lots and I feel very broken, so I shall shut up.

You’ve Got Mail

I’m poorly. I didn’t go to work, and felt quite cheeky, but after sleeping till 3 and not feeling any better, I don’t feel so bad anymore. And I just sneezed.

Last night I skived orchestra and went home to my parents instead. I was a good girl and took the cds I’d made along so people can listen to what we’re supposed to sound like. Got a lift from Helen with Sarah and Lucy. Linda and George and Kenneth were also there, so that’s actually most of my family. Well, 2/3 of my mum’s sisters. The other one has 4 kids and a husband though, so that’s 6 people missing and 6 visiting, but still lots of people. I remember getting 11 people round our dining table being easier than it was. Probably cause I’m used to the other 6 being there. I dunno. Anyway, I made vege chilli and my mum made meat chilli and there was also pasta bake, I think made by Jennifer, but by “made” I mean “jar of sauce put on pasta and put in the oven”. So not technically cooking. I even had to do the stirry stirry and put cheese on bit. Pah. But it was nice. We watched Neighbours, and that pas probably it. Oh, we sang happy birthday to Helen, and played it on whistles. She said it’s the most people she can remember singing for her, so next year I’m having a party for it.

I managed to bring even MORE stuff back from home. I brought a Star Wars jigsaw in a frame, with the intention of removing the jigsaw and replacing it with photos, and 2 lamps, one for the living room and one for in here, cause I always end up sitting in the dark.

Today I have achieved very little. In fact nothing. I watched You’ve Got Mail and it made me cry. You shouldn’t watch love films when you don’t have anyone!! Oops. I’m going to go watch another one now.

Fantabulous wedding ness

Fantabulous was yesterday’s word of the day. It might not hold today too. Today is more of an ill day.

So, lots to update. It’s going to be a long one! It might even involved subheadings in bold, if I can work out the technicalities. My brain is actually mush though, so this might be too tricky. I shall make it simpler with day headings.


This is going to be tricky. I can’t remember that long ago…


I spent all day at work trying to leave cause I felt Rubbish. The capital letter was supposed to signify how rubbish, kind of officially ill rubbish. But it makes it look like a person called Rubbish. This is not the case.

Anyway, I finally left about 4 after showing someone else how to do my job on Friday and Monday. I don’t really like someone else knowing how to do my job, but hey, they do now. I leave in 2 weeks anyway. So, I went home and promptly got into bed. Planned to have a small nap, do some jobs, and then go to MUGSS. This turned into have small nap, wake up, text Matt and say I’m not going to MUGSS, go back to sleep, drag myself up at 9, eat, go back to bed. Rock and Roll.


The adventure begins. Got up about 8 and did some packing. This wasn’t very successful due to my being rubbish ness. Then headed into town, failed at getting Helen and Danny any sort of present, but succeeded at finding lots of bottles of coke and a car. Woo! Quick stop at my house to shove the gathered items into my bag, then rushed off to Oxford Road station to pick up Luke. Luke is a friend of the grooms (I technically know the bride, but know them both about as well), so travelled from Blackpool to get a lift down with us. Never met him before, but thankfully he coped well with the randomness* that is me, Charlotte and Dan. He’s 21 and rather cute**.

The journey went rather smoothly (everyone needing the toilet and food at the same time, not much traffic on the motorway, etc.) until we reached our destination. It was very dark, but somehow we did find the random village of Hunsham, near Tiverton, Devon. We did not, however, find Huntsham Court (I wonder if I can put links in here? I might try later) and this resulted in us driving straight past it. We managed to find it again after about 2 ½ hours***. During this time lots of team decisions were made, so it didn’t actually feel like I was the only person doing any work. We were a true team.

Once found, the house turned out to be very impressive. I’m glad we got there. The evening’s entertainment was a ghost tour done by the groom, music done by Slugs Ate My Parents and vodka, supplied by Lolly. I got rather drunk rather quickly, as I needed a drink after that drive. Screw the diet. The drunkenness helped us name the car team “Team Bert” and hence name the car Bert. I want to put pictures in my blog.

