Fast forward
I did right this the other day though:
"Being 11/11/08 I've been thinking about history. I don't know much about it. I do know what I feel though – I feel proud of the people who fought and died for our country. I have no idea of the politics involved, I have no idea if I agree with whoever made the decision to go to war, but I do agree with every single person who willingly or grudgingly fought for our country, our freedom and our lives. Thank you – whoever and wherever you are now.
"There's no *need* to be anything anymore. No need to be brave. No need to be strong. No need to be resilient. No need to work for supper. No need to care for yourself and your family. No need to behave appropriately. No need to commit. No need to be loyal. No need to keep your opinion to yourself. No need to consider the point of view of other people.
"Life goes on. Move on. Get over it. Restart. Get a new job. Get a new house. Get new friends. I'm as bad as anyone for that, I know. Doesn't mean I like it or I'm proud of it. I wish I was stronger, but I'm not. But I've also never *needed* to be."
Anyway, this last couple of weeks went a little mad. After I don't know how many weekends of being in Edinburgh, and no projects to speak of, I now have too many. It's great. I feel almost human. Not quite, but almost. Right now I blame the migraine.
Anyway, some things in the last few weeks:
-- my parents moved house
-- I started a new job
-- I bought a new duvet (mmmm....)
-- my dog died
-- my gran is poorly
-- I am on the board for PGP
-- I did the orchestra accounts
-- am in the process of shoe boxes for charity
-- still can't play the stupid Berlioz
-- went to Manchester and saw lovely people
-- went to Bradford and saw different lovely people
-- going to see the new parental house this weekend*
-- my window now closes
-- got rid of my bus pass
-- joined the gym and got good at going, but haven't had time in 2 weeks
-- went for drinks with old work
-- went for drinks with new work
-- have sewing projects on the go
-- I don't really sleep
Generally it's been quite mad. Am rather happy though. I just wish there was a bus home from orchestra. Or I could get straps for my 'cello case that means I can carry him on both shoulders.
There's still quite a lot to brain digest though.
*Gran health depending. Must remember a map. And painting clothes. And need to find out which neighbour I might need to introduce myself to get a key.
Went home last weekend for the last time. I haven't decided how I feel about that yet. There's so much stuff there. And so many memories. But I'm sure the memories will stay with me. It's only a house. I guess I'll see when I go to the new house, whenever that is. I hope I can get home for Christmas. I won't find out if I can until starting New Job. Pause.
I think I want to be an interior designer.
Friday night in Manchester was lovely. It was great to be back and feel at home. I do think about moving back sometimes. I can't, but I do think about it. Part of that is to do with here, not just there. I don't feel like I fit at the moment. Except at home - I love the new flat, mostly. There are some rubbish bits, like that it's freezing, but good housemates make it all fine. But outside of home I appear to have lost a social life.
I hope my new job does fix everything that I think it will.
Oh, this all appears to be sad.
I bought new shoes! Patchwork Skechers. Beautiful. And comfortable. For walking to New Work. Ha ha - that looks a little like I'm going to walk to New York. Maybe I will. Go live with Melissa.
I've got so many craft projects that I'm in the middle of (ERIN! I'm sorry), so yesterday I started a new one. I'm not very good at any of them though.
I'm off to provide proof that I exist, haven't broken the law, and have been employed for 3 years. Wish me luck!
*Must remember that this gets uploaded to Facebook*
I like the word "turmoil".
This weekend was quiet, and one might almost say dull. Not that I didn't have a nice time. Saturday afternoon/evening was lovely - seeing Katrina and Ali for the first time in ages. But throughout I had a headache which worsened until I had to go home. But it did kind of dull the experience of the day, if that makes sense? Good. Spent Sunday afternoon crafting at Nikki's. Was fun. The rest of the time I just frittered away with things like washing and joining the gym and putting stuff all around my room in an attempt to tidy.
I also did some tidying and sorting, but by no means all of it. And I signed up to the gym/pool, so now I have to go. I've discovered the pool is open early on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so I might go before work. We'll see... I wonder what the gym opening times are... Maybe I'll find out at my induction tomorrow evening.
I'm getting a new mattress tomorrow. Whoppeee!!!!!!
My tooth just fell out.
International Wear A Dress Day...
And I think I wasn't even wearing a skirt. I was unpacking and stuff, so was in jeans. I don't know why - jeans don't fit me. I should have been wearing a dress.
But today I am wearing my hideous dress. Whoop whoop!
I've been crafting. It's nice. I won't tell you what, because it is a surprise. Which is a little silly, as many people here know. So it's not a surprise for anyone in Edinburgh. :-)
Oh, and it's probably not for you, if you think it is. OK?
We've been watching Lost in Austen at Craft Night. This causes much shouting at the TV* (Nikki) and then shouting at Nikki (Me). It's not real! It's not supposed to be Pride and Prejudice! It's fictional. It doesn't even contain Elizabeth Bennett. And Mary - it's a TV programme. That's how her hair is so perfect.
It's ace - it's the first programme in ages that I actually want to watch (other than The Bill). And we all get entirely different enjoyment out of it. And Wickham is hot. HOT!
I would like to note that it took 4 Google searches to find the name of the actor that plays Wickham. It is not on the ITV site, or IMDb, which is weird as when I found it out (Tom Riley) it is on his IMDb page.
Arrggh, argggh, arrrrgh! There's only one more episode!
Calm down.
I had a wonderful conversation with Uncle Bert last night. Note: when trying to help an octogenarian with computers, find out if they have a PC or Mac first.
I think that's all for now. It's been a long week.
*Or computer, as yesterday we watched it on the internet. Fancy. It did freeze on the lake scene though.
New House!
The new house is lovely! Gesine's room is entirely ready and tidy, and Eoin's is not far off. He's still debating where to put furniture, as the room is quite narrow, but he's almost there.
My room is still a tip. What a surprise. I do have places for everything though! Just need to put up the new shelves, and arrange my craft stuff. And then I need to take put my shoes in to the hangy shoe things I bought at Ikea. Currently they are in 1 large box and 2 big Ikea bags. And probably some other places too. Then I'm done.
Bad things:
We don't have a key for the main door.
The kettle doesn't work.
The microwave is gross.
The mattresses on mine and Gesine's bed are rubbish.
Eoin's room possibly has rising damp.
Shower is a bit rubbish.
Good things:
I love the kitchen/living room.
I love the period features in my room.
There's a space for everything.
Everything in the kitchen is clean*.
We have internet and phone.
The fridge is massive.
I like Eoin and Gesine.
Generally, it's made of win. Even with the bad list. So there.
Had dentist this morning. He's not as hot as I remember. Apparently this is because Nikki ate the other dentist after he drew a sexy dental picture.
Not sure if I have any other news. That will do for now. There will be more to come about the job soon, I hope.
*Thanks to my wonderful Mummy.
I am the music man
So, I've been a bit busy. The festival happened. I can't remember what I blogged about it. I was determined not to get ill, then I forgot and went and got ill. Then a million people stayed at my house at once, and it was fun, if not a little lacking in sleep. Then me and Jennifer and Melissa went to find Nessie. Then Melissa had to leave and me and Jennifer went visiting relatives. We went to the one man castle and to see fish jumping and to see dolphins (we failed, but found moon rock and a fly) and swimming with the cousins and to the beach and park in the dark. Got back, watched the fireworks, Jen left.
Then I got a new job.
On Friday/Saturday I move house.
Maybe after both of those things are sorted I will get a whole night's sleep and maybe I will not have a headache and feel sick.
But maybe not. Maybe it's something else that's stressing me. We will find out.
I am not particularly looking forward to moving, because I have lots of stuff. However, I am looking forward to seeing Mummy and Daddy. I can tell them all about my job. And they will look after me. And I will see Jodie (dog). And they will make me be sensible.
I don't know why I'm writing like a child today. Probably due to the lack of sleep and feeling rubbish and wanting everything to go away. Except my friends. I want lots of friends right now.
Longest List Ever
02. Swam with wild dolphins
03. Climbed a mountain
04. Taken a Ferrari for a test drive
05. Been inside the Great Pyramid
06. Held a tarantula
10. Done a striptease
11. Bungee jumped
12. Visited Paris
13. Watched a lightning storm at sea
14. Stayed up all night long
15. Seen the Northern Lights
16. Gone to a huge sports game
17. Walked the stairs to the top of the leaning Tower of Pisa
18. Grown and eaten your own vegetables
19. Touched an iceberg
20. Slept under the stars
21. Changed a baby's diaper
22. Taken a trip in a hot air balloon
23. Watched a meteor shower
24. Gotten drunk on champagne
25. Given more than you can afford to charity
26. Looked up at the night sky through a telescope
27. Had an uncontrollable giggling fit at the worst possible moment
28. Had a food fight
29. Bet on a winning horse
30. Taken a sick day when you're not ill
31. Asked out a stranger
32. Had a snowball fight
33. Photocopied your bottom on the office photocopier
34. Screamed as loudly as you possibly can
35. Held a lamb
36. Enacted a favourite fantasy
37. Taken a midnight skinny dip
38. Taken an ice cold bath
39. Had a meaningful conversation with a beggar
40. Seen a total eclipse
41. Ridden a roller coaster
42. Hit a home run
43. Fit three weeks miraculously into three days
44. Danced like a fool and not cared who was looking
45. Adopted an accent for an entire day
46. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors
47. Actually felt happy about your life, even for just a moment
48. Had two hard drives for your computer
49. Visited all 50 states
50. Loved your job
51. Taken care of someone who was shit faced
52. Had enough money to be truly satisfied
53. Had amazing friends
54. Danced with a stranger in a foreign country
55. Watched wild whales
56. Stolen a sign
57. Backpacked in Europe
58. Taken a road-trip
59. Rock climbing
60. Lied to foreign government's official in that country to avoid notice
61. Midnight walk on the beach
62. Sky diving
63. Visited Ireland
64. Been heartbroken longer then you were actually in love
65. In a restaurant, sat at a stranger's table and had a meal with them
66. Visited Japan
67. Bench pressed your own weight
68. Milked a cow
69. Alphabetized your records
70. Pretended to be a superhero
71. Sung karaoke
72. Lounged around in bed all day
73. Posed nude in front of strangers
74. Scuba diving
75. Got it on to "Let's Get It On" by Marvin Gaye
76. Kissed in the rain
77. Played in the mud
78. Played in the rain
79. Gone to a drive-in theatre
80. Done something you should regret, but don't regret it
81. Visited the Great Wall of China
82. Discovered that someone who's not supposed to have known about your blog has discovered your blog
83. Dropped Windows in favour of something better
84. Started a business
85. Fallen in love and not had your heart broken
86. Toured ancient sites
87. Taken a martial arts class
88. Sword fought for the honour of a woman
89. Played D&D for more than 6 hours straight
90. Gotten married
91. Been in a movie
92. Crashed a party
93. Loved someone you shouldn't have
94. Kissed someone so passionately it made them dizzy
95. Gotten divorced
96. Had sex at the office
97. Gone without food for 5 days
98. Made cookies from scratch
99. Won first prize in a costume contest
100. Ridden a gondola in Venice
101. Gotten a tattoo
102. Found that the texture of some materials can turn you on
103. Rafted the Snake River
104. Been on television news programs as an "expert"
105. Got flowers for no reason
106. Masturbated/ Had sex in a public place
107. Got so drunk you don't remember anything
108. Been addicted to some form of illegal drug
109. Performed on stage
110. Been to Las Vegas
111. Recorded music
112. Eaten shark
113. Had a one-night stand
114. Gone to Thailand
115. Seen Siouxsie live
116. Bought a house
117. Been in a combat zone
118. Buried one/both of your parents
119. Shaved or waxed your pubic hair off
120. Been on a cruise ship
121. Spoken more than one language fluently
122. Gotten into a fight while attempting to defend someone
123. Bounced a cheque
124. Performed in Rocky Horror
125. Read - and understood - your credit report
126. Raised children
127. Recently bought and played with a favourite childhood toy
128. Followed your favourite band/singer on tour
129. Created and named your own constellation of stars
130. Taken an exotic bicycle tour in a foreign country
131. Found out something significant that your ancestors did
132. Called or written your Member of Parliament
133. Picked up and moved to another city to just start over
134. ...more than once?
135. Walked the Golden Gate Bridge
136. Sang loudly in the car, and didn't stop when you knew someone was looking
137. Had an abortion or your female partner did
138. Had plastic surgery
139. Survived an accident that you shouldn't have survived
140. Wrote articles for a large publication
141. Lost over 100 pounds
142. Held someone while they were having a flashback
143. Piloted an airplane
144. Petted a stingray
145. Broken someone's heart
146. Helped an animal give birth
147. Been fired or laid off from a job
148. Won money on a TV game show
149. Broken a bone
150. Killed a human being
151. Gone on an African photo safari
152. Ridden a motorcycle
153. Driven any land vehicle at a speed of greater than 100 mph
154. Had a body part of yours below the neck pierced
155. Fired a rifle, shotgun, or pistol
156. Eaten mushrooms that were gathered in the wild
157. Ridden a horse
158. Had major surgery
159. Had sex on a moving train
160. Had a snake as a pet
161. Hiked to the bottom of the Grand Canyon
162. Slept through an entire flight: takeoff, flight, and landing
163. Slept for more than 30 hours over the course of 48 hours
164. Visited more foreign countries than US states
165. Visited all 7 continents
166. Taken a canoe trip that lasted more than 2 days
167. Eaten kangaroo meat
168. Fallen in love at an ancient Mayan burial ground
169. Been a sperm or egg donor
170. Eaten sushi
171. Had your picture in the newspaper
172. Had 2 (or more) healthy romantic relationships for over a year in your lifetime
173. Changed someone's mind about something you care deeply about
174. Gotten someone fired for their actions
175. Gone back to school
176. Parasailed
177. Changed your name
178. Petted a cockroach
179. Eaten fried green tomatoes
180. Read The Iliad
181. Selected one "important" author who you missed in school, and read
182. Dined in a restaurant and stolen silverware, plates, cups because your apartment needed them
183. ...and gotten 86'ed from the restaurant because you did it so many times, they figured out it was you
184. Taught yourself art from scratch
185. Killed and prepared an animal for eating
186. Apologized to someone years after inflicting the hurt
187. Skipped all your school reunions
188. Communicated with someone without sharing a common spoken language
189. Been elected to public office
190. Written your own computer language
191. Thought to yourself that you're living your dream
192. Had to put someone you love into hospice care
193. Built your own PC from parts
194. Sold your own artwork to someone who didn't know you
195. Had a booth at a street fair
196. Dyed your hair
197. Been a DJ
198. Found out someone was going to dump you via LiveJournal
199. Written your own role-playing game
200. Been arrested
So, Jen arrives later, and Kat tomorrow. Jen's friend Andy is also coming. I met him last year and we are ace Facebook friends. It's going to be fun. Then next week I've hired a car and we're going on an adventure. It's going to involve Nessie, cousins, mountains, lochs, hostels and maybe tents.
Right, I best go. I am actually doing work at the same time, but I feel like I shouldn't be enjoying it this much...
I'm sick. It's rubbish. It's also weird - it's just my throat. I don't think I've ever been in so much physical pain before. It's _that_ bad. It stops me sleeping. It's really frustrating. I'm really hot*. But nothing helps. Gargling, paracetamol, cough sweets, nothing. Sometimes it hurts to talk. It is quite soothing to sing.
Anyway, I'm trying to ignore it, but it's tricky.
So much has happened in the last few weeks I just don't know where to start writing, so I'm not going to write about most of it. Also, I still need to digest much of it.
Some things that were ace:
- Cass and Joe came to visit this weekend. We saw lots of shows and were generally acely organised. There was a pocket of destiny. What more do you want?