Sleep was achieved, apparently. I think around 4.

*The random highlight of the conversation is probably deciding that Charlotte is pregnant with and self-inflating elephant.

**This resulted in snogging.

***During these hours we managed to end up in Somerset twice, got laughed at by a whole pub of locals “You’re never going to find that!” and I did a spectacular**** 7 point turn between a lorry and a sharp drop and some trees near a random gypsy trailer park in the middle of a forest.

****This turn didn’t impress me that much, and I really didn’t like doing it. But the boys seemed very impressed with me.

*****Nothing had 5 stars. But I just wanted to point out that the starring is going to get silly. So each day it’s going to go back to 1. I’m not even sure that I’m going to use them for the other days.


Got up about 10, I think, and managed to get into the bathroom second (was sharing with 3 other girls, which could have turned into an issue. I don’t take long, but I know that they all do. I’ve lived with them. Achieved some breakfast and then we (Team Bert plus Kieron) took Bert out to the supermarket (mostly to provide drink for the evening, but also to achieve lunch.). We found food then a National Trust property that provided a car park and picnic bench. Was nice.

We were going to go on a different random adventure, but we realised that we should probably go get changed for The Wedding. Went back to the house, which I can now find very easily as we know all roads in a 5 mile radius. They do look different in the light though. Got ready (which took me 5 mins, but took an hour involving painting other people’s nails and lots and lots of faffing. Bloody girls.

The ceremony was lovely. Helen looked fantastic, and Danny did too. They both looked different enough to have their personalities come through, but not weird enough that they didn’t look like they were getting married. They are fantastic. The ceremony itself was fairly short, but perfectly formed. Vows, a reading from Helen’s dad, one of the Bridesmaids and a token American, and a random old man playing the piano.

This was followed by photos (there wasn’t an official photographer, just lots of people with lots of cameras – some must be good) outside (who would have thought that the weather in October would be so great!) then a meal (inside), which was probably the only thing anyone had to moan about the whole weekend. And it was still good. Just the people serving were a bit grumpy and we didn’t get on with them. It was all ok though. Just a bit silly.
Also, it was about this time that me and Charlotte realised that we don’t like some of our friends. This isn’t strictly as mean as it sounds, but some of them get annoying when put together. And when you’re stuck at a sit down table where your name is, then it was more noticeable. Oh well. Soon there were speeches and then cake* cutting and the first dance and vodka** all interspersed with mingling.

Then it was just general party ness, including stopping 12 and 13 year old boys*** finding the Jack Daniels, playing pianos****, flirting with everything*****. The only bad thing was finding Toby had been sick in my bedroom, so me and Lolly went on a “find somewhere else to sleep” hunt, and I decided that I was sleeping in the other half of Gary’s bed******.

It was really really nice and fun. But nothing to report really, like gossip or stories or anything. Ooh, Lolly caught the bouquet (with a cat fight and everything) and Gary caught the garter, so they had to dance. Bed was found about 1.30 for me. It was a long day!

*Cake spectacularly made by Charlotte. It really was great. I don’t like fruitcake, so was a little worried that I’d have to lie, but I liked it. And it looked ace. There are pictures.

**I wasn’t a fan of the wine with the meal, or the champagne, so had really drank very little by this point. Had even drunk water due to the soreness of my throat.

***These are Danny (groom)’s dad’s boys. They are cool and look like they should be in a band.

****There were pianos everywhere!!

*****There were lots of strangers, but everyone knew that everyone was nice, so it was lovely and free flirting was not in anyway taken in the wrong light.

******He didn’t seem that chuffed, so announced he was sleeping on the sofa, but was there when I woke up, so had given in.


Sunday involved me waking up at 8am. I was very awake. This probably annoyed Gary, but he didn’t seem that annoyed and talked back at me for a while. I read a book, practiced piano, had a shower, went for a walk and all sorts before anyone else even got up. They were all hung over. I was not. I got the mission of going to Tiverton and finding charcoal, which me and Bert managed by ourselves. I was very proud of my not getting lost ness and my ease of find of charcoal, where others had failed.