- Sunday also involved Mahinda and Adam and Erica. Lovely.
- Lots of amazing people are here for the festival, some of whom I have spent enough time with, some not. There is more time, I hope.
The film Eoin is rubbish.
I'm going to attempt sleep.
*Yes, I know we already know this.

Lots of people have said I'm co-ordinated today. I'm now worried that I'm not usually. I know I'm not sometimes. I do it on purpose. But most of the time I think I co-ordinate. Maybe I just co-ordinate in secret, like shoes and bra or knickers and earrings. Anyway, today I do co-ordinate, but entirely by accident as I wore my wellies into work and changed into the only shoes in my drawer.
Oh, the internet broke. Probably a good job. I wrote about work and I'm not supposed to. Not that I wrote much. I just said that I like all my colleagues at the moment. And the work we're doing is ad hoc and therefore tiring.
That'll do.
A Dress A Day
So, A Dress A Day is a wonderful blog that I read by a lady called Erin. She makes dresses, you may be surprised to know. Anyway, she has inspired the title to this post, and to an extent has inspired the Festival Challenge. For the length of the festival I have challenged Nikki and Iona (and any other girl!) to wear as many dresses and skirts as possible. Points are awarded. 2 for a dress, 1 for a skirt. Half day = half points.
I was going to write about loads more, then I realised I probably shouldn't. I've got to stop this linking to Facebook first, but I never remember that when I have access to it. Oh well. I'll control myself and try not to write anything too dumb.
I'm going to the pub with Gwenmarie!!!!!
Don't know... 9?
Have you ever ridden a box down a staircase?
Do you wave when you see people you know?
Depends who and how far away they are. Sometimes I salute.
Can you braid hair?
I can plait. Is that the same?
Are you good with painting nails with your left hand?
I'm ok.
Do you own plaid pants/skirt?
What's plaid?
Do you keep your relationship status to your self?
There is no status.
How long has it been since you last ate a popsicle?
An ice lolly? Years!
Whats worse: ice cream on a hot day that drips on your hand or ice cream on a cold day with no drips?
I have no opinion on either.
Is your best friend black?
Are you in someones will?
Do you read gossip magazines?
Not really. Chat sometimes.
If all your hair fell out tomorrow, would you cry?
Depends how it fell out and if it hurt.
Did you ever dress your animals in doll clothes?
We used to put ties on the dog and her ears in bunches.
Do you frequently use the term ‘whoa nelly!?
Not frequently, no.
Is kissing people with braces better than people without?
I have no idea.
Have your parents ever busted on your clothes?
Do you put extra salt on things?
Yes. I try not to, but it's just so tasty!
Is yellow a color that you look good in?
Nae, nae and thrice, nae
Is your best friend drop dead sexy?
I don't know anyone "drop dead" sexy. It's a weird concept to me. Hot, for sure.
What do you call music?
Things that have tunes.
Do you give your lovers pet names?
Not so far.
Gold or silver?
How clean is your room?
Not very.
Have you ever gone a whole day without eating?
I doubt it. I'm fat.
Do you know someone that keeps money in weird places?
I don't know where other people keep their money.
Is there someone that is just like you?
Not that I've met so far.
Do you love the last person you kissed?
Almost certainly not.
Are you good with talking to people you dont know?
Sometimes. It used to be most of the time, but I'm getting old.
How old were you when you found out that movies and tv shows were scripted?
I have no idea.
Are you a good singer?
Some days! Just depends.
Are you a pet person?
I would love pets, but not possible at the moment.
Christmas list?
I don't generally do lists of things for me. Have a festival ticket wish list.
Are all redhead fire croches?
I have no idea what that means.
How do you feel about the person that you’ve become?
I've not got to them yet.
Disney Channel just called, you can be on a disney channel show of your choice, which do you choose?
The one with all the brothers and the mechanics place! Brotherly Love?
Do you write your name on your clothes?
Not very often.
Are you about following the rules?
Do you own a swimsuit?
Yes, as of last week. A Bravissimo just opened up here.
Left work to go to flat viewing.
Had conversation with Jackie from orchestra.
Cute guy arrived to view flat, we thought each other were the letting agent, hilarious.
Saw (rubbish) flat.
Went swimming.
Bought pasta & pear cider.
Went to old flat.
Alex wasn't in.
Talked to new flatmate.
Alex came back.
Had a catch up, which was lovely.
Alex has been through some shocking stuff.
Think he's going to be ok.
In fact, he's going to be ace.
He doesn't smoke or drink anymore.
Was late to meet Adam, but rang Caroline and little sister on way.
Erica didn't come to the pub in the end, but had a nice catch up with Adam.
Have informed him that Erica does not have approval still!
Check in with Eoin (haven't really seen each other for days).
Phoned sister to plan August.
Chatted to a few people online.
Phoned Erin.
Left hilarious voicemail.
I'm now exhausted from one evening. All brain hurty. But happy. Checked in with lots of people I love, and that's always nice. Still more people on the list though - don't think you've been forgotten.
What else to note? Urm... This weekend was nice! I met up with Simon and we had a wander and chat. Found a small beer festival. And half an upside down purple cow. As you do.
I've also discovered swimming. Bought a swimsuit on Sunday, and have swum every day since. On my first visit, I rescued a girl from drowning. The lifeguards asked me to see if she was ok (head out of water, breathing, so not in immediate danger) and then asked me to bring her to the edge! A bit cheeky really. But one of them was hot, so that's ok. It was a weird experience. She was ok, just so you know.
So, it appears I didn't publish this yesterday. Now I have another evening of adventures to report...
I'm playing a festival! It's next weekend (2nd August) in a field somewhere. We had a rehearsal last night. The folk stuff sounded great. The Bach didn't... Oh well! I looked at the music on the bus, so I might be better tonight. But I'm pretty excited about the festival. We're on about 5ish, then have the whole evening to drink and party! Then sleep in tents. I love my tent. Did I mention that?!
We just had a coffee morning at work. It was nice - I talked to 3 people I wouldn't normally have.
I went to Caroline's gig yesterday. It was mini-Starlets, because 'the boys' couldn't come. So just Caroline, Biff and Mikey Horn. They are good. I'm not so keen when they are acoustic though, because it has to be all the ballads. Still lovely. And I saw Dave's band for the first time. And there was performance poetry. Interesting!
We've just tidied the cupboard at work. I feel organised.
Pirates and ...?
This weekend I was at a loss for things to do. I left the weekend free as A Boy was supposed to be coming to visit. He didn't, and has therefore gained Wanker Status. I'd had a back up plan of visiting some galleries and there were some parties that I would actually quite liked to have gone too, but all would have had undercurrent of being stood up. So, CassMan to the rescue! We were chatting on the internet, as you do on a slow work Friday afternoon, and realised we both wanted to go camping. Steve and Miranda were already in the Lakes and had invited others, so a plan was born. We've discovered it takes me about the same time to get to Oxenholme as it does for them. Genius. So a weekend of camping ensued. Some things that happened* were:
- Bikes levitated along the road
- Burying treasure on a pirate island
- Beer drunk and food consumed in a lovely pub
- Moss
- Paddling in the lake
- Adventuring through forests
- Getting lost and almost being stranded for the night
- Sheep
- Sliding down when asleep
*Some of these are exaggerated.
Sunrise, Sunset
Last Sunday Caroline came round for several reasons including loveliness, yummy food, making me tidy, doing some work on my computer, and watching Before Sunrise and Before Sunset. They were on at the Cameo, but I didn't want to spend money and I needed to do stuff too. So Caroline brought them round. Lovely films - lots of conversation and semi-deep thoughts. Here are some that I have kept:
People often don't like themselves because they are always with themselves. There's no way of getting any time off. You've not been anywhere that you haven't been. You've never told a story that you didn't already know. It's obvious when you think about it - anyone would bug you if you knew what they were about to say/do at all times. If you knew every story they told. If they couldn't tell you about somewhere you haven't been. Of course, there's some good things on the same tact - you always know who you're talking about and you don't have to explain what you really meant. But no wonder people are fed up with themselves!
So, I'm going to try not to be bored of myself. Go somewhere I've not be (yet) and tell stories I've not told (yet). Ignore myself sometimes. Stuff like that. I'm not really sure how it's going to work, if at all, but it might be interesting...
Don't you just love it when you check for spelling errors and it says "No misspellings found"? I do. Lovely.
I'm in the same strange situation this weekend as last weekend. Where I might have plans that last the whole weekend, or I might have none. I just don't know what to plan! I don't *need* to plan, I just like to. I feel a bit strange not knowing whether I'll spend the whole weekend on my own or none of it. I don't know who I can try to see at last minute. I don't know what's going on at all! I feel a little lost.
This has been open all day on my computer. I keep forgetting. I don't know if I've finished any sentences.
Oh well...
The Book Thing
The Big Read reckons that the average adult has only read 6 of the top 100 books they’ve printed. Well let’s see.
1) Look at the list and bold those you have read.2) Italicise those you intend to read.3) Underline the books you LOVE, or strikeout the books you read but didn’t like.4) Reprint this list with your take so we can try and track down these people who’ve read only 6 or less and make them read.
1. The Lord of the Rings, JRR Tolkien
2. Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen
3. His Dark Materials, Philip Pullman
4. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Douglas Adams
5. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, JK Rowling
6. To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee
7. Winnie the Pooh, AA Milne
8. Nineteen Eighty-Four, George Orwell
9. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, CS Lewis
10. Jane Eyre, Charlotte Brontë
11. Catch-22, Joseph Heller
12. Wuthering Heights, Emily Brontë
13. Birdsong, Sebastian Faulks
14. Rebecca, Daphne du Maurier
15. The Catcher in the Rye, JD Salinger
16. The Wind in the Willows, Kenneth Grahame
17. Great Expectations, Charles Dickens
18. Little Women, Louisa May Alcott
19. Captain Corelli’s Mandolin, Louis de Bernieres
20. War and Peace, Leo Tolstoy
21. Gone with the Wind, Margaret Mitchell
22. Harry Potter And The Philosopher’s Stone, JK Rowling
23. Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets, JK Rowling
24. Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban, JK Rowling
25. The Hobbit, JRR Tolkien
26. Tess Of The D’Urbervilles, Thomas Hardy
27. Middlemarch, George Eliot
28. A Prayer For Owen Meany, John Irving
29. The Grapes Of Wrath, John Steinbeck
30. Alice’s Adventures In Wonderland, Lewis Carroll
31. The Story Of Tracy Beaker, Jacqueline Wilson
32. One Hundred Years Of Solitude, Gabriel GarcÃa Márquez
33. The Pillars Of The Earth, Ken Follett
34. David Copperfield, Charles Dickens
35. Charlie And The Chocolate Factory, Roald Dahl
36. Treasure Island, Robert Louis Stevenson
37. A Town Like Alice, Nevil Shute
38. Persuasion, Jane Austen
39. Dune, Frank Herbert
40. Emma, Jane Austen
41. Anne Of Green Gables, LM Montgomery
42. Watership Down, Richard Adams
43. The Great Gatsby, F Scott Fitzgerald
44. The Count Of Monte Cristo, Alexandre Dumas
45. Brideshead Revisited, Evelyn Waugh
46. Animal Farm, George Orwell
47. A Christmas Carol, Charles Dickens
48. Far From The Madding Crowd, Thomas Hardy
49. Goodnight Mister Tom, Michelle Magorian
50. The Shell Seekers, Rosamunde Pilcher
51. The Secret Garden, Frances Hodgson Burnett
52. Of Mice And Men, John Steinbeck
53. The Stand, Stephen King
54. Anna Karenina, Leo Tolstoy
55. A Suitable Boy, Vikram Seth
56. The BFG, Roald Dahl
57. Swallows And Amazons, Arthur Ransome
58. Black Beauty, Anna Sewell
59. Artemis Fowl, Eoin Colfer
60. Crime And Punishment, Fyodor Dostoyevsky
61. Noughts And Crosses, Malorie Blackman
62. Memoirs Of A Geisha, Arthur Golden
63. A Tale Of Two Cities, Charles Dickens
64. The Thorn Birds, Colleen McCollough
65. Mort, Terry Pratchett
66. The Magic Faraway Tree, Enid Blyton
67. The Magus, John Fowles
68. Good Omens, Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman
69. Guards! Guards!, Terry Pratchett
70. Lord Of The Flies, William Golding
71. Perfume, Patrick Süskind
72. The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists, Robert Tressell
73. Night Watch, Terry Pratchett
74. Matilda, Roald Dahl
75. Bridget Jones’s Diary, Helen Fielding
76. The Secret History, Donna Tartt
77. The Woman In White, Wilkie Collins
78. Ulysses, James Joyce
79. Bleak House, Charles Dickens
80. Double Act, Jacqueline Wilson
81. The Twits, Roald Dahl
82. I Capture The Castle, Dodie Smith.
83. Holes, Louis Sachar
84. Gormenghast, Mervyn Peake
85. The God Of Small Things, Arundhati Roy
86. Vicky Angel, Jacqueline Wilson
87. Brave New World, Aldous Huxley
88. Cold Comfort Farm, Stella Gibbons
89. Magician, Raymond E Feist
90. On The Road, Jack Kerouac
91. The Godfather, Mario Puzo
92. The Clan Of The Cave Bear, Jean M Auel
93. The Colour Of Magic, Terry Pratchett
94. The Alchemist, Paulo Coelho
95. Katherine, Anya Seton
96. Kane and Abel, Jeffrey Archer
97. Love In The Time Of Cholera, Gabriel GarcÃa Márquez
98. Girls In Love, Jacqueline Wilson
99. The Princess Diaries, Meg Cabot
100. Midnight’s Children, Salman Rushdie
23 read. But I'm not convinced about that, because most of them I read when I was a child (and it might not even be true, I have trouble telling real memories and not real ones apart). And Harry Potter's in there 4 times. Rubbish. I could have read more. I'm not sure.
Maybe I'll try to work my way through it. Not a bad idea. But there are some I don't want to read, and there wasn't an instruction for that. Grrr!
Magical weekends
"A dreamy end to June, full of fluffy bunnies, sparkling rainbows and other dreamy stuff. Very nice. Entirely impractical and quite infuriating for those trying to get any sense out of you – but very nice for you. Bless."
I like it. I have been living in a bit of a dreamy world. It's been lovely. I wonder if it's been pissing anyone off.
This weekend Carl came to visit. He stayed with Nikki, but I saw a lot of them both. Friday was impromptu drinking with Caroline, incorporating Simon's leaving do. Saturday was Crammond and pink lemonade and Dave Gorman. Sunday was a duck race and A Film with Me in It at the Film Festival. Overall there was lots of laughing and nettles and randomness and loveliness.
The weekend before was my birthday so included family and the beer festival and Katherine and hangovers. The theme* was rainbows. We also didn't have orchestra that week, but had skittles instead. I was full of cold, but until the actual snotty bit it was quite fun being delirious.
The one before that was Band Camp, which was pretty surreal for a newbie. G&S fans in a field. Mismatch of buildings and furniture, that aren't purpose built/found, but work perfectly well. Spiders. Eccentric but lovely people. Out of my depth and perfectly at home.
Before that was Kate and Ant's wedding - just lovely. Couple looked amazing and loved up. Lots of nice friends at reception. Lots of nice other families around. Plus I met a boy on a train, which was pretty fun.
In between I've been to Inverness and Wick and John O'Groats and the Falls of Shin and Bonar Bridge and Grantown-on-Spey and Kingussie for work. Lots of good sights and long drives.
*A theme has to come up at least 3 times separately, but it cannot be preempted. The only themes I've had are rainbows (for my birthday, as seen in my horoscope, out the window, on a card, cake, and specially crafted jumper) and the conga line (last festival - 2 shows and some drunk people in the street).