Barbequing and rounders ensued, sometimes at the same time. Dan nearly managed lose his seat in the car and his girlfriend by getting me AND Charlotte out. But he was allowed back in the car as he caught my hit whilst casually sat down. We played with a random dog for a while, before I took it back to where it came from and gave it to s sheepdog. Then it rained a lot, so we* cleared up and went in to find games.

I attempted a nap, but this mostly involved being in Gary’s bed and Luke was reading on the not-big-enough-to-sleep-on sofa, so I just talked at him. Gave up on pretending to try to sleep, so we went on a tour of the house to decide where I should sleep that night, due to my room still smelling too much of sick. I decided where to sleep based on the bath I wanted to use in the morning. On the tour I also found a straw hat and a hula-hoop**.

The evenings entertainment involved vodka***, a werewolf game**** and a midnight walk*****.

This ended up being a far later night than planned due to fun being had – about 3.30. Bad idea considering that we were leaving at 7.30 the next morning. Oops. And I can’t remember what bed I decided I was sleeping in, so went in the nearest room. I made Luke come with me, cause I wasn’t sleeping somewhere odd on my own.

*By this point most people had gone home, so it was team Bert and mainly Manchester people left. Rubbish Southerners can’t hack the pace and all went home. And didn’t say bye, even though we JUST COOKED THEIR LUNCH.

**Of the child’s play variety, not the raw potato snack.

***Are you surprised?!?

****This game will be played at a future party. Possibly the one I apparently decided I was having. See Monday. It involves most people being villagers, with some werewolves that the village need to find and kill.

*****Which involved me getting in a wicker igloo and most people being scared at some point. I made sure I was at the back of the group, with the theory that if anything touched me I could actually scream as it wasn’t anyone I knew. This didn’t happen.


6.30 is not a nice time to be awake. Grrr.

Hasty packing was done, followed by a trip to Exeter airport*, then we were on the way. Breakfast was found at the first services** which ensured that I was sober and Dan wasn’t going to be sick.

Team Bert kept me company with at least one person being awake most of the time. Well, I was awake for most of it. It wasn’t as much of a team effort, considering I knew where I was going, but Team Bert were still there if I needed them. It just felt like I was the only one working. Oh well.

We got the car back to the place on time (1.30) and weren’t in trouble for anything. The guy then gave us a lift back to our respective houses and Luke to the station. Excellent work!

Nap was attempted and bath was achieved, then I went off to meet Petar. We were both very tired and a bit rubbish, but he did say he had a nice evening. We had some food at the Paramount and then went for a wander. We decided to find pool to play, but didn’t succeed. Gave in to the pub when a toilet was required. Mark*** came to meet us, and as Petar had just said that he was going to stay for the later train and see Mark for a bit, but when Mark arrived Petar said he was going for the train so we made Mark walk all the way across town and back for nothing! Hee hee. But it’s not my fault.

Petar went, so me and Mark went for a drink in the Salisbury where we talked about making people shorter and weekend activities. I made little sense, but I don’t care. I decided to walk home (and nearly got in lots of trouble for it!), but got the bus when I needed a wee. Found my friend Simon in between and it was nice. I resisted the power of Scubar due to feeling like horrible.

When at home I talked to my cousin online, so now have a lift home tonight (Woo!) and removed a spider from the wall. I was really creeped out by it for some reason. I don’t mind them usually, it was just cause it was near where my head should be, and then I lost it in my bed. Grump. But I was triumphant and it went out the bathroom window. Hurrah.

*As we didn’t find the train station in time for Lolly’s train to the airport.

**Screw the diet. Fry up.

***Or Mrak, as he might become known as. Petar spelt it wrong once, but in Serbian that means something between dark and cool (as is good, not temperature), so sounds like a good thing to be.


That brings me to now. And I’ve written a lot. I’m hard at work as you can tell. I am wearing my scarf, as I am officially ill. I will try to leave early. As usual.