I love weekends.
This weekend I went to Manchester for Kate & Ant's Wedding. Lovely. Just lovely.
- Work - is going ok. Am enjoying travel. Am feeling good in the team. Have had nice interactions with everybody, some of which were surprising. For example, I'm surprised at how interested some people were in my hippo dress! Random. But I'm still not sure if this job is pointful enough for me personally to stay much longer term.
- Home - is fine. It's strange getting used to living in a new place with a new person. And because I've never shared with just one person before, it's new to me. If something's been left out, we know who did it. If I lose my keys and Eoin is in a different country, I can't get in*. If we need to be home for the gas man, someone has to take time off as we both work. But Eoin is a great housemate - doesn't mind mess or washing up or anything. I just need to be more disiplined with myself to be tidy and find corners for things to live in!
- Orchestra/'cello - is getting there. Need to sort out the insurance, etc. and see if I can afford the 'cello I'm currently borrowing to be mine. Then he will need a name. I'm not sure the whole broken 'cello story is on here (very likely not!) but I'm not going into it now. I'm also going to music camp soon, and playing in a folk festival. That's new.
- Costumes/crafting - are good. I am officially not involved in any shows, but will help out with 2 in the festival, should they need it. I'm doing things for me - making dresses - which is both improving my skills and giving me cool dresses. I think I want to do some courses and learn more. But I don't know what to do and how it could fit into my life.
- Holidays - are ACE! I've just got back from a short break in Barcelona. I'm quite in love with Gaudi. I want a house to decorate. I'm trying to go round Scotland for a week at the end of the festival, but not sure if I can do it, because I need to save all my holiday days and money for AUSTRALIA in January!!! Wheee!
- Boys - are useless. I have no interest in pretty much any of them at the moment. (This does exclude anyone who lives over 100 miles away, but are also useless.)
- Friends - are all too far away. I certainly do have some exceedingly close and speical ones here. I just miss others too.
I think that's all.
Overall, everything's fine. I still LOVE Edinburgh, but just don't know what I'm doing here or what to do next.
*This has not happened yet, touch wood, but is making me surprisingly more anxious!
1. First thing you wash in the shower?
2. What color is your favorite hoodie?
I don’t have one. My university one got lost during a show. I am very sad.
3. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
I don’t know who I kissed last…
4. Do you plan outfits?
Depends what for. Usually some form of planning has gone in. For example, today I am wearing a skirt that means at orchestra I won’t be flashing at Caroline and Donald.
5. How are you feeling RIGHT now?
A bit gross in the throat and head.
6. Whats the closest thing to you thats red?
My shoes!
7. Do you say aim or a-i-m?
8. Tell me about the last dream you remember having?
I don’t remember much.
9. Did you meet anybody new today?
Not yet. But it’s only 8.25. [Now it's 9.53 - I got distracted - but still didn't meet anyone new.]
10. What are you craving right now?
11. Do you floss?
Nope. Sorry if I’m gross.
12. What comes to mind when I say cabbage?
The joke from solider solider years ago about invisible cabbage.
13. When was the last time you talked on aim?
I’ve never used AIM, but used MSN when in America, so not long ago.
14. Are you emotional?
Probably not as much as I should be, but more than I was.
15. Would you dance to the taco song?
I doubt it.
16. Have you ever counted to 1,000?
I’d like to say no, but probably yes.
17. Do you bite into your ice cream or just lick it?
I use a spoon.
18. Do you like your hair?
Not much. I don’t like my new cut. And I don’t like that I grew the dye out for ages, and then dyed it as soon as it was natural. And I didn’t even pick a good colour.
19. Do you like yourself?
20. Have you ever met a celebrity?
I’ve met Grotbags and John Higgins. I think that’s enough.
21. Do you like cottage cheese?
Only with peaches! Cheesey Peach Starter! Long live The Hamlyn!
22. What are you watching or listening to?
I’m watching my computer, dumbo. And listening to generic open office noises of other people typing and clicking.
23. How many countries have you visited?
14, I think.
24. Are your parents strict?
They were. Not so much now, seeing as I’m a grown up.
25. Would you go sky diving?
26. Would you go out to eat with George W. Bush?
If he was paying.
27. Would you throw potatoes at him?
I doubt it. I’ve never thrown potatoes at anyone else.
28. Is there anything sparkly in the room you’re in?
My shoes! And a pen. And my cardigan and coat. But not as much as at home, because people at work think I’m weird enough.
29. Have you ever been in a castle?
All Scottish people live in castles, duh!
30. Do you rent movies often?
Nope. Not sure I have since being at home home.
31. Who sits in behind you in your math class?
I think I sat at the back for school maths, then in a circle for sixth form maths. Degree maths I have no idea.
32. Have you made a prank phone call?
We tried to once at school, but had no money, so rang free phone numbers, starting at the lowest. This stopped quickly when we rang Childline and didn’t want to waste their time or money.
33. Do you own a gun?
I now own a tiny fake one in a garter.
34. Can you count backwards from 74?
If I really wanted.
35. Who are you going to be with tonight?
SNOTCO and my new ‘cello.
36. Brown or white eggs?
37. Do you own something from Hot Topic?
38. Ever been on a train?
Yes. Quite a few.
39. Ever been in love?
40. Do you have a cell-phone?
41. Are you too forgiving?
I think I would be if I had friends who were mean enough to need forgiving.
42. Do you use chap stick?
I use a different brand of lip balm, yes.
43. What is your best friend doing tomorrow?
Don’t know.
44. Can you use chop sticks?
45. Ever have cream puffs?
I hope not.
46. Have you ever seen The Butterfly Effect?
47. What was the last question you asked?
“Didn’t I write ‘no previous’ on it?”
48. What was the last CD you bought?
Me First and the Gimme Gimmes, Take A Break.
49. Boys or girls?
What for? Mostly boys. They’re pretty useful.
50. What is your bus number for school?
I used to get the 575 to school. Now get the 22 to work.
51. Is your hair curly?
Going to steal Chris’ answer for this: No the hair on my head.
52. Last time you cried?
53. Ever walked into a wall?
All the time. I’m not good at looking where I’m going.
54. Do looks matter?
To a certain extent, yes.
55. Have you ever bought anything from Pac Sun?
56. Have you ever slapped someone?
Not sure…
57. Favorite time of the year?
What ever time of year it is.
58. Favorite color?
For what? Every colour has it’s place. I’d like to pick paisley.
59. Are you sarcastic?
To some people.
60. Do you have any tattoos?
Yes, one. Although that’s sort of ten.
61. The last person you held hands with?
Not sure.
62. Do you sleep with the TV on?
63. Where was your default picture taken at?
I don’t think I have a default picture.
64. Do you hate or dislike more than 3 people?
65. Do you like your life right now?
Not so much. But it’s fine.
66. How often do you talk on the phone?
Not a lot.
67. What is your favourite animal?
That’s pretty tricky… Pygmy Hippo.
68. What was the most recent thing you bought?
A ‘cello.
69. Do you have good vision?
Pretty good.
70. Can you hula hoop?
I always thought I still could, but then I tried in the office once and couldn’t. But there were people watching so I didn’t try so hard.
71. Could you ever forgive a cheater?
Depends. Probably.
72. Do you have a job?
73. Can you handle the truth?
74. What are you wearing?
Red sparkly shoes, black tights & underwear, black net skirt, pink top, black sparkly cardigan, glasses, work pass.
75. Have you ever?
Hardly ever.
Today's Question:
Did the introduction of oyster cards affect oyster sales?
That's what happens if I type the way that Christina used to in Neighbours.
I'm going to start now.
This week I have been everywhere. Well, quite a lot of places. I was in Aberdeen Monday-Wednesday, which was pretty dull. The homes I went to were very different from each other, and the trip was interesting, but I didn't like my hotel, and just generally felt numb for the whole of it. Strange.
I did enjoy the journey up and back, as I saw family. On the way up I stopped at Sue's and fed her kids, helped Shona with homework, read Gary's school report, listened to Carla's poem and tried to make Aillie put her game machine down. The girls got to Girl's Brigade on time, and I made a brief trip to Gran's. She was pretty tired, so I left and went back on the way back down. Sat with her for a cup of tea. Apparently that's the only time she's ever drunk her coffee, so I did good. I can't tell if she's getting better or not. She just doesn't seem bothered, but why would you? There's a lovely view of the sea from the ward window, but she didn't know - she can't see. At least in this ward they get her dressed every day, and make her wear shoes. The last ward was more of a surgery recovery ward, so they were all in pyjamas and slippers - not very good for people who are unstable on their feet. Anyway, we'll just have to wait and see what happens. Hopefully I'll be going past next week, but I don't know yet.
When away I watched Be Kind Rewind. Was a bit dubious, as Jack Black can be pretty annoying, but it was good! The first 30 minutes or so I was tempted to walk out, but it most definitely got better and by the end I may even have cried. Watch it.
I really need to do some 'cello practise.
On Friday I went on a plane to Heathrow to see Charlotte and Dan. Kathryn also arrived Friday night, with near perfect timing, and we had curry and watched Quiz Call until 3.30am. We didn't have a drink. You'd have though that those things could not happen on the same evening. If anyone happens to know that answers to Quiz Call that evening, then PLEASE tell me!!
Saturday was an adventure to Borough Market. On the way we saw the local Kingfisher. There wasn't a duck on the armchair. Then back to the flat to make monster chili for the masses (Liz & Andrew, Cass & Joe, Miranda & Steve) and drinking ensued. We went to a pub down the river - it was going to be a crawl, but we stayed in one place too long. It was extremely lovely to see and catch up with everyone. I couldn't help feeling quite single, but at no point did I feel awkward about it. It's just going to be tricky not to with 4 couples. The evening ended with Joe sleeping the "porch" then being amusing when trying to get into his sleeping bag, Dan being rather ill and Andrew sleeping on the world's shortest sofa. The girls were all sensible.
Sunday involved hangovers and a trip to Richmond. Del came to see me, which was lovely. We had lunch and then wandered around back streets and down the river. We saw parrots, 4 herons, swans, 2 types of geese, many types of duck, pigeons and coots. Many bird varieties. It was nice. Then everyone had to split up to get to various places. Cass and I went to Hounslow and played with sheep in cheap M&S, then had a sneaky pint before parting ways. I slept most of the flight back, due to being quite tipsy. Lovely. Landed to find snow, albeit only a tiny bit. Quite different from strolling along the river in the sun!
The end.
Crazy Eyes Tex
These are the names we made up on Saturday morning whilst doing archery in a field in Derbyshire. I think we (Linden and I) were still quite drunk, as we'd drunk and played poker 'til 4.30 and I got up at 7.30. We didn't appear to be taking it as seriously as some of the others. As Linden said, "We shot things dead with the big darts and pingy things." We didn't do *too* badly - we always hit the board and had no injuries.
I just wrote a summary of the weekend to Caroline in an e-mail. It covers the bit already said, but whatever. It's just one sentence for the whole weekend. Genius:
Got there about 10 on Friday night (left work at 3.30 - that's a long time), won the pub quiz (due to clerical error), almost won poker, drank lots of beer, slept for about 3 hours, did archery (big darts with pingy things), gained a Red Indian name (Crazy Eyes Tex), did pub crawl (lovely pubs and cider and views and company), made and ate chilli, played games, drank more beer, slept for about 3 hours, lots of washing up, 3 hours in Sheffield (typically Tim managed to be in London!), learnt about spoons and neon lights, 4 hours of train back, drink with Adam, bed.
Basically, this weekend was ace and lovely. All credit goes to Mahinda for (a) getting old, (b) having a good idea, (c) organising it all, and last but not least (d) having lovely friends. Happy Birthday Mahinda!
Oh, I forgot the best/worst thing might be that I only managed to take 3 photos - two of Adam wearing a silly hat (one blurry, one washed out) and one of me when I'd poked myself in the eye with my glasses and was in pain. Other people better have some and get them on that there Facebook quick smart!
I forgot - I've been a bit lame at blogging, despite deciding that I want to do it again. I have just been busy! Had work to do, had orchestra accounts to do, had old and new house stuff to do. But it should be better now - accounts submitted, moved house, flexi balance ok. That said - all weekends are busy. But that's how I like it. They're all nice things. I just want to do more nice things! I don't want not to do anything I have booked - I am looking forward to them LOTS, I just want a little more time to do other things as well. Like be in my flat. And see a boy. Not that that's really an option, it would just be nice if it was. And only having every third Tuesday free isn't much use.
So, yes, I MOVED HOUSE! It's lovely. On a quieter street, smaller flat, no complications, just two people paying a letting agent. Easy peasy. We have a TV and DVD and Freeview box. This is a little too much for TV shy me, but I'm sure I'll get the hang of it! I am tempted to shun some other form of technology to make up for it, but I'm not sure. My mobile is very tempting at the moment. I don't actually need it. I do most organising through Facebook and e-mail, and I have a phone at home which phones other houses free and America cheap. It's just costing me money. I might see if it can cost me less money, and try to use it less, but we'll see. It might be gone. The other option for shunning is the microwave, but I don't use it enough to feel it would notice being shunned!
I've had quite a few visitors to my new house, considering how often I am home! Nikki and Iona helped build a wardrobe, and then Nikki did 6,000,000 stairs to help me move, as did Mummy and Daddy, the Caroline came to do the accounts and Ali came to nosey. I'd missed Caroline's birthday due to wardrobe building, so made a cake and we watched Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. It was lovely to catch up with Ali, and it was ace to watch the film with the boys, as they had perfect reactions! Caroline and I had seen it so often that it was very refreshing to see someone new watch it. Emma came over for dinner one night too, and Adam yesterday. What a lovely week.
Just for the record: my parents are ace! I would not have managed to move without them last weekend. Oh, and my sisters are ace too. I can talk to them about anything, and it's lovely. I just would like to see them all more.
I'm currently eating bread made by Eoin. Lovely. I like living with someone who can cook! Shame he eats meat, or else I might never have to cook for myself again. Not that I really want that - I love cooking - but how good would it be to be cooked for when you're too busy?? But for now, I will just steal bread (with permission).
Soon I am leaving the office to go to Aberdeen for 2 nights. Today's meeting was cancelled, which has worked out quite well as I will get to see the cousins and Gran on the way up.
Ooh, best go NOW!
Star Fish
Once a man was walking along a beach. The sun was shining and it was a beautiful day. Off in the distance he could see a person going back and forth between the surf's edge and and the beach. Back and forth this person went. As the man approached he could see that there were hundreds of starfish stranded on the sand as the result of the natural action of the tide.
The man was stuck by the the apparent futility of the task. There were far too many starfish. Many of them were sure to perish. As he approached the person continued the task of picking up starfish one by one and throwing them into the surf.
As he came up to the person he said, "You must be crazy. There are thousands of miles of beach covered with starfish. You can't possibly make a difference." The person looked at the man. He then stooped down and pick up one more starfish and threw it back into the ocean. He turned back to the man and said, "It sure made a difference to that one!"
Starwars mighty mugss
It's all be go this week... Juno on Monday night, late back from work on Tuesday (because of the BUSES!) then manic tidying for Wednesday - flat viewings! We had about 20 people come round, one clear winner, but many people who would have been ace for the flat and many who would have done. Anyway, a Kiwi called Sarah will be living in my room as of Sunday morning, so I HAVE to move all my stuff on Saturday. PANIC! Mummy and Daddy are coming to help though, so all should be fine.
Last weekend was impromptu drinking on Friday night and the Savoy Ball on Saturday night.
That's all I have time for.
I very much appreciated today's xkcd.
Cheek to Cheek*
Stolen from Rosy via Liz:
What level are you on guitar hero? I am a hero. Maybe not guitar wise though.
Are you in a relationship? Nope.
Are you wearing jeans right now? Yes. Even though I'm at work.
Where is your dad? Probably at home in the study, or at a meeting somewhere in Lancaster/Kendal.
Do you live with both of your parents? Nope.
Do you think too much or too little? Depends what about. Both.
Do you smile a lot? I think so.
What is the price of gas where you live? Some pennies. Have no idea.
What was the last compliment you received, and when? Strangers sent me compliments yesterday.
Have you ever rode in a plane? I am too amused by Liz's answer to think of my own! How can you ride a horse in a plane?
Are you for or against abortion? Depends on each individual situation. Generally against, but not completely.
Do you prefer call or text? Depends what for. I don't call much.
Do you have any siblings? 2 sisters - one in England and one in Wales. I want them to be nearer.
Are you close with them? Yes, I think so anyway. Maybe we're not and they have secrets and are different people. But I think probably not.
How many people do you trust 100%? Hmmm... 100% is a lot. I'm a statistician. I trust quite a lot of people 98%. I don't think I trust anyone 100%. That's sad, isn't it?
Where did you get the shirt you're wearing? PRIMARK! It's organic, don't you know?
Do you go to church? Only for orchestra.
What's the last movie you saw in the theater? The Savages. Going to see Juno tonight. EXCITED!
Can you live without the computer? I could live. But I would struggle to find the answers to all my questions if I didn't have Google to hand.
When was the last time you got flowers? The last night of my show. I was not amused at getting flowers, and I was not amused at being made to go on stage!
Do you wish at 11:11? Should I? Is that a rule? I might in future.
Do you have any piercings? Just ears.
Who was the last person you laid in bed with? I don't know. Actually don't. Maybe someone when we were in Prague.
Whats your middle name? Elizabeth.
How big is your bed? Double. I get a new one on Friday in my new flat!
Ever get so drunk you couldn't remember the entire night? All too often. But I don't remember some evenings when sober too.
Can you play any instruments? 'Cello. And vaguely piano and recorder and percussion.
Favourite flower? Bird of paradise.
Have you ever loved someone? Yes. In all sorts of ways.
Do you have a tattoo? Yes. It's ace
Are you hiding something from someone? Generally, yes.
3 Things you can't live without? Friends, music, wine.
Are you a giver or a taker? Giver.
What was your first thought when you looked in the mirror this morning? I'm not sure I looked in a mirror this morning... Oh yes, I was checking if my hair looked clean enough. I didn't think anything.
Do you like to have long hair or short hair? Long.
Have you memorized your social security number? National Insurance number, yes.
Who is your favourite family member? Daddy.
Have you ever had your heart broken? Yes.
How many texts did you receive today? Just one, I think. But there's still time...
Name someone whose name starts with the letter "R." Rhian.
Do you trust people easily? Too easily.
Do you think you'll be married in 10 years? Probably not, unfortunately.
Do you plan on moving out within the next year? Yes - on Friday.
Where were you at 9pm last Friday night? In my room on my computer (not packing...).
What happened at 10:00 am today? I was sat sitting right here at my desk.
Is your family just a bundle of fun? Yup!
Do you laugh at all the wrong times? Lots, yes.
When did you last cry your eyes out? I still have my eyes, so I haven't cried them out. Not sure when I last cried. A few weeks ago, I think.
*Cheek to Cheek is just what I'm listening to, not at all relevant.
A watched e-mail account...
I've been to Ayrshire and back the past 3 days. Was only supposed to be 2, but team illness meant 3, which was not a problem at all. I managed to be in the office before 7:30 Monday - Thursday. Today I only managed 8:47, or something, but still not bad. Should hopefully have made 7 1/2 hours flexi this week. Woot!
Things of note about my trips:
- I want to work in a hospital
- I might want to be a nurse
- I want to change my surname to Rocks
- I hate the M8
It is Friday, right? I'm not really ready for it to be Friday. I've not known what days it's been all week. But yesterday must have been Thursday, as I went to orchestra and Caroline says that's on Thursdays! It was ok. I'm not too confident about my playing at the moment. But I feel that I might be able to get all this music before the concert. A few practises would be a good plan! We might be have some sectionals.
It's going to be an interesting weekend.
Anyway, I thought it worth my time to fill in the forms for compensation. Well, my dad persuaded me. It turned out that I sent them off on the same day, even though the trains were a few weeks apart. A few weeks ago, almost by return post, I received an apology letter from Northern Rail and a £10 voucher. Ace. At least 2 weeks later I received a letter from Virgin Trains saying that they have received my form and will get back to me in due course.
I've just realised this story is dull.
My point: Why did it take Virgin so much longer to reply, and why did they bother with a letter just to say they had received it?!
My voucher will most probably be spent on alcohol on the way to Mahinda's birthday bash. :-D
Orchestra - I like the music we're doing this term! Even if I couldn't remember how to play this week. It was weird - I sat down with my 'cello and just couldn't remember how to sit with him and where my hands went. Scary. But I did ok in the end. We have one piece that I have a different part from the other 'cellos. I'm quite looking forward to it!
Creative SpAce night - We had a gathering of cast and crew from the show, as we'd failed to have an aftershow party at the time. It was a fun evening, until I got too drunk, rediscovering that Guinness ≠ a meal. I was expecting certain emotions through the night, but then didn't see someone I expected and did get a phonecall from my sister. It was too much confusion for me to cope with, so I went home! Managed to fall asleep with my hot water bottle on my leg, resulting in burns. Oops.
Flat hunt - I managed to get 4 flats lined up to see on Saturday. The result is that we have found somewhere to live! I'm not sure how long the advert will be up, but you might be able to nosey at it...
SNOTCO evening - Saturday evening was spent in the Traverse bar, with lovely SNOTCO friends. Was a good mix of people, and we all intend to do it again. I'm going to be pretty skint for a while after moving, but maybe we'll have dinner parties/wine gatherings instead. Ace.
Have not done nearly enough tidying at home, but it's starting to get so I have to, which means I might do it soon! The next couple of days I'm out to Ayr, so I have no idea how knackered I'm going to be. Should be good for the flexi time, if nothing else...
I am quite willing to admit here that I was worried that it might not be - and I even told the guys that when we were away. There was always potential for fall outs spending that much time with anyone, and we're all quite different and can be dramatic, and little sleep can make anyone grumpy. But we weren't! At least, as far as I know...
We met at Waverley at 7am Friday morning. Everyone was on time and awake and smiling! Dave was still drunk and hadn't been to bed. Wally. We arrived and checked into the hotel, then headed out for a wander and food. Found a little Cuban pub, which I quite liked. Had far less trouble with vege food than I thought. Hurrah! We wandered to the river, found Tesco, a building made from bubble wrap and C&A. Then we all went for naps (I had a bath whilst listening to Czech classic FM) before getting ready for the evening. I can't remember what we did for the evening. Oops.
Saturday we went out for breakfast and then over the bridge to the Castle. Was a beautiful day, if a little confusingly cold considering the sunshine. I like Prague. It's big enough to be interesting but not overwhelming. You can walk anywhere in about half an hour. There's lots of concerts and museums and theatre, but not so much that you have to do 16 million things in a day. We went to the castle and wandered around some more. More naps/rests* before going out for a lovely, lovely meal. We couldn't find the bar Emma had been recommended, so we wandered back to the hotel for a few drinks and poker for smarties. Oh, and I managed to fall over. Ouch.
Sunday started slower with brunch about noon. We then went for a walk and found Prague museum which seemed to have an exhibition on evolution, freaks, surgery and the moon. Hmmm... But it was fun and we could draw on the walls and run on foam and race and stuff. Mary did manage to chip her tooth trying to see the moon in 3-D... Oops. We did some shopping. Will is the girliest shopper I've ever seen! Emma wouldn't let me buy lime green boots that made me look like a Martian. We managed to lose the boys in a shopping centre, so us girls went to buy furry hoods and dragons. In the evening we failed to go to a concert or show as we were knackered and I doubt we'd all have agreed on anything! Instead we found the bar we couldn't find the day before (it had changed name - I asked strangers) and we had cocktails and absinthe. Then back to the hotel (via a bar called Bugsy's, which did not have a man playing piano, but possibly real life gangsters) for more poker for smarties, followed by eating all the smarties in a game of Hungry Hippos!
Got back about 4 on Monday, so I went to Monday Night Film Club (run by Caroline, not a real film club) to see Sweeney Todd. I liked it! I didn't know the story already. It's an odd one - tragic but you didn't particularly feel sorry for any of the characters. And it's quite gory, but in a ketchup/that's-not-real way. Quite make believe style. Beautiful costumes! I want to wear that sort of thing all the time. But it would be tricky.
Today I was in work at 7 and intend to stay until 6. Madness. Then to Nikki's for spinach and a night of craftiness! Ace.
*I had a bath whilst listening to Czech Country Radio. You haven't lived until you've heard "There's a hole in my bucket, dear Liza" in Czech.
What a crazy week.
I've had a pretty happy week. It's been lovely. I'm mostly over my random illness, and have been enjoying myself even if I've not had a moment to chose what I want to do. That is until the last couple of days when I got some bad news. A friend, albeit one who hasn't been in my everyday life for many years, but someone I would hope to consider a friend, died last weekend. I don't want to go into the details, and I don't think anyone who reads this will know him, but it shocked me and my family.
I've also seen some friends who I don't see often, and some I'm not likely to see for a while. And seen Gran, who is really rather poorly, but hopefully on the mend now.
So basically an emotional roller coaster!
Especially rubbish as I wanted to have my wits about me to get on with finding a new flat and job. I know there's only so much I can do, but most of you also know how much I want to do both of those things!
I'm hoping the next few days will be constructive and useful. Then it's Prague! Then I definitely HAVE to be back in the game.
I shouldn't be watching this film. I know it's only the Sixth Sense, but I'm on my own in a strange place and I'm a big wus.
I must remember...
I make no sense. So much so that I e-mailed Caroline earlier with what I thought was a fairly structured and sensible e-mail and she asked if I was on speed. Hmmm...
Anyway, it's going to be an interesting weekend, of this I am sure. Hurrah!
Kitchens and show week
Anyway, I don't need it in show week! I've got people coming to stay at the weekend (Shaun & Ed - be prepared for madness!) and I'm quite sure my family will want to have a nosey when they are in the area. My room is the biggest tip it's been for a while. I know where everything is, but that isn't much comfort!
That might be all my news.
I can't get myself organised. My finances are a mess! I need to sort out the last few phone and council bills and send off train tickets from majorly delayed trains. Actually, that's it. I should be able to handle that. You'd think.
Things at home are pretty unbearable at the moment. I just keep thinking about how it's not going to be much longer and slowly packing things. It's hard though as as the moment my room is full of costumes and props are I don't want to leave them in the living room. It's a state. Hence not being able to do easy jobs like find my train tickets.
Anyway, on the plus side viewing flats to move into is in progress and I don't see it being a long until we find somewhere. It's looking like it could be an expensive time over the next month or so, but it's only money, right? Better to have mental health.
The show is on this week. I'm quite looking forward to it! We've been making props and costumes from cardboard and paint and crayons. Fun! I just hope we get enough audience to make it fun for the cast.
I'm sure there were other things I was going to blog about... Ooh, I did something I've never done before - played the cello for a recording. This has just confirmed my fear that I am unable to play in tune! Crap. What else have I done? I phoned Melissa about 5am on Saturday. She jumped on Gwen and then later in the conversation Mike jumped on her. It was all very confusing, but fun.
I'm stuck. I'm dull. Oops.
Brain broken.
Christmas 2007 and New Year 2008
The holiday may become "The Train Holiday" as the Dundee-Aberdeen train line runs about 2' from the kitchen window. Whenever a train came past someone (or everyone) shouted "TRAIN!" as someone came up with the stupid superstition that you have to take your feet off the floor. My favourite might have been when we were on the beach and "TRAIN!" so Carla (6) threw herself onto belly on the sand to make her feet airborne. Stupid rule. Another memorable train moment (train, no "TRAIN!") happened when Carla was looking for a job in the kitchen. I didn't have any, so tried to get her out of the way by telling her to look out of the window and wait for a train to come past. It took about 3 seconds. I was hoping to entertain her for at least 20 minutes! Oh well...
Mummy's birthday also happened, and for that another of her sisters and their children arrived. We had a Scottish evening of haggis neeps and tatties, and the girls surprised her with cards they made out of things we could find on the beach. Lovely. It also involved pass the parcel which I had to rig so the right people opened it in the right order. That was almost complicated with kids saying "You've got to close your eyes!" "You're cheating!" Be quiet or else you'll get something you don't want!
We drove back down on the 30th, and on spent the 321st sorting out some present things - Jennifer bought walking boots and we swapped her hand blender for a model that you can put in pan hot liquids, and I got a different digital radio with iPod docking station. Brilliant. But all the driving and shopping got the better of us, and we couldn't be bothered doing anything on new years's eve! Me and Jen did a jigsaw and we all watched Monty Python before half-heartedly going outside to watch fireworks. New year's day itself was lovely though - a walk up to Rivington Pike then back to Steph's for food and a quiz. I came second in pretty much every round. Oh well. There's always next year...
* My favourite hospital story is Gran explaining how you had to be patient in that ward. She'd been left outside the toilet as someone was in with the promise the nurse would be back in a minute. "I counted to 539 before they came back!" Why did she count to 539? I don't know, but it's ace.
** He does live in Sydney though.
New Year
IT'S SNOWING! Wheeee!!! Big fluffy white snow. Almost makes this office look real.
So, the reasons I stopped blogging... Mainly it was because I didn't get round to it for so long that I didn't know where to start. I like having the daily account, because my memory is so terrible. But it's quite dull to read and pretty pointless really, so I'm going to try a new plan. Another reason for the lull is that I got into minor bother at work. I'm sad about this because the person who came off looking the worst in my blog is really someone I respect. The people who I don't respect got nothing. Anyway, I was scared for a while, but now I'm not.
I've been a little ill for a lot of the end of the year. Some of this physical, some of this mental. Either way, it's not been fun or nice and I need to sort myself out. I need to get fit and I need to sort my head out. A lot of the symptoms I've been having point to stress. I've always been a stressy person, but in a way that I liked and (I think) in a healthy way until recently. Headache constantly for at least 6 weeks, not sleeping, feeling sick most of the time, etc. So things are going to change.
Firstly I'm moving house. I love Alex and I quite like the flat we are in, but it's just contributing too much bother to my life. Having to hide Alex from the landlord, never getting rent (from anyone) on time, sorting out all the bills (I ended up taking over everything as people moved out), always finding someone or something different in my room. I'm not home often and need it to be less work when I am there.
I am stopping doing shows. I know I'll never quite quit completely, nor would I want to, but I don't have the time I would like to commit to a show and as such the last few I have done I haven't been happy with my work, making it Not Much Fun. I'll still hang around as I love many of the friends I have who are doing shows, and I can't sit and do nothing, but definitely less pressure.
There are plenty things I want to do, but I think I might take some time out and not start anything new just yet. I've still got orchestra and should really dedicate more (some!) time to practise and committee stuff. And I've got a weekend in Prague at the end of Jan, and 3 weeks in America/Canada in March/April booked, so it's not as if there's much time left anyway. And I've got LOADS of projects that I have or haven't started and want to finish. Lots of friends to catch up with and visit. Lots of dieting and exercise to do (yeah right - but the thought is there). Lots of money to save, therefore time needed to forward plan meals/make things instead of buying them. See, I'm still too busy! Good.
So that's the plan. I feel much better just for writing it down!
Is there anything else I wanted to write? I'm not sure. My head hurts